
/fraud/ - Cunthetics finally fucking did it

Read all of before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI. (.5g arimidex every two days starting adjust as needed, it's in the wiki wrong becasue plebbit is retarded)

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


Attached: bastard.png (1725x985, 1.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

If for very specific reasons one was trying to maximize results from a single 6 month training window and after 6 months would have to be completely off gear for a year, would it make sense to cycle at all during that time? Would your performance be undermined in the year after you get off? I'm looking at 500mg/week test propionate and an AI, but most resources do not assume a relatively short duration.

This would be to support a specific career goal which is why I list the time constraints this way.

also most of the stuff online is for people on gear for bodybuilding. does anyone have reading material or other info on using PEDs for athletic performance? Especially across multiple dimensions of fitness

What happens if I take steroids and I eat six cheeseburgers from McDonald’s every day? I get fat and muscular?

1/10 low quality bait

also bump, roiders get in here

I'm no athlete but from what I've seen of athletic cycles (and someone else can chime in that has more experience/info) they mostly use tendon/joint-friendly AAS (rehashing pic related for the billionth time) and lower to mid test doses. however, since you'll likely end up doing only a cycle or two (depending), it probably won't hurt you too much just to do test or test + any oral and just keep track of how you're going

also one thing you might want to consider is if you've never used test prop, some people end up feeling very sore/bad pip/bad cramps on it. so you might want to buy test e or somesuch as a back up in case it doesn't pan out with your level of activity

either way, steroids aren't magic and if you are eating a shit diet or your 'career goal' training is inefficient you won't come out after 6 months as arnie (I mean, let's be honest, you wouldn't anyway)

>performance undermined in the year after you get off

if you don't do proper pct, have shit diet, or don't keep up a good routine, of course

no matter what you're gonna lose some of your gains, but you should still be able to perform reasonably (granted, you might feel like a pile of shit during pct, depending)

you grow mantitties

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I’m not joking lmao. I’m gonna start my test e cycle in a couple weeks. I’m gonna add six cheeseburger without any kind of sauce.

you develop muscle and then the rest of the excess calories that can't be used to make muscle go straight to fat so you become a fatty with muscle underneath

why not just eat properly so you don't become fat instead

you can eat anything on your roid cycle, just like you can eat anything without your roid cycle. but if it's not got the proper macros, you're going to suffer. and if it's above your daily teedee, you're going to gain weight

if you are 15%+ BF as a male and do steroids, you have a higher chance of getting sides, including growing mantitties (particularly at 20%+ BF)

so I'm not kidding, either

I’m 12% my requirement is 2500 so I’m gonna eat 4000 calories a day. Road to 30 lbs of pure muscle

pill presses are neat

more like 15lbs of muscle and 15lbs of pure fat

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I don't care about how I look at all. All I care about is being strong, running fast, maintaining my current level of endurance, and avoiding injury or health problems. It would not be beneficial for me to look remotely like Arnie.

why does your tdee seem so tiny at 12%

am I imagining this wrong

>Blah blah blah blah blah
Enjoy harsh adjustment mid-cycle when your plan falls apart. Was getting fat part of your plan? What happens if you take the fat off? Would it be painful to see the scale go back?
>For you

This is one of the best posts you've made and it made me laugh.

>What is a manlet Auschwitz survivor.

Have any of you bought steroid powder and used it to make your own injectables? Is it safe? It's alot cheaper then buying the stuff already set.

I'm a newbie and thinking of doing an oral anavar cycle. How bad of an idea of this? My liver is fine and I don't drink

Are you female?

This is how I look now
190 lb
5 11

Road to 220 lb

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Unless you're looking for specific benefits of var like tendon health or own a vagina, you'd be better off with a regular test e cycle and if you really want can use var as your oral

I was right your claimed tdee is almost at what mine would be for maint and I'm a George foreman
Might wanna recalc that, would probably help you without using roids as you appear to have a way to go natty

>What happens if I take steroids and I eat six cheeseburgers from McDonald’s every day?
Alright very funny guys, but if you're gonna make fun of me at least use your real trip.

You’re all cutting edge juice fans
Are SARMS worth anything?

I have no time to be natty I want to be huge!

On week 8 of of test e 500/ the gains are fucking ridiculous I also added var 50ed for the last 5 weeks. I'm feeling like a fucking king, is time on +pct = time off a meme? This shit gives me more confidence than coke, I feel like a million bucks and the gains are inhuman. I really don't want to stop, or if I do then start back up again soon. How long should I wait before my next cycle?

>is it a meme

I suggest you try pct and being off to see how cycling feels to you before jumping to cruising

Most who b&c plan to use forever so that's something to consider

That said if you're handling things well and your bloods are good you could extend the length of your cycle, but it may make pct less of a joyful experience (depends)

Most likely you weren't at your 'natty peak so the gains are coming like nothing, eventually you'll hit a bump in the road and it won't seem as endless

If I start a steroid cycle and I am not on my natty peak what should I expect from it

I’ve never heard anyone mention varying amounts of gear depending on body size. ie if I’m 220lbs 6’2”, am I supposed to be pushing the same amount as the 130lbs twinklords running these threads?

orals are good to fuck your liver up and waste some of the drug due to it being processed. your liver may be fine now but 20 years down the line you may have issues other people who didnt use orals won't have. just get a couple insulin needles at a free needle program for junkies. I'm also pretty sure vials of juice are cheaper than pills, anyway. Anavar is not the greatest steroid unless youre a female or are extremely worried about your tendons, however for your first cycle tendon health shouldn't be affected. For your first cycle, depending on what you do (bodybuilding, oly, or powerlifting), youll probably wanna do test e and/or deca. dont forget to get an AI and SERM, you might not need them but its better to have them and not need them than the other way around.

If Tren is the king of aas, what is the point of taking anything else other than test +Tren cycle. Im new to this so, genuine question. Can someone explain what the other popular compounds do and how they’re different from each other?

good rule of thumb, any dosage that r/steroids suggest, go ahead and increase it or increase how often you'll pin that dose

It's I didn't read the Reddit sticky time of year eh

Depends on a lot of different factors: your diet, routine, genetics, natural hormone levels

Generally you'd see an obvious boost, but if you don't have the basics down, are too young or have too high bf%, you might just end up with sides and look like a dyel

They are not magic after all

The only time it's based on your weight is with things like higher bf = higher chance of sides, or how things like mast are better at lower bf% and wasteful at mid to higher

Everyone reacts differently, horrible sides, need to see how hormones are effected by compounds, need to know what you're doing to see the best of tren and deal with sides

Tren makes a lot of guys into multipersonality where they switch from aggressive rapist to homo lust crybabben


when i was a noobie, i went with test and deca because thats what Rich Piana did for his first cycle and I figured him to be the best source of steroid info, and for the most part following his advice has always been good for me. Tren has more side effects than other steroids, and theyre pretty rough. your cardio is gonna be killed because of how much you'll be coughing. tren alone can give you temporarily erectilie dysfunction, but i dont know if that would happen if you were to cycle with test. acne is way worse than regular roid acne, and if you're genetically predisposed for balding, if you don't take a lot of precautions and constantly check your scalp, your hairline could age 4 years in one cycle. it may be a godlike compound, but theres a lot of side effects. another big thing is that if its your first cycle, you probably don't know how to take complete advantage of your workouts, and won't make as many gains as someone who's been lifting and juicing for 10+ years.

>that pic

So what would be the ultimate stack to maximize collagen synthesis for supple youthful shota skin so I may be used for many years to come? While also making gains?

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>nothing but roids and cheeseburgers

You'll probably have a heart attack in your thirties like CT Fletcher.

3000g of cum x3 eod

Tbh though var+low test would probably be the 'best' for skin while still making gains from what I've read

But we could always just put you on mtf trt for maximum estro progest skin gains

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Should be hrt, phone autocorrect

but high estro makes me bloat up!

>Tbh though var+low test

What is low test? 200mg a week?

Who's cum tho..

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if you work out too you will get good gains
do not listen to the twinks here saying you will only gain fat, maybe that happens to them because they literally dont even have a gym membership lmao

Am i supposed to do this?

I've seen it in movies to get rid of the air

forgot pic :^(

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is the gayness from steroids permanent or does it go away when i cruise?
although i kind of like it...
this shits my new jam

it really doesnt matter but if you want to be perfect flick the side of the syringe so the bubbles float up to the top then push it so 1 drop comes out the needle tip. The drop lubes it up for your butt

Estro makes us all bloat, senpai

Bloat and water retention is e n d l e s s

Yeah 200-250 iirc


We'll make a fraud community contribution trough

can i run every day on test e?

Bad idea but not exactly. Your lipids would suffer. And yer heart.

>coming from god, one of the fattest, bloated trips to date

Yeah increase your tdee to 6k cals user then you'll be "making it" just like him!

If only there was a wiki with compound profiles and threads of experience contained within it...

Its all i ever needed

Try it and find out mate

bitch for all we know you are the fattest trip to date right now because you wont even post a pic

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you'll be fine i cycle everyday and havent really noticed much of a difference overall. Ive done some running too and didnt notice any real difference

I did this when I started lifting minus the steroids

1kcal of McD's after every workout

Felt good gained a billion pounds of muscle and no extra bf% but I am a genetic freak

>fattest trip
I was gonna make a sleazy joke about her having a nice fat ass but I think that honor goes to masT desu. Some plz post the masT assT

homosexuals are not allowed on this website

do you think it'll help build all of those muscles that lifting doesn't? basically does cardio build muscles on gear?

Pretty sure only homosexuals are allowed on this board

Well how twinkish were you when you started working out?

>We'll make a fraud community contribution trough

What have I done to wrong you あね D:

Also 200/wk was absolute hell for me, I was all around dead from dick to mind so I can't see how i'd be a good cumslut like that.

senpai please, I just want to be beautiful and abused

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this is Jow Forums, the faggiest place on the internet

Considering there is literally a something awful group of trannies and lesbians who destroy any gay website becasue at this point gay men are "sexist and transphobic", it's no surprise so many homos here

I weighed 175lbs. Not really twink I had more muscle from wrestling before I started lifting than half these people in the gym with me right now

>roiding for this

you're going to bloat the fuck up from all the sodium (745 mg per cheeseburger.)

is that pic before roids?

Whats the shortest time any of you gus have gone between b&c? currently on 170mg teste pw for about 6 weeks now. i have all my vails for my next cycle just sitting there teasing me.

Hows it feel knowing the hypothetically 'fattest' trip is more qualified to give diet advice than you?

mr. "hey guys I just discovered eating low carb is like magic have you ever heard of a diet like that?"

lmao how do you even reply to me

not to mention if I posted a pic you'd just go on a 'dumb whore' hunt because it's better ass than you'd ever get

i dont really think cardio will make you build muscle even on gear, the gear will just help you preserve your muscle.
Though it really depends on what kind of cardio, are you running 10 miles slowly? Doing 100m sprints?
if you are doing short high intensity cardio (think 20 seconds all out sprint then 3-10 minutes rest) then you would build muscle. just look at olympians who ran the 100m dash and got popped for roids some of them were huge
didnt you idiots read my post like 20 posts up?
steroids made me gay (wink wink)
no pic on the left is before roids

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estp can i ask if you take ai?

If you only have $250, what cycle will you do? Including pct

>roiding for this
For what purpose

show hair

any pussy he wants, any time of the day

Pls post ass

>100m sprinters are huge for just sprinting!
It's almost like they had a supplementary weight training program, as well as sprinting.

roids are cheap senpai

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no; I'm female

>dead, mindless come slut with a working hole

I don't know, I see potential here...

(I missed your post)

uhh a test-e cycle?

Oh god looking at my video, im so faaaaaaaaaaaaaat

this is what happens when you have shitty genetics and low test so have to bulk hard to make gains

and have a shit diet...
and are a genetic dead end...

I'm scared of needles. Am I dyel forever?

to the user who asked why I don't ride a two stroke

I love two strokes, I just don't have one currently. My next bike will be a beta 300rr. I ride a little bit of everything, but love the desert and open gp's a little more where 450's thrive. You have to know how to ride them all well if you want to go anywhere in the race scene.

Pic related, when I had my 97 rm250. :)

I miss that dinger.

Good back day. Gains are making their way in strong.

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design me a routine and cycle so I can be remade into the perfect imooto for you to sell on the mean streets of canada.

Just start with test-e m8, not that you should approach your cycle life with a budget mindset rather than a gains/health one.

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>muh diet qualifications
lol wut we all have access to google scholar and youtube dumby
>better ass than id ever get
heh... yeah ill never get an ass like that in my life. I guess i could always just go buy a crack rock and get full access to yours instead
to gain muscle and strength at a faster rate than i would have without steroids
my hair hasnt really changed that ive noticed
yeah but hard sprints lead to muscle growth
Not an optimal way to gain size but they will

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Jesus christ i have the worst fat distribution, im only barely in the overweight section of BMI and it's not like i have no muscle mass, i just hold ALL my fat in my torso, the WORST possible distribution

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how are these the same person?

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First pin sucks, follow proper procedures, watch videos, breath deep and it'll be painless.

Was terrified of needles 4 weeks ago, too. The first is the worst.

wait is that actually u?

my first was literally the smoothest injection I ever had to the point where I thought I did it wrong until that sweet sweet virgin pip hit. There are so many worse injections to go through..
>injecting and immediately falling to the ground in a mini faint and coughing violently for 10 seconds
>hitting a nerve for the first time with your needle
>injecting into your already swollen quad because you are too sore to bother injecting elsewhere
there are so many terrible times to look forward to dependent upon your level of laziness/luck.

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dumb question but do you rotate injection sites or just sides? i.e. do you inject right glute, left glute, right glue, left glute, .... or do you switch body parts every week?

yes, u mirin?

Gril here, he doesnt look attractive to me

I am also scared of needles.when I was going to do it, I just tell myself fuck it if it hurts it hurts. And it didnt hurt at all

>grill here
opinion discarded
Women constantly shit on men they like to bring their confidence down and make them easier targets for mind games

>gril here

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Virgin detected

I'm not a virgin

>not losing your virginity to an asian or SE asian exchange student in university
lol faggots, you've probably only been with inferiour white vaginas

Nah you sound like a virgin. Real chads that I have talked to doesnt sound like a massive vagina

Honestly for me I had been deathly afraid of needles, but i'm all about getting over fears and if I really want to do something i'll get the fuck over my bitch attitude and do it.

First inject was painless, went smooth and then my body went into full blown panic as I was about to start squeezing the plunger. Nauseated, cold sweats, ready to feint, but I took deep breaths, and relaxed the best I could and worked through it.

My fourth inject sucked because I hit a nerve slightly after moving my inject site up slightly. My upper right quad went numb for about three days.

I moved to my left quad and will use it for 3-4 pins. I'll switch back to my right. Not really stressing it. I did it because I hit a nerve in my right quad.

I did this for a year or two. Got gains obviously but could never get rid of abdominal fat until I dropped the fat from my diet. I looked really good but I look a lot better now. It's ok if you're poor and lazy but really there are better ways. Overall not worth it if your goal is aesthetics. If you want to powerlift it's OK I guess.

Are people telling you not to hop on? Don't listen. Inject tonight. I was smaller than you when I started and I blew the fuck up so fast. It's amazing. Your body hungers for muscle it's unreal. Take two years of progress and achieve it in two months.