Gallbladder flush/liver flush

anyone done one of these and actually got gallstones to come out?
what method did you use? I trust Jow Forums more than some faggot youtuber.
in case you guys didn't know, this is supposed to be very good for overall metabolism of food you eat so everyone should take note.

Attached: nettoyage-du-foie-photo-2013_04_05-a.jpg (469x437, 73K)

The pieces that come out are soap made of alle the oil and base you drink.
Whoever does this is a retard.

That doesn't sound right at all. Plus gallstones are a well-known health issue.

> Proponents of gallbladder cleansing claim that the treatment helps break up gallstones and stimulates the gallbladder to release them in stool. The large, repeated doses of olive oil in gallbladder cleanse preparations do have a laxative effect. And people who have taken a gallbladder cleanse report finding lumps that look like gallstones in their stool just after the procedure. When analyzed, though, these lumps turn out to be composed of oil, juice and other materials.

~ mayoclinic

Then how should people get rid of gallstones?
Removing the gallbladder completely seems like a very extreme move, like how they used to cut limbs off in medieval times instead of treating them.

(1) Cholecystectomy for any symptomatic gallstones.
(2) Lithotripsy

This is kind of like arguing removing the tonsils when they are chronically infected and causing constant pain is 'medieval'.

The gallbladder actually regulates bile though. Without bile you can't break fat down properly. Without fat being broken down you are going to get some serious conditions occurring.

Wrong, I had my gallbladder removed and I'm fine. It stores and concentrates bile, your liver produces it.

Yeah, and the tonsils are a part of the lympathetic system.

The spleen is a part of the immune system.

The appendix is a part of the digestive system.

Is it causing you pain? Is it reducing your quality of life? Is it not manageable? Remove it.

How does your body store bile without a gallbladder then?


It's 100% true, that's just soapified olive oil you're shitting out.

Alex Jones took a giant bubbly olive oil shit and now you're here telling me he has the key to liver health.


Gallstones that aren’t blocking a bile duct do not matter. You probably don’t have any, and if you did there’s no point in doing a “cleanse” to get rid of them. If you’re really worried about it you could ask your doctor about ursochol, which is a synthetic bile acid that can be used to try and break down gallstones, but there’s no reason for you to do this.

I haven't tried anything yet
Also Alex Jones is a mentally-ill turd, you're not really convincing anyone when you mention turds like that

>being this bad at reading comprehension

American public education.

Yeah I only read the next part of that after I read that turd's name and filtered the rest of the comment out the 1st time. I'm British btw.
k I'll try. Have you tried this already? I have dry skin and a friend who knows a lot of meme science told me that I might have a problem with my body not breaking down fats properly.

Alex Jones has been pushing the "liver cleanse"/shitting out "liver stones" garbage so that's where you are now.

Good job.

It could be that my friend heard his meme science and thought he was right. He also thinks flat earth could be true. Guy believes in all kinds of weird memes and each time someone debunks them, either on Jow Forums or elsewhere, I find myself giving him less and less credibility.

>I find myself giving him less and less credibility.

Wise. A good litmus test to determine if someone isn't worth listening to is if they fall for nu-pyramid schemes (aka MLM's)

The thing is how are people stupid enough to buy any specific Tard Jones cleanse tablets or whatever? From what I've read, all the required ingredients for the cleanse can be bought off the shelf, like olive oil and lemon juice.

He's poor as fuck which is another reason I lack much faith in him. He knew about crypto but didn't buy in, unlike me.

It doesn't, it just produces a constant, steady stream of bile at that point. Why not use google

You drink this twice a day.
>2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
>1 tbsp Lemon Juice Concentrate
>1 tsp Baking Soda

tsp Baking Soda
is this going to create mustard gas

No, but it will dissolve gallstones and kidney stones.

I've got gallstones mate, you can't shit em out. Not eating too much fat and avoiding sugar as well as drinking mint tea pretty much sees off the pain, at least in my case.

Also don't buy into the lowfat meme, your gallbladder ejects its contents to help you digest fat. If you don't use it... eating like a high carb lowfat diet then the shit inside it isn't expelled and congeals.

How do you know you have them, i.e. how do you properly get this diagnosed, I would really like to know because I'm getting tons of mixed signals.
Also have you tried any of the remedies suggested ITT and did they work?

I got an ultrasound that showed I have gallstones as well as polyps on my gallbladder. Cider vinegar makes a slight bit of difference, I'm not a low IQ moron so I never bothered with the olive oil crap, the only thing that's really helped me is changing my diet.

>the only thing that's really helped me is changing my diet.
In what way

Cutting out saturated fats and overly sugary crap, I've dropped three stone in the process as well as minimising the pain.

How do you take the cider vinegar, i.e. how much do you have, diluted or not, how often, what type (apple cider vinegar), any specific variation?

drinking acid with base just neutralizes it into water n salt u dimwit. absolute state of mom science in fit. time to get off this godforsaken website

Cider vinegar and a capful or two, helps bile flow allegedly

you can do it with epsom salt. it legitimately helps in my experience.
just dissolve like 5 spoons in a cupful of water. foul taste, but makes you shit those gallstones.