I haven’t had a cigarette or dip in 2 weeks. How bad is just one cigarette/pinch

I haven’t had a cigarette or dip in 2 weeks. How bad is just one cigarette/pinch

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Very bad. Have some damn willpower.

Just don't do it

dude you made it 2 weeks youre past the physcal addiction. dont do it.

Read Allen Carr, faggot. You're not giving up anything by quitting smoking.

will power my man

You're giving up cigarettes?

Why don't you vape?

Not bad for someone like me who never smokes but for a faggot like you that’ll just relapse it’s very bad.

Imagine that you decide to get kicked in the balls, every single day, starting immediately after you have woken up, and then about every hour thereafter, until you go to sleep. Would you say you're giving something up by stopping getting kicked in the balls?
You have literally no reason to continue smoking. Read the book, dude.

Not that bad bro. Especially if you’re young. Smoke up

There's no such thing as just one.


Don't be a fucking retard

The choice you make now is pivotal. It's not even enjoyable. You're just an addict with cravings so you think it is.

Trips of wisdom

Don't do it OP. Remember you can always just smoke lmao420dude if you feel shitty.

I don't smoke.



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the just one little smoke mentality is a relapse i went through it a shitload of times just don't ever be near them and it goes away

quit smoking for 4 almost 4 months now, had intense cravings maybe twice between the second week and and a month and then it just disappears.

Keep at it OP, you won't regret it

You could apply that to anything, though.
If you use this logic I assume you never drink alcohol, masturbate, look at porn, consume sweets, avoid physical activity, watch television, etc.
If you want to quit smoking go for it, but saying that anything enjoyable serves you no purpose is a shitty way of thinking. That removes the pleasure of life, being human. Some of the best ideas I've ever had came to me late at night outside, with a glass of whiskey and a cigarette.
A better mindset to have is that too much of anything is bad. Obviously drinking to enjoy the comradery of your family and friends is a great part of life. Having a smoke after sex is a great part of life. Eating chocolate is a great part of life.
This anti-fun mindset is cancer.

Life is not supposed to fun. It’s supposed to be painful. Very very painful

That meme is old. Sadly it still rings true. One guy at the vape shop tried to explain how Sword Art Online was actually a great anime with a deep plot and not just the ravings of a 30 year old incel who just got done watching Spy Kids 3.

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Smoking a cigarette is much more enjoyable than getting kicked in the balls retard