it's lunchtime

> it's lunchtime
> guy in my office complaining about lifting / running & pains
> ask him how much protein does he take
> "lol bro you got any cocaine too?"
> all the normies join in
> they think protein shake = steroids
> get taunted about being a drug dealer for the rest of the day

How do you deal with this stupidity?

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tell them it's literally a by-product of the milk industry. it's just isolated protein. fucking morons.

Ignore him and let him suffer the lack of gains

Asking how much protein someone takes is a stupid question anyway. Nobody talks like that.

>How much protein do you take?
Moron. Ask him how much protein he "eats."
Read the fucking sticky

call him a SOIBOI

what I asked was "what's your protein intake?"

Yeah 99% of people don't track their protein intake, they don't care.

> get taunted about being a drug dealer for the rest of the day
That's hilarious, sounds like you couldn't handle the bants

>yfw he was right about cocaine

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glad hes gone

caring about protein intake is unironically a sign of a DYEL. if you eat one (1) portion of meat a day you are getting adequate protein

in a 3 hour window, eating your daily protein goal will be pointless as you body will not be able to process it all. same way when you take an ass load of a vitamin you just piss it all out.
there is no way you can process 100 grams of protein from one meal. and 100 grams ain't shit unless you are like a 12 year old asian girl.

I had some McChicken Nuggets earlier does that count?

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they all do its fucking retarded.


Three preoteins should be enough

nothing you said is true

Please enlighten me with some studies that corroborate this bro-science.

lmao, reminds me of when I was on a dorm meal plan and I was using protein powder because everything was high in carbs/fat and I was on a cut. People would get so triggered about me drinking a shake on rest days that I tried stopping for a few weeks until I started having problems with my lifts.

This is a myth. Don't peddle myths as truth.

> People would get so triggered about me drinking a shake

why the fuck were they getting triggered?

did they think you were roiding or something

OMG can't people respond when confronted with such stupidity?
You just immediately call out his bullshit while making him look stupid for saying something that dumb.
¨What the hell man do you really think protein has anything to do with cocaine? Is this a bad joke or you are serious?¨
You just became the alpha of the interaction.

Lmao. DYEL thinking

No, you should have got the buttermilk tendies. Missed opportunity.

>Is this a bad joke or you are serious?
what a perfect shutdown. I'm gonna have to steal this

He snorted preworkout mang not Cocaine

but is this a bad joke or are you serious?

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>couldn’t handle the bants
This is what’s happening.
Unless your office is inside of a gym you have no reason to ask a coworker what their protein intake is. You even worded it like a nerd instead of asking “how much protein do you eat?”
Your coworkers are trolling you because you are a nerd. I wish I was there to buy you a cup of coffee with a squirt of my piss in it and then slap a Tongue My Gay Butt sticky note on your back as I say “this one’s on me big buddy”.

It can be compact too.

>if you eat one (1) portion of meat a day you are getting adequate protein

wtf meat are you eating that has 150 grams of protein in it per serving you DYEL little manlet scrub

> Lunchtime, sit with coworkers
> Eat chicken, rice, beans and veggies
> "Haha user you're such a healthnut"
> Sure buds
> Ask the others how their gymlife is going while casually mixing whey with water
> Suddenly dead silence
> "user you shouldn't use steroids man"
> Ask the user who said that if he thinks a protein shake is steroids
> "Yes and they are unhealthy man"
> Laugh in his face for 10 minutes straight while calling him a retard
> Everyoneisoffended.jpg
> Boss comes in
> He's a bro
> user reports to boss that I do steroids right there on the table
> Boss asks to see steroids, I show him the whey
> Boss asks me to stop calling the other user a retard and stop laughing
> Can't stop won't stop
> Others start joining in on the laughter after I herald how the other user thinks a protein shake is steroids
> Get an 'official warning' while laughing it off with the bro boss in his office because user filed a complaint
> Other user quits a week later because I keep calling him Mr. Steroid Connoisseur every time I see him in a French accent (he was from France)

Just have a good laugh about their stupidity mate.

Lmao, shit like this is what provoked kidney failure to that kid years ago.

Yeah it was bantz but looked like they legitimately think that protein powder is something shady

boggles my mind that these people exist

>still believing you need more than 0.84g/lbs
>still believing only meat contains protein

fuck the french

>not weighing at least 180lbs

he was messing with you but you probably started getting flustered and began shaking. You're a fuckin autist, bro

the fact that you think it was "stupidity" shows just how oblivious you are to social interactions

> t. lé petit homme

sorry I meant 0.84/kg

you guys weren't there

I'm now known as Peter Powder

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> Peter Powder

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>Peter Powder

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>Peter Powder.

This is the reason I keep coming to this site.

kek pete u had it coming m8


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>Peter Powder

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Back in middle school, there was this kid who was a wrestler and really into lifting. Used to take creatine and protein powder.
As kids we naturally assumed he was talking steroids. We used to call him Bob the Chemist.

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Finally an alpha male gosh

Captain Picard looks like THAT?!

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> Peter Powder

A++ thanks for the laugh.

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>What's your protein intake brah?

do you wear your hate backwards as well?

Cool superhero name, pal

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> captain picard

no this is captain hardpecs

jokes on them though when you had crushed up oral steroids in your protien powder though, amirite?

>taking oral steroids

Enjoy IMMEDIATE kidney and liver failure.

>oral steroids

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Your co worker is literally retarded have paitience friend

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LOL say this to normies and they will 100% think you do steroids

How do you do deal with your autism, don't you mean?

Literally kek

Social mogged by normies

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Include me in the screenshot

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>Peter powder
>The arch-nemesis of Doublemint Dave

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Amazing how this starts off with another guy whining like a little bitch about his soreness but ends with everybody making fun of you about protein powder. How'd you let it get that far?

Isn't it obvious? OP is at the bottom of the social hierarchy at work.

almost shat myself, cpt. Riker!

Peter Powder picked a pinch of protein

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>t. autist

It's 0.82/lb

I hope they fire your drug using ass

Already debunked. The absorption limit is a myth.

Not in a million years. OP got put in him chump place like all of you who lift but don't develop social skills

My Mom is really fucking paranoid about me using whey protein and lifting weights Period. It is painful how misinformed she is, and that we are both stubborn is really not helping.

Let me guess, the guy at GNC told you this.


why do autists take everything so literal?
your coworker is just joking you dweeb

Just get bigger so you can mogg everyone. nb4 you'll get more accusations of steroids, does a lion worry about the opinion of sheep?

Tfw Doublemint Dave has procreated yet I have not.

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>Yeah man, I actually just railed a line
>You bet. I prefer meth on cardio days, though
>Yeah, you want an 8 ball?

etc, etc. agree and amplify and you take over the situation.

This is NOT funny stop replying you fucking normies

You clearly read PUA and shit like that instead of actually interacting with others.

if you wouldnt say any of those lines you are a pussy baby
theres really nothing else to say lol, i would say anything like that, and i do on a daily basis.

makes them realize theyre fucking retarded, without saying "youre fucking retarded"

>"you got any cocaine too?"
No bro, that's a big misconception about weightlifting, cocaine is bad for your heart. What you really need to be using is a combination of lsd and methamphetamines like the pro runners do, that's where the term "runner's high" comes from but you can ise it for weightlifting too. Just ask your doctor about it and he can prescribe you the supplements so you don't have to worry about it bein illegal.

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> Peter Powder

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sure, little ERP virgin. Back to your little fantasies.

What the fuck was he supposed to ask? "Hey, man, how many protons are you on?"

OP clearly cannot handle the bantz

Too soon

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>same way when you take an ass load of a vitamin you just piss it all out
Only after the vitamins bond to the free radicals in your system and make them harmless

>take a tub of whey to work
>pour it in his drawers and around his desk
>take a piece of tape and put it over the tub and write cocaine

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Please don't put me in the screenshot

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>How much protein do you take
>do you take
Whoops one second guys I gotta go inject my hourly dose of protein otherwise I won't make any gains.

I love this fucking board

>peter powder

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