
I'm guessing most of you youngfags on here haven't had to deal with this, but a few weeks ago I began to get heartburn for multiple days at a time (28yo). I'm hoping that this is something I can naturally resolve or stop before it becomes acid reflux/GERD.

Any advice/experiences? The first week it started happening I had some success with eating yogurt but that has seemingly become less effective.

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Wtf is heartburn?

Sign that you're old AF. I first had it when I was 25. Shit is over man.

Couple different common remedies, split into two camps. Camp one says neutralize your stomach acids, camp two says you have this problem in the first place because your stomach acid is too low. Camp one says drink a tablespoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in water, camp two says drink a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar in water. From experience, what I'd recommend is drink ACV about 10 minutes before your meal to see if that fixes the problem, then if you still get heartburn drink some baking soda. Keep us updated, love you

>Sign that you're old AF.
You already said that in the op you dumb fuck. So exactly is this shit now?

Not OP. You got google? Fucking use it.

I get rapid hardbeat and high blood pressure close to bed time, and my GERD gets triggered right after dinner usually. Any tips? Feels bad man, anxiety and fear of death follows.
I'm 22

stomach acid gets squeezed up into your esophagus and burns you

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I'm afraid your fears are grounded, you will eventually die. As for the GERD, see

I'm guessing you haven't had much success in trying to cure it?

I might try the ACV option first since I've heard of people having success with that. Did it work well for you/is it a viable long term fix?

I take probiotics and it helped me. The ACV didn't help me at all. Also once I cut out the shitty junk food it helped the most. Greasy shit like pizza is what made it worse for me.

Seems to be working for me

>Any advice/experiences?
Just stop being old.

its a sign ur old af I'm 27 never had any problems in my life . you must have poor genetics m8

it is most likely an allergic reaction to some food you are eating daily or weekly basis. unless you are super obese. some fruit / dairy likely

remedis neutralizing acids do not work in that case

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Which probiotic brands/strains do you take?

I'm a pretty healthy eater but I do eat a lot of spicy foods. Also both of my parents have reflux so it's probably just in the cards genetically for me, although they didn't develop it until much later in life.

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I had it since I was 17 m8, my teeth look like nails they are pretty see-through by now...

what seems to work for me is avoiding fatty foods, deep fried food, and stress seems to trigger it too but can't really avoid that... also I don't know if this is just placebo but I eat a lot of dark green leafy eatable plants... not the tastiest but helps me relax when I'm in a crisis



Take anxiety meds, or meditation

medical resident here

it sucks to treat with behavioral modification but avoid caffeine, hot liquids, peppermint, acidic fruits/sauces, chocolate

try sleeping a little propped up in bed, sometimes you can just put a couple of 2x4's under the head of your mattress so you're lying at a slight incline at night

or just man up and start taking prilosec otc daily, take it 30 minutes before breakfast, works for like 90% of patients if you take it daily and take it right

Sleep on your right side. That is all.

Cba to read the thread and see if it's been suggested but pic related is the only thing that nips mine in the bud

Otherwise diet change is the big thing that might help

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what's your diet like? what do you eat in a normal day?

Just chug down some PPIs every day. Every old person does it, so it's no big deal.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk and honey

Lunch: Lean protein + white rice or buckwheat + veggie

Dinner: About the same as lunch

I definitely eat healthy but I do eat a lot of spicy Malaysian/Indian/Chinese foods.

Fuck... this sucks. Gonna experiment with diet/probiotics I guess. Reallllly want to avoid taking medications if possible since I know that most them are not good for you long term and can cause dependency/rebound acid.

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I've had it my whole life, bro. Use acid reducer pills. Also milk can help.

how about alcohol?

Sleeping on your left side aids digestion by about 15%, due to the way bile flows through the biliary tract from the gallbladder, liver also drains right to left right side will likely induce more heartburd.

Rarely drink alcohol - only if there's a big social event like a wedding or something.

I do smoke weed 2x a week though so maybe I need to stick to vaping/tinctures...

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Intermittent Fasting + Low/No Sugar significantly improved my daily heartburn problems. Mostly the sugar cutting though. Soon as I have something with sugar in the morning, it returns.

i'd definitely quit smoking for a while and see if it helps