Is it weird if I get a female PT when I'm a male?

Is it weird if I get a female PT when I'm a male?

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No but you'll probably get bs advice

No, but since you are here asking this question, I'll assume that you are going to make it weird.

>thinking that male and female pts go to different schools/courses

Not weird but the only valid female PT is an oni.

Go to Gloria at LA Fitness in longbeach and ask for the "happy ending" special offer. It's an extra 50$ a session and she's a little old but she definitely knows what she's doing.

I do it often too, and I fuck them after the second session.

its just as weird as if it was a male PT. stop being a pussy and learn to train yourself

lmfao exactly this

you'll get bs advice from female PTs, and you'll get it from males too

Never gonna make it.

What's wrong with that? Better that you get advice from a trained professional than from anonymous on the internet, surely?

I would think you are a faggot or really thirsty.

You'd be surprised. Do your own research and stop being lazy.

"Trained professional" means a competent weightlifting coach, not a fucking PT.

This. I've lifted in 8 different gyms. See people with shit form all the time under the eyes of PTs and they dont give a shit.

PT's know fuck all. In fact, not only do they lack knowledge, they are filled with mom-science advice. You want a 'coach', not a mother fucking PT.

Don't know what ghetto ass gyms you go to, but in mine the PT's are certified

People with gender studies degrees are "certified". It's a meaningless term.

women are fucking idiots, only decisions I let them make is "what's for dinner"

dumb post

What are those patns she's wearing?

The certs are a meme

is there any situation where you would hire a female over a male by choice?
I think not

hiring strippers

Is PT physical trainers or physical therapist? And is their a difference between them?

That will make the annual penis inspection a bit awkward, won't it?

Kek, this will happen either way though

male strippers work harder

>be me
>dyel as fuck
>sign up at golds about 8 months ago
>cutie braphog signs me up
>takes my info and all that other stuff
>do some test to see where I stand
>after all that return to office to finish putting in info
>”would you be interested in having someone help you around with gym user?”
>”it’s really helpful and you can make some friends”
>no thanks i like keeping to myself most of the time
>“Are you sure?”
>yeah I’m fine
>”oh okay”
>mfw I just cucked myself

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> tight gold necklace with short hair


>Is it weird if I get a female PT when I'm a male?
Only if you ejaculate anywhere that is not on or in her body.

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>Better that you get advice from a trained professional than from anonymous on the internet, surely?

if you want proper advice and training, then find an actual weightlifting or powerlifting coach.
PTs are just retards whose job is coddling other retards.


nah, worst thing that happens is you fart in front of them like i did

Its weird if yoh dont insist she spot your squats


It's only weird if you don't try to fuck her. Otherwise you're better off with a redneck football coach calling you a pussy every time you fail a lift