I've tried everything but my wife's son still refuses to eat fruits and vegetables...

I've tried everything but my wife's son still refuses to eat fruits and vegetables. Is it possible to be healthy without them?

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water, supplements, and an otherwise balanced diet that doesn't contain fruits and veg.


Make things you can hide veggies in.

Spaghetti sauces, baked goods, meatloafs, burgers, chilis, soups, pot pies, fried rice, stir fries, etc.

Try making substitutions like veggie fries and mashed parsnip/celery root/cauliflower.

>my wife's son

Al Michaels says he has never eaten a vegetable and he's doing well.

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That bacon looks like fucking rubber

Celery with peanut butter is a good snack to try and start a switch.

Try beating him with a belt every time he leaves the veggie son the plate. If that doesn't work, you should rape him when you get home from work.

Kids who are involved in the cooking process are more inclined to eat what they make even if it has vegetables in it. Don't just hand him a plate and wonder why he doesn't appreciate food.

>my wife's son

>kids instinctively dislike veggies


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haha hey OP, your wife has a son lol. it sounds like maybe she had a kid with another man. this can certainly be a challenging situation for all parties involved, and could even be interpreted by some as a direct affront to your masculinity! lol!

>my wife's son

Dubs confirm proper course of action


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Nothing wrong with it

Don't be a cuck. I say this because I care, user.


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>t. that 30 yo dad in the gym

This isn't true, babies instinctively like veggies and grow to dislike them over time as kids after they've developed a taste for the sweet stuff

make sweet corn and then mix in some peas and carrots. ez

>Is it possible to be healthy without them?
Yes, but there are vitamins and minerals that are hard to find in meats and cheeses so you might want to slip him a multivitamin each day. I avoid fruits because they are mostly sugar, and vegetables because they are expensive and tend to cause gastrointestinal distress for some reason (too much fiber maybe), and I've always done alright and I'm in my late 30's.

This. /thread

buy vegetarian food that looks like the normal shit food he eats and he probably wont know any better,

you know what good on op for stepping up and helping the poor kid out. The kid cant help that his real Dad bailed on him, why shouldnt he have a chance at becoming a decent human being instead of a bastard?

I knew that breakfast looked familiar

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