
Does melatonin aid sleep or actually do anything?
in other words is it worth it what does it do? pls advise

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It tells your body it's time to sleep. Very good if you fly to another continent and have to change your body's internal clock.

As for just sleeping at your normal bedtime? Mixed reviews.

It won't knock you out or put you to sleep. It's a hormone that puts your body into the mood to sleep if that makes sense. If anything, it'll make it easier to fall asleep. Effects vary depending on person.

I find that it helps me. I used to really struggle with sleep and even have near panic attacks out of frustration from not sleeping. I take 3mg a little before I plan to be asleep.

I did also used to be a very heavy drinker and quit cold turkey at roughly the same time I started doing this which definitely contributed

Hell yes it does, take it about an hour before you want to fall asleep and get in bed with a book, see how long you make it.

I take 3mg every night, one hour before bed (I go to sleep at 10pm, unless I happen to work later than that).

Honestly, I can still fall asleep without it. Just takes longer. It's definitely noticeable when I don't take it, however.

if you're a retard it can have some pretty bad tolerance problems, dont take it all the time and take it in low doses. if you haven't given an honest effort to practicing sleep hygiene then I would suggest doing that first. that said, mostly no issues, just dont be a retard about it

I ordered 10mg pills, am I doing it wrong?

srs q
I'm also trying to cut back my drinking a lot so hoping these will help to sleep

10mg is fine, just don't go any higher.

Personally I’m a fan of Valerian. I’ll make a cup of chamomile tea with Valerian about an hour before I’m trying to go to sleep, usually does the trick

No much melanin aids cummies

I've been taking 3-5 mg since forever and I've never had any tolerance build up

I guess you really do mean you have to be retarded to build a tolerance to it

Aids sleep
Potentiates psychedelics
Exacerbates existing feelings of depression

Take the minimum you need to fall asleep so you're not drowsy the day afterward.

Melatonin definitely helps one fall asleep and get back into a desirable routine. Also, though this is only tangentially related, if you consistently ingest cannabis in any of its many forms, supplementing melatonin is a must as THC depletes melatonin. This is why many new users feel a sort of drowsy hangover the next day as their melatonin and other neurotransmitter levels have yet to balance themselves out. Over time users adjust to these levels but melatonin before bed always helps if you feel drowsy when you are not stoned.

t. joe rogan fan

That dose is a bit high. Try biting or splitting them in halves or quarters and ingest those smaller doses. With that high a dose you risk drowsiness the next day along with a few other undesirable effects.

Such as?

Not the user you replied to, but that was a real interesting episode lel

I feel like it gives me weird vivid dreams to the point where my sleep is not restful.

Melatonin dreams are awesome

your body doesn't absorb past 7g

Amazing post. Pic related it's you

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I get dreams like this too, just too real, I really wish I didn't have to use this stuff and could fall asleep on command.

Tried it and it doesn't work for me. I tried taking 3mg, 1.5mg and 0.5mg and they had no effect on me. I didn't sleep any better, it wasn't any easier to fall asleep and it certainly don't give me any melatonin dreams. If anything it made the problem even worse because i was too excited for the vivid dreams to fall asleep

Does it make depression and anxiety worse?

Not for me, I feel much better the day after as I have more energy from a nice deep sleep these help put me in.

It did make me sleepy, but after a while I developed tolerance.

I now use Quetiapine, and that shit knocks me out

Fuck that Joe Rogan scientific. It helped me sleep and is not a fucken placebo

Oh, I've also tried Zopiclone. It's pretty good too.

Yours doing it wrong. The body only needs half a mg. Beyond that, you're damaging your receptors, which will make it very hard for you to sleep without supplementation. Do your research on this. Melatonin is not to be used lightly.

This. I do this but I listen to music usually fall asleep within 30min

Source for receptor damage?


don't rely on supplements to sleep just fix the shit keeping you awake dipstick

I can't afford to shut off everything electronic for an hour or two before I go to sleep.

I take 1mg ~1 hour before sleep.
Experiment and find the lowest dose that works for you.

I honestly think it i placebo medicine. I´ve taken huge amounts like 5-7mg for months religiously and quit cold turkey = no difference in falling asleep, I actually feel I sleep more deep without the melatonin

Bullshit. It is a fucking hormone, not some cns stimulant drug. Shit like benzos, antipsychotics can mess your receptors so you cannot sleep without them ever again. Melatonin does not do shit

bump for this

Hormones exert their effects through receptors, user. They can become down-regulated.


IME it works the first night or two but then you get a tolerance for it