Does anyone else have this same exact shit on their arms/legs?

Does anyone else have this same exact shit on their arms/legs?
I've tried home remedies and it didn't help, NOTHING the dermatologist gives me works either.

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I had that when I was 17.
I was going through puppetry and pimples started appearing on my arms.
The doctor said that it happens when a hair root fails to grow a spot might appear.
Now I'm 19 and it happens once every 2 weeks

I'm 21 and still have it

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>magnesium deficiency

Need more sun and veg and greens.
Also change your bed sheets every other day.
Cut out milk and grains for a month.
And do you get those on your titties?
Let me see

OP it's 100% your diet. I had that shit in my early 20s and it went away by removing sugar and food that had a bunch of x y z letters in the ingredient list. my personal theory is that your body doesnt know what to do with it so that picture happens

>tfw going through puppetry
>strings grow on my penis

what the fuck is puppetry?

pinochio pls go

Duck autocorrect

Wash your bed sheets.

This is just an image i found on jewgle


>doc, what's this shit on my arm?
>oh that's from eating food with xyz letters in it, your body doesn't know that portion of the alphabet and makes pimples instead

I've tried. IT DOES NOTHING.
I think it's hormonal


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I don't eat much junk food ,yet it remains

>TFW your body is so stupid it doesn't even know the full alphabet.

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top kekkles

If it's Keratosis Pliaris(which looks like it could be) use lotion after showering
Specifically lotion that has amlactin in it

cold showers will fix that right up

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I have that too, and it ended up being mast cell disease

5% BP wash got rid of it for me.

mine has never been that bad, but I have a ton of them on my triceps and legs
they're starting to disappear now that I've cleaned up my diet and am dry fasting

I have it BAD at 26. Have had it for years. My arms, shoulders and upper back are scarred to hell. I've tried cutting dairy, changing sheets daily, sleeping in a fresh shirt every night, cold showers and praying to the God of Bacne with no success. I only just now started Benzoyl Peroxide on it because until recently my skin was too sensitive for any strong lotions. Hopefully BP works.

I still have Bacne too Anne-Marie don’t sweat it. Just take more showers. Dove soap helped me a ton, as well as using head and shoulders for its zinc

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I just have bad shoulder acne

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