
Cbt shitty chest inserts edition

6 months into lifting now, +30 lbs since I started from skele mode

5'7 140 lbs

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I need new pics edition

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32 yo
lifting natty for 15 years

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Here is a scenic picture of someone who doesn't appear to lift
Started GOMAD yesterday

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6'2 (188cm)
208 (94.3kg)
22 years old
1.5 years lifting

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185 Ibs
25 yo
Lifting for 1.5 years.
I feel like I only got serious 6 months ago.

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What should I do?
1,76 65kg
Not dieting/ following any program
Please tips

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>Tfw struggling to eat

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Nearly god tier shoulder to waste ratio though dude


Hit 2pl8 bench for 5 reps for the first time today

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2 cups of oats mixed with a scoop of protein blended with water is like 950 calories and 50g+ protein. Do that twice a day and youll be sweet

180 6ft how do I get rid of this hourglass shape?

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Well that pose accentuates it but you want lats get strong as fuck on weighted chinups and rows and that should help

What programs have you done?

>being a nigger ro failure

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1.75m - 5'8''
73kg - 160 lbs

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5'10 - 178 cm
132 lbs - 60 kg

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PPL and bulking for about a year averaging .65lbs/week. Started from 180, peaked at 220, now on keto to shed weight and restart.

As far as exercises
>Incline bench 8/7/6/4/6/7/8 (increasing weight with few reps)
>Dumbell bench 5x5
>Pec fly 4x6
>Incline cable fly 8x4 superset with 10 push ups
>Tricep dips 3x12
>Tricep pulldowns 4x8
>Skullcrushers 4x8

>Wide grip pull ups 5x5
>V-Bar pulldowns 4x6
>Straight arm pulldown 4x8
>Machine Rows 4x6
>Dumbell Rows 4x8
>statnding EZ bar curls 4x8
>incline hammer curls 4x8

>Squats 12/10/8/8 (Increasing weight)
>Lunges 4x10
>Farmer's Squats 4x8
>Leg Extension 4x8
>Following are done on another day
>Deadlift 5x5
>Barbell Glute Bridge 4x6
>Romanian Deadlift 4x8
>Leg Curls 4x8

Only recently started doing cardio and abs after every workout.

5'7, 140lbs, 12-13% bf. Won't have access to a gym for a week or so. Is it possible for me to drop body fat without losing muscle while not lifting?

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>12-13% bf

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lmaooo don't do my man like that

Cut out carbs while getting 150g protein

That is 12-13 percent body fat. People on this board are retards.

If a person with 16-17 percent bf is starting to look chubby, and a person with 7-8 percent bf is shredded, then what do you suppose a person in the middle would look like?

Why the morons on this board always think everyone has 14% bf and a person with 11-12 percent bodyfat should look like a fucking model, I have no idea.

You guys are really really stupid.

>cutting on keto
>just started doing abs
Jesus fuck you are literally me, except way better aesthetics. Ima add some of your, lifts thanks for this.

>using every bit of light advantage to show his fat abs
>obvious gut

stop lying to yourself

5'7, 175, 20

wtc traps, forearms?

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5'11 180

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Both are genetic lol, youre fucked

brb kms

Recent Auschwitz escapees first time posting in cbt, how the fuck do I even fix this back... shits so uneven i wanna kms

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the good news: both sides are shit so put some mass on that fucker. deadlift, barbell row (controlled with rom past knees is the nuts for me, emphasis on stretch always with the lats), lat pull down overhand grip inside or wide if subscribing to the wide grip wide back meme (pull ups are for faggy and not so essential at this stage), dumbbell rows pulling into the hip allowing long stretch at bottom, dumbbell pullovers or machine pullover if your gym has (this is lost in the golden era, idc if it's broscience get that big ribcage and you will be beast)

Most recent pic.

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He said that 12-13 Is visable abs and visable fat. I don't understand what you're trying to say with this post.

Thanks man, was honestly expecting just to get mocked. Never been too sure in how to add mass to my back, Ill definitely do these and see how it goes, my gym does have a pullover machine luckily, owner told me how hard it was to find. I'll post again after ive made some progress

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np brother, godspeed. just fire at it continuously and with intensity (dorian yates blood and guts vids for the hype), the lats can be trained more frequently than any other muscle, i only give warning with the deadlift as it will fry your shit if you overtrain with it. try the dumbbell pullover too, you get some tricep and chest action as well with a bit more stretch across the ribcage.

Will do man, thanks again

Diet and follow a program

Think I was 5'9 195 here

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This is the only person in the entire thread who actually looks like their height and weight.

Lookin' good, man. What's your routine? I'm 6ft 170 and about to start bulking again. Hoping to look like you soon tbqhsenpai

205 lbs
No need to lift

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he cute

185 cm
73 kgs
Bench: 85 kgs
DL: 140 kgs
Squat: 130 kgs

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my body literally looks like this, has anyone started with this and made a great amount of progress? want to boost my morale

Been a while, can I get a bf est?

6'6 200 right now.

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Ayo. Was like him but fatter and a manlet. I don’t have a before picture but I’m doing fine. Still a manlet though.

Thanks for the response, absolutely hate being skinny fat

Hang in there. You will get results.

Water fasting rn
Starting weight 89kg at 188cm tall

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Going for lean twink ottermode. What should I work on?

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>5'10 - 178 cm
>150lb - 68kg

Measured body fat at 16%
Lifts 0.5/1/2/2.5
After 3 months

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Already there

no shirtless ones atm I do one weekly. Will post in the cbt like 4 days from now

rn 193lbs at 6' 2"

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About 9 months lifting, never followed any diet and never kept track of nutrition
5’9” 155 lbs manlet

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>never followed any diet and never kept track of nutrition
shows lmao

Da fuck...after 9 months on even the shittest routine I'd have thought you'd look better than this.

not him but i started lifting again a few weeks ago and haven't been counting calories, just eating a fuckton and making sure i get enough protein

will i end up like this man in 8 months?

I haven’t even made sure i ate enough protein most of the time


You don't have to track calories for long. Just do it for like 3-4 weeks while you adjust your diet and for 1-2 after that till the habits stick. Once you get used to eating the required amount just keep to it. I wasted like 5 months of lifting because I just eyeballed that I was eating enough without counting.

With a pump and good light i think i look half decent, but normally i’m aware i’m dyel af. Any tips on nutrition?

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Lots of calories and protons.

And do some cardio so you don't have a heart attack and die early.

Fuck off back to your containment board

19 5ft11 176lbs

Recent pic, I’ve been lifting since I was teen but recently had to go through 4 months of chemo, so pretty proud of these 2 months of progress.

Also seen some other cancer lads on here and was wondering how long it took them to recover, cos my lifts are doing alright but my cardio is fucked

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Whats that stuff on your chest?

no shoulders exercises?

5'11" 200lbs

5 rep max

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Never needed to.

Is this gyno or just stubborn chest fat

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back to the containment board homo

so I'm not the only one with uneven nipples

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185, 77kg

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>doesn't post body

Looks like dried semen


Replace water with milk for even more.

6'4" at 165lb.
Started at 138 ultra skelly mode in october

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I'm 5'8' at 140 and yet I look like a skeleton while you look like a fat shit.

Why does this happen?

bloatmaxxing until I reach a 5pl8 deadlift and lmao2pl8 bench for reps.

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Can I get a bf% estimate? I think I'm slightly lower than 15, does that seem right?

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Stop fucking touching your chest

Ur at or above 15 skinny fat

How did you guys lose the lower belly fat? That is the hardest part for me trying obtain ottermode/swimmers body. I'm on a deep fast at the moment but no results so far.

Lifting for 2 years now

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nice jewellery, faggot

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Pretty good, more forearms maybe?

what is best beginner program?
also, what is best sup to get fuarkin shredded without injecting (capsules, powder, tablets)

Basic calisthenics and stretching.
After a few months of that then you can sit down and think about what you want out of your body since you're now fit and athletic enough to do any damned thing you want.

The best supps?
Creatine, zinc, magnesium, Vit D, and home cooked whole foods.

so ur telling me theres no such thing as 0 risk steroids you can take via capsule/?

No, the magic pill that every dyel wants does not exist. If it did everyone would be taking it.

There are no 0 risk steroids.
The closest to it is SARMS but we know fuck all about them, they are suppressive, and many of them are created as a form of birth control for men so you'll be shooting blanks and a lower volume of spunk while on it.

what about omega 3 fish oil my dad says that makes u strnog

It's supposedly good for your joints and heart but it probably won't make any noticeable difference at all.