Anyone here regularly get less than 2 hours of sleep a day and still function fine...

Anyone here regularly get less than 2 hours of sleep a day and still function fine? I usually get between 1 and 2 hours of sleep a night and my gains are still good

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Jesus Christ I can't imagine myself sleeping that little. If I sleep less than 7 hours a day I feel like absolute shit

7 hours? What are you an infant

you sleep 1-2 hours every day? lets see your gains

Bigger bodies need more time to rehab you manlet twink.

You're gonna die young, OP.

1-2 hours of sleep a night is impossible, you're lying

you are literally killing yourself. gotta watch this podcast. it changed my life. Also what the fuck could you possibly be doing to only get 1-2 hours of sleep. sounds like bullshit or you are on coke

You on keto right?

lel i need at least 8

I only get like 4 these days because of a seasonal condition. Call it spring mania or whatever. My workouts are going fine. The biggest trouble is that I eat too much. Fatigue makes you crave for carbs and well, you're up all the time and don't get that easy nightly fast.

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I get 9 hours usually

I get 8-9 hours a night. You must suck at managing your time, user.

Enjoy your permanent tear troughs.

I try to always get 9 cause I go pretty hard with the training daily and want optimal recovery/gains.

i get a solid, uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep every night. no matter what time i fall asleep, ill wake up in 8 hours time. i have no schedule or job, i just wake up, shitpost, eat, lift, then sleep again

Speaking of sleep does anyone else here get regularly occurring sleep paralysis? For the past 2 years I used to get it once every month or so but for the past few months its been happening once or more a week. On the bright side, with it happening so often I've kinda gotten over it, and its no longer a horrifying experience, just more of a mild inconvenience.

Its gone from blind terror, and an immediate lunge out of bed the second I can move. To me just hoping the shadow monster and the unintelligible whispering voices show up on time so that I can get up and take a piss.

are you bipolar OP?

I used to sleep deep and through anything back in the day but these days it’s super super hard to fall asleep for me and then I end up waking up after 3-4 hours and am usually unable to fall back asleep for the night it sucks

You might be one of the 1-2% of the population with a mutation that lets them function normally with very little sleep.
Lucky mutant bastard.

I'm okay with 4-5. But 2? Only during finals. It isn't sustainable, at least not for me.

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(citation needed)

When I was on mirtazapine I would have to sleep at least 10 hours, any less and I felt like shit. Since stopping mirtazapine, I sleep 4-5 hours and feel good when I wake up.

Not a real thing

Literally google the sleepless elite

Why would you make shit up?




I am not joking

Studies show that low levels of sleep have a direct correlation with all cause mortality, and shorter life spans. The percent of people who can actually function on less than 5 hours a sleep daily is nonexistant, you are probably not one of them. Get enough rest, you are killing your brain and your body

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get tested for sleep apnea

unless you use something to improve sleep quality. with use of some medication you can make your 3 hours into 8 hours