when will Jow Forums faggots leave Jow Forums?

ha enough of you all, dropped in for the first time in over a year and its even more unrecognizable. This used to be the funniest board and full of people trying to make it, now its some baron wasteland full of autsitic perma incels who have no intention of trying to improve themselves in any way.

you guys have no fucking banter what so ever. where are all the OGs gone? did you all get worn out by these faggots or something? I remember these incels infiltrating and going against any advice given, must not have changed.

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Nice blog

go fucking lift faggot or stop posting here

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I got worn out by retards and faggots both here and on bodybuilding.com.

I swear fitness itself jumped the shark, retards and normies are all doing it now. I just quietly lift now, I don't talk about it anymore.

bb.com got infested with them around about 2013 too.
We're just getting older man. I remember when i thought zyzz was the shit and huge, now i don't fee lthat way anymore, but he still embodies that culture of improving and making it whe nyou ignore the coke binge death.

These fags dont wanna improve shit, they want to have everything explained to them why they cant make it and its pointless to try while dragging everyone else down because if they cant make it nobody can, it hurts them too much to see.

Yeah BB.com was great then got gay fast after the king died. I think I joined in like 2009 or something with my 1rd account.

We have weharboo threads on the front page four times a week and incels whining about basedboys and black people every damn day. Shitposters moved in. People who actually go to the gym are moving out. Now watch as this post gets twenty replies from trump voters acting as if Jow Forums was always this way.

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can confrim
in the past it was just >tfw no gf posting for shits and giggles, while actually working hard on getting some game

now so many faggots hating on women and everything without trying to see their own failures and working on them

You just scared out all 30 year olds with those dumb threads, enjoy your underage morons

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are the worst thing to ever happen to this site. what made them come here? they obviously dont fucking lift or want to improve themselves, which is apparent from their dogmatic approach to everything.

I came back for Jow Forums and even that is a better board now but they are creeping in

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Jow Forums has gone to absolute shit now.

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>what made them come here?
A Daily Mail article that said people who work out are more likely to be right wing.

This. I took a 2 year hiatus from Jow Forums and when I came back it was full of fat people and bitter Jow Forums fags. It makes me prefer places like bb.com because atleast there you can verify whether or not the person giving advice has the body to back it up. Here, the answer is almost certainly no.

I’m a trump voter and I hate the shitposting too. This is no place for politics. I saw somebody call Steam Rolland a nigger. Sad times.

I hate women, normies, niggers and Chad's and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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This is a terrible place for fitness advice

Jow Forums (or even imgboards in general) is shit for other than banter and funny pictures. I've frequented a bunch of different boards here since like 2005 and it's always the same thing. The fleeting nature of the short thread-life and the anonymous posting makes it an echo chamber where everything is regurgitated and parroted without real discussion because there's no downside to not putting forth proper arguments and sources and writing proper ambitious posts. They'll be gone in an hour or two anyway.

This in combination with the fact that Jow Forums users tend to be contrarians makes the boards extremely stale and lacking of anything of value. Occasionally you'll find some interesting pointer but mostly it's just the same old "read the sticky do SS" etc that you've heard for years. I used to go here for info but grew out of it and go to youtube, commercial websites, forums, or even facebook pages or reddit, where you'll find actual information on fitness. Still come here for the funnies but apart from that it's useless. If you want to improve yourself I suggest you do the same.

Nice original content

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I'm sick of seeing the catalog be half non-fit women.
literally everywhere else online already has that