Gym teacher wants me to organize the warm up for the rest of the class tomorrow

Trips choose the warm up program I use.
No barebells, no machines.

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100 second planks

And if anyone drops their knees start counting again.

50 burpees
100 if they actually aren't shit

So close

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Jump rope with big tit girls up front

Almost /thread.
30 sec planks, 30 second 6inches

Half the people stuff some piece of cloth down their shorts as tails. The other half have to chase the squirrels and steal their tails.

Throw out 3 pairs of cloths of one color and two of another. The first 3 are thrown weapons. Anyone hit becomes the thrower. If the thrower misses: 10 press ups.

The other two are melee only.


The more childish the warm up game the better. Everyone has a blast.

It's a male only class.
[spoiler]N-no homo tho[/spoiler]

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69 burpies
Then 42 second plank
Then 12 squats

make sure you do the penis inspection beforehand

Are you old enough to post here?





60 second planks. If one person fails the clock restarts.

a class wide game of chicken dick

mass suicide x 1
If you're too much of a pussy to do that then 50 pushups

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Roll 4 dis

5 mins of wallsits

Dumbbell clean and jerk
Dumbbell snatch
Dumbbell goblet squat

100 second planks. If one person fails the clock restarts.

40 minutes of jumping jacks


20m shuttle run test

weighted yoga

100s planks if someone fails restart

3 minutes of jump=>duck=>plank=>duck=>jump... warm up
20 spider push-ups
minute of crunches
reversed crunches
minute of plank
stretches (lay on back, cross one leg and roll to other side)
another push-ups
3 minutes of running


fuck me dups are for pussies



Make one yourself pussy

do Bateman's morning routine

Barbell flies


Pull ups


1. 60 second planks, if anyone drops or has incorrect form restart the count.

2. Synchronized burpees x20. If they are out of synch restart the counting.

3. 3x5 Chinups, if they can't do it they have to run a lap for each rep they failed to complete.

4. Strict form pushups 3x10, if they can't finish each failed rep will be 10 seconds added onto the amount of time they will have to plank for.

5. 1 mile run

goddamn just make em do squats

Bodyweight SS plus all the milk from the school cafeteria.


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Girls line up facing the boys. Everyone gets naked and starts masturbating. Every time someone comes, the whole class has to do a lap, then continue as before.

well done (you)

Hand stand pushups till failure


Genuinely good advice... on MY Jow Forums??

Here pic related as warm up

Attached: FF185980-CC30-44A9-833A-F1C45F58A56E.jpg (322x456, 36K)

Make them run suicides for 15 mins.

3pl8 squat

Human flag for 30 seconds