Your days of fat-shaming are over. You lost, Jow Forums

Your days of fat-shaming are over. You lost, Jow Forums.

Man up and apologize.

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off fatty


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Look like she got dick slapped by Papa Smurf



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Is she deliberately trying to look like a sumo wrestler?

I remember when Bjork was cute

Heard the song was to support the '#metoo movement', had to google it and apparently it's to stop sexual harrasment.
>Implying anyone has tried

>it's to stop sexual harassment
Fucking for real? Are these people deluded? All men have/have had moms -- every single one. Some of them have sisters and daughters. 99% of them are fundamentally AGAINST sexual harassment, and the 1% that aren't aren't going to change because of some vapid pop tune. This shit is so goddamn retarded.

>I'm not your toy you stupid goy

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Believing that this actually about stopping sexual harassment means they've conned you just as well as they've conned the fans.

Make me

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Yeah it's isreals way of spiting Japan

I am not your toy, you stupid goy!

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Satsuki sama, is that you?

I will never apologise for doing the right thing.


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>Fatty makes a song about chicken


Chicken is our animal. Our culture is not your Eurovision prop!


chicken is the official Jow Forums animal, providing affordable high protein meat and eggs.

She's not fat at all though. Her proportions appear to be perfectly normal and healthy for an adult female hippopotamus. Though I'm sure she would be happier back in the Nile where they found her.

I'd love to see a compilation of her eating. Nothing makes me happier.

Oh boy

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>the jews are banking on cultural victory

We're gonna need a bigger oven

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Who is this fatty and why should I care?

never thought bjork would fall for the ss + gomad meme s m h

>Log poster has moved to Jow Forums
today is a good day

I don't know who that is and I don't know why you think it's the final word of some argument you think we're having.

Haven't heard whatever song that they've apparently made, but I remember a few years ago there was some movement going around targetted at regular dudes. The core message was "we know you aren't sexist, and we know that the people who actually are won't stop because we asked. So we need you to be as proactive about speaking up as you can. If you see somebody spouting sexist shit, say something to them, because if it comes from another man they might actually listen."

I'm paraphrasing massively, but I thought it was a really nifty idea. I think we should focus on that rather than whatever the fuck the OP in this thread is trying to push.

well, nobody would touch this ham planet, sexual harassment BTFO for all eternity

I'm sorry you're fat

I listened to the song for a minute and it caused me physical pain. It is not that it was so bad, rather the essence of the song was wrong. Sorry, that is the only way I can articulate it.

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user, you lavk understanding of what phrase sexual harasment mean currently.
Its major stuff now like farting, looking at a women, telling jokes etc.
Unlike the old days where it was trivial shit like rape, "suck me off if you want to keep your job" etc.

Fuck you, fat pigs. It's better to be a fat fuck rather than hardgainer such as myself.

made me chuckle

googled heart disease and this showed up

i didn't realize whales could develop it

It’s virtue signaling brah. Works like a charm among young people.

The logs are omnipresent my friend. You cannot escape them no matter what board you go to. Just accept them and let them slide down your throat.

>I thought it was a really nifty idea.
get lost you filthy commie
Jow Forums is a libertarian board

>disgustingly obese Jewish whale wins fucking EUROvision
reeeeeeeee get out GET OUT FUCKING NOW

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You had me there lad.

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I finally went and listened to the song after having her posted a bunch. It's pretty shit. The bitch literally clucks like a chicken in it, too.

Isn't this what lefties are calling 'culture appropriation'? Where is the outrage now?

Some are/were actually mad about it.

or you could stop being a basedboy faggot
feminism is just a shit test to scare away beta males

In this extremely rare case, I can understand. Eurovision is supposed to be a representation of your country and culture. Sadly it has devolved into SJW pandering, letting people win just because they go against 'mainstream media' (a guy with a bird, now this turd).

But I can see people getting angry that the winner of this event, that originally aimed to show your own country and culture, uses the culture of another country.

Oh well, I'd actually give a fuck if I cared about Eurovision.

a guy with a bird. Jesus where am I with my head today. I meant to say; a woman with a beard, or more precisely; a crossdressing man. Their music was terrible. Not that Eurovision has amazing music, but some songs are actually pretty decent. Somehow always the shittiest of the entire bunch wins.

Why is Israel even in Eurovision by the way?

>Somehow always the shittiest of the entire bunch wins.
You really can't figure out why?

I must say I only follow it as much as that I know who wins. I don't follow it at all and usually don't even know it's on (until the winner is announced). Then I listen to some of the songs that were in the finals (and usually immediately regret it).

So no, I have no clue why. Does it all come down to popular vote or is there a jury?

Or Australia for that matter. Probably because jews, but who knows.

It's a jury by judges for each country (think like how scoring works at the Olympics for an event like figure skating). Shit like this song won because of the #woke message.

kek I wasn't going to say "because they're Jews" for the record. I wasn't aware the Strayans were in it either (and they shouldn't have been if you're going to have a European competition).

So it's rigged. Fuck it, I didn't miss anything by not watching. Too bad a lot of family friends are fucking obsessed by it. Since our family has friends from all over Europe, it's usually a 'get together' thing. Can't really escape the drama around it each year.

Started out angry ended up laughing.
Well played user.

I'd smash this slam piggy tbqh.

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khazer milkers

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