Hey Jow Forums!!! HOW DO I ATTAIN THIS BODY???

hey Jow Forums!!! HOW DO I ATTAIN THIS BODY???

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>This is America

Attached: fat_people_on_scooters_171.jpg (674x506, 203K)

Eat 3 kids meals a day and
10 push ups a week

>reddit gimmick rap

10x bottles of s*ylent a day

You can't. This mode requires mud hunt constructing genes.

i hate niggas and i hate music past the year 2000

Be an ugly fucking nigger? I don't know, be born a subhuman, perhaps?

>this is america

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Is that Key and Peele on the right?

eat nothing but fried chicken, watermelon and flaming hot cheetos. for exercise, you simply scratch your nut sack and play basketball every day.

Chimp over the gun "issue" while ignoring the nigger issue that commits almost all the firearm related homicides

His music is genuinely bad, as in it sounds really bad and is unimaginative. The only single song of his I like is the chorus to 3005, the rest is him just talk singing. This is america sounds like shit, the lyrics, his voice, the african choire is the only enjoyable part. Im not a racist btw

Reminder to report shill threads

>making a joke thread is shilling

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Lol, I'm not a fan on the song but don't shit talk Donald Glover's looks. He's a natural 8-9/10 (unless you're the typical Jow Forums ">niggers \nXD" dumbfuck) that has a shitty body right now, which like 2 months of dieting could turn into otter mode at least. Jealousy and meme racist dickriding will never get you a gf.

Dude has been like that for over a year. He probably smokes a lot of weed and doesn't handle the stress of being an entertainer well. I sincerely hope he doesn't fall victim to a heart attack or something based on how his body fat tends to distribute itself.

Based though there was some good stuff in the early 00's but I agree.

>Im not a racist btw
Said every closeted racist alive. Go back to you bigoted faggot

I'm not a racist my dude but you sound like a butt hurt nigger.

No, I'm just someone who despises racism; the worst crime of them all, in all its forms

Gym once a week and half ass your work out.

>racism; the worst crime of them all
What about the crime of being a filthy nigger?

Everything, it's a prerequisite to commit some crime.

>a natural human instinct is the worse crime ever

>He doesn't like shit music
>Must be RACIST!
God I hope this shit will be over in a few years, black panther was a shitty movie by the way.

Can someone explain this video to me, why is everyone making a huge deal out of it?

Anyone have a BMI estimate on this dude?

Redbone is kinda catchy.

v edgy

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Okay grandpa.

It's a great social commentary about guns in America, bro!! Based blackbino did it again!

Dude can dance



Worse than 1st degree murder?
Think id rather be called a nig nog than be dead. Tis just a word you cunty faggot

>upset for niggers when they commit all the actual crime

why are you here

Bench press
Mondays and thursdays.
Eat whatever the fuck you want but aim for 22 bmi.

>this is america

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>Implying that the Western, Italian, and North African front had millions of dead Krauts.
Also, most Germans, millions of them, were killed by the Soviets. Not sure how retarded the person who made this is.

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i wish i was born in a different generation

>Jow Forumsfag
Pick two.

I've never seen a black guy with such shitty genetics. He looks like they took a black guy's face and put it on an Indian guy's body.

Most of the Americans did it for a job. My grandpa enlisted so he'd have three square meals.

Saying the Soviets killed "millions... of krauts"
While omitting the fact that the body count was like 8:1 in Germany's favor is asinine




Ngl he looks pretty bad and that song is absolute trash. Not even an edgelord I just like actual good rap music

Why did Americans start pretending Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks are white?

Why are you pretending they aren't?

Needed to control the "lessers" by putting them into a quasi second class white designation.
Also the whole "their great things are part of teh great white narrative" fantasy that trash need to believe.
They also needed an enemy to fight, so anyone dark skinned or native had to be the bad guy, even going so far as to destroy their tiny little non-white empires that allowed them to thrive on their own and bring them back down to whatever level they needed them to be at so they could use them.

Courage. Pic not related

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But who won the war?

I was legit a bit surprised. I thought he'd be athleticly lean based on his usual posture and look with a shirt on. Instead he's pure average; moderate body fat and little muscle visible.

Childish Gambino plays the role of the most influential figure in black culture today; the "trap rapper" which he acts out perfectly during the verses. You will notice that he sounds like every trap rapper out right now, the swag, the ad-libs, the content, the dances, etc. This song is about the vicious cycle of this kind of black culture and the damage it does to the community. It starts out very positive, the music is going and you think it's going to be a happy song. Then the "trap rapper" character kills the black man playing the beautiful music. He's blind to it at first though because the man he kills has his face covered. Still, it's a black man he kills who represented goodness, positivity, hope and positivity through the music he was playing, it's all symbolic here. Then the mood swings to the negative side and the children start to imitate him. They follow him, doing the same dances he does. He talks about his swag, that he's the man and that he has to carry guns, that he has no choice and he allows himself to believe this. The children are oblivious to the fact that he's a murderer. They just like the music and his demeanour, so they admire him, look up to him and imitate him, innocently. The drug dealer/gangster is always the "winner" in the hood because he has the money so he is an inspiration to those who don't see the bigger picture, the children. They are the ones who will eventually take on his role and continue the vicious cycle. So then he stops dancing but looks back to make sure that they are still hypnotized and following him blindly, once satisfied he moves on to the next scene by himself, leaving the children behind, still under his spell. The next scene at the...

at the second chorus features a black choir singing happy and uplifting music - the mood of the music is positive again. He comes in dancing to their song but then turns around and murders them. He then switches back to the trap character and the music switches back to negative. The victims were are all black church members, singing songs of positivity, happiness and hope. They were religious figures, which as we all know, are corner stones in the black community. He kills them. This time their faces are not covered, so he can see them clearly but he does it quickly. He is more ignorant now and does not need to hide from his victims, but quickly turns away and does not connect. Anyway, he continues and the children imitate him again, totally oblivious of who he truly is, and the impact he has on their community. Look at the background, the community is in now in chaos, it's on fire, literally, but the children still admire and follow him. They don't realize that he is the cause of the chaos in their community. Then he pretends to take out a gun and they run. He doesn't take out a real gun though but they still run in fear. This shows you that they at least know that he is dangerous so he can manipulate them with a simple threat. He has complete control through fear but at the same time this isolates and alienates him. When they run away, he is alone. This character causes confusion, chaos and imbalance for himself and his community. Then we flash to the final scene. You will notice that this looks like a nightmare and he is running from white people. They represent the law, authority and accountability for his actions - figuratively of course. He just keeps running away just like when you are running from your fears in a nightmare, it's terrifying. This is the only thing in the entire video that puts him in fear and you can see it on his face. So ultimately, this song is a message and a strong statement about....

how the black community, mainly the youth, glorify the "drug dealer, murderer, gang member" figure ignorantly, without understanding the complete nature of their role and the negative impacts they have on the community, only to eventually repeat the vicious cycle. I guess this is why they say art imitates life. I guess it's also why they say that art is supposed to make you feel something. Let me tell you, when he pulled the trigger the first time, and the music switched, I felt something. I know you did too. Well done Gambino!

Watcha got in here goy?

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Well yeah.
Blacks aren't given anyone else to emulate in media and wily media types litterally DECIMATED black music and media and replaced it with faggot actors pretending to be all REAL and GANGSTA and shouted down and even ran out any blacks who disagreed with what they were doing or doing something different with "NOT REALLY BLACK" and here's a favorite one "NOT FROM THE STREETS!!".

But really, why shouldn't they glorify drug dealers? What else do they have to aspire too?
Money is pushed as the greatest thing, blacks are largely marginalized while good black businesses are decimated on the regular, and gunviolence is how you protect yourself from them and others.

r u me

Lost it.

Not sure if to blame the National Socialists for tainting the northern spirit and being unable to enjoy your own heritage without being some nazi sympathizer or the Jews who tried so hard to make nazis the biggest demons the world has ever seen

Stop lifting.