New York Times declares it “The Age of the Twink”

>New York Times declares it “The Age of the Twink”
Why even lift anymore?

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this is just propaganda to make you be a weakfag

Huh, guess I could be a model if that's the standard

that black guy third line from the top doesn't look twink-tier at all

Wtf I'm better looking than 90% of them and have a nicer body why aren't I a male model

Ur not gay

so you don't look like pathetic twink, what are you, a faggot?

Every single in this pic has bad posture.
What the fuck?

Remember when the news didnt just report a bunch of gay shit?

because you ain't sucking dick. i'm signed on to a modelling agency that occasionally gets me some side work which is nice, but I've seen guys coming in under me streak past to higher jobs because they pander to the people in charge.


That's the thing with twinks

>fashion companies and modeling agencies run by elderly homosexuals who mostly hire twinks

They couldn't get better looking twinks?

wow that twink on the bottom row 3rd from the left has got me ERECT

So much more motivation to get Jow Forums.
Fuck this gay shit

these niggas all look like Earl Sweatshirt lmao


That guys all have the body and the face teenagers. I would love to see the reaction of SJW's if a company started to hire teenage girls and put them in underwear for modeling, claiming that that is the look of the future.

look at all these horrible postures not a single ONE is good

He was way ahead of his time. In a hundred years the world will know he was right.

>Why even lift anymore?
Because no matter what the trend is, Humans will always be attracted to a fit, masculine man.
That is our programming.

Besides attraction, it's useful to be fit as well.

Twink = ottermode = peak performance

They own the media user.
Even the hyper masculine music you listen too is all gay dudes LARPing but occasionally dropping their het masculine bravado to allow their natural cock thirst to slip into the music.
Even music aimed at girls is hyper gay as fuck.


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>age of the twink
Sounds like the perfect time to build muscle

max par

twink master race reporting in

The article really admits that twinks are a gay fantasy.

I'll admit that the twink look is kinda popular for younger girls here at my college who seem to prefer the "cute" look

It's from being bent over all the time

Those girls have been ruined by birth control user.
The virile healthy men that normal fertile young women want are actually physically repulsed by said BC ruined girls on a deep instinctual level.
They look smell and act in a gross sexually repugnant manner.

So what your saying is that birth control pills make women go for less manly looking men like twinks?


Yes stupid.
This is a well known thing and part of a list of devastating side effects.

when nyt offers to give you fried chicken for a quick photo shoot then put you in an article about twinks for no reason

Didn't know that. Do you have a source for that?

I thought it was pure culturally and socially since here in Western Europe the only ones lifting weights and doing martial arts are Turks, Arabs and the lower class. So hitting the gym and being ripped can be disregarded as a lower status thing

BC prevents females from ovulating by regulating their hormones.

Women who are ovulating tend to rate traditionally "manly" men higher in attractiveness (opposed to effeminate men with feminine features) than women who are not ovulating.

Women on birth control were found to rate feminine features higher.

You can look up these studies.

based Nixon
Greeks confirmed fags

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>Even the hyper masculine music you listen too
I listen to anime songs, fag.

>Colon, G*rmany
>Half are niggers


Third from the left, bottom row, looks pretty alpha desu senpai.

We should make this happen for entirely political reasons.

No, stupid. That's not and has never been the case.
Just take a look at the kinds of men that women liked based on media in different ages.

Look at Japan.
The women are basically forced to take BC when they are close to starting puberty and their water is LOUSY with that shit.
They not only lust after men that are nearly women in apperance and bisexuality incidencies are high as fuck, but they outright loathe normal virile men.

Ive always been a bit of an outcast

Why stop now

>getting butthurt about all in the family
>claiming the greeks and romans were brought down by homosex
nevermind one of the greatest emperors of all time was as queer as a 3 dollar bill

3 along, 1 down
> G Y N O

Bloatlord save us all. Ragnarök is upon us

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>hey goy everyone's doing it anyway
>it's progress
>it's inevitable
>wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of history, would you?

Feel free to stop, I won’t miss you

If you find this kind of thing threatening then you probably are only lifting because you want acceptance from others (hint: if it makes you angry you are probably subconsciously threatened by it)

The lies they spout
No chick wants a skeleton, I a former skeleton should know

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Yeah bc stops ovulation by making the body think it's already pregnant. Pregnant women tend to prefer less dominant partners because less dominant partners tend to stick around to actually raise a child and contribute to the pregnancy with resources.
It's fairly well known that women seek more dominant well muscled partners for short term flings, and less dominant / argumentative weaker partners for long term relationships.

almost all of these guys are ugly lol
no homo

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>All those muzzies and blacks

Fucking kek

Yes, good goy

Being registered with a agency and calling yourself a model is different from actually getting work as a model.

Cute because cuddly, its also not the only factor.

>Women on birth control...
Certain types of birth control, not all.


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Litterally all hormonal birth control.
user, there's a reason cancer rates and heart attacks and even dissatisfaction with sex have been going up and fertility rates have been going down in first world nations.
Hell it's partially and in more then a few cases DIRECTLY responsible for the drop in test rates in men.

Fucking based. Archie Bunker was based as hell too.

Do the and think the opposite of whatever NYT does or says

Cant find a study so link or stfu.

why do redditors always need a study when the thing being said is well known

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You have to be handsome to qualify


fucking this

>greeks were destroyed by homosexuality

what exactly does he mean? when the Greek cities fell to Macedon? when the hellenistic kingdoms fell to Rome? Or when the eastern roman empire fell to the turks? By which time they were Christians for 1500 years and I'm not sure homosex was still in vogue.

Because in the land of the twinks even the one pl8 man is king

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Nice deflection, faggots.
Either the theory is completely bullshit or its not all birth control. Its because I know what they are saying is bullshit, the only change in preference happens to be exactly whatever who they are with is.


Link to article.

Do you honestly fucking believe that there would be a public publicized study that talks about the very thing that many well of eugenicists and big pharma and lez feminists have been pushing on people for damned near a century?

That they KNOW that birth control was causing cancer and fucking women's bodies up forever as well as the effects on the enivornment and people?

Hell no. It won't take you two yahoo duckduckgo google or aol searches to find dozens of very very scholarly and open talks about the devestating impact that birth control has had on the first world and why it's being pushed so heavily in the third.
Body and mind, fatties.

Literally all of the men in that picture are 3/10 so they don't qualify either.

See you lying sack of shit.

Twinks are delicious

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ahh the famous cabal of lesbian feminist big pharma eugenecists

I know the picture is a meme but they're both right. So are traps gay or not?

so uh, you think "big feminism" is running a massive cover up of the greatest health epidemic in modern history and every medical professional with any inkling is either in their pocket or under their thumb?
you are a simpleton

Post twinks

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That's not a study.
That's an article SAYING that it's wrong.

I can't find a link to the ACTUAL study in that article.
Fucks sake.
I doubt they can find even 20 women who haven't been on some form of birth control or are drinking water that is polluted with it.

thats the trick with philosophy, it's all pedantics. gayness is in the eye of the beholder
use google ya goof

>Why even lift anymore?
That makes it motivational to lift if anything, not demoralizing. While more and more men are not lifting, that dries up the pool of good looking guys for girls to choose from and increase a lifting man's chances of being selected.

Ottermode = twink + 20 lbs of muscle

Actually there's about 4 or 5 of them who don't have bad posture, but the angle of the photo makes it look bad. But the rest of them... yeah they have bad posture.

Based Naelposter

The war on masculinity continues

Maybe I'm not sure, twinks are just skinny fats from what I've seen.
Ottermode is a swimmers body, because otter. Skinnyfit seems to be what some of Jow Forums is for some reason calling ottermode. Really its all made up names anyway.

The Japs are going to have a population crisis in the next 50 years I can bet

The social environment of the participants as well as if they've ever used birth control and live in places with significant hormone pollution in the water is ignored.

It's basically useless for the most part.

They have one going right now.
But...once the olympics pop off and chad and jamal start wandering around...I can garauntee that half of the population will be biracial by 2032

Jew York Times is one of the most jewed MSM companies.

Funny because your entire post is just made up words anyway


Kek. No I meant an even worse crisis. What they have right now basically but after two generations when their population has halved and the economy is failing due to lack of working age people and a shit ton of childless elders and they have to import niggers in droves and their country goes down the shitter. Its gonna be fun to watch. But desu automation is fixing that problem. Everything is already fucking automated there, eventually AI will be good enough that a population of a few million won't be a problem as AI does everything anyway.

reminder that its just brainwashing, this is more directed at new yorkers who are completely within the delusion of reality

shut up you dork