Regular at gym for almost two years

>regular at gym for almost two years
>everyone knows me
>everyone knows my routine
>last week new girl shows up
>long blonde hair, petite body
>always uses stations near me, watches me work out
>yesterday she comes up to me and starts being all flirty
>tell her I'm not interested and just here to work out
>she leaves
>go to gym today
>receptionist tells me I'm banned and my membership revoked
>apparently she told the staff that I sexually harassed her
>security cams "confirm" me working out next to her even though it was the other way around

What the fuck do I do now? The next best gym is an additional hour away and I don't have the space for a home gym.

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your fault for being autistic and not talking to her

>things that happened

Why don't you kill youself?


>they all just took her word for it over yours even though you're a regular

no way

>she comes up to me

you are probably making up the story. but in a case this happened you just better switch the gym as now your old gym is infested with a psycho =)

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Falseflag alert!
This post was made by an incel that wants to incite hatred against women.

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poor fanfic

>tfw born just in time to see virginity as a potential cause for employers to reject/fire you
when do we start rounding them up and gassing them? For fuck's sake

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LARPers go home

incel genocide now tbqfh

Here's what you do

>Find the girl on Facebook
>Message her, mentioning nothing about you being banned
>Try to butter her up and tell her "I was just in a bad mood, but I'd like to get to know you"
>She's a gym roastie so she'll take the b8
>Go on a few dates with her, possibly fuck if you want
>Ask her "hey I know what you said to the gym staff, I'd love to work out with you. Could you tell them it's all a misunderstanding?"
>Once you're ban is lifted just start ghosting her in the gym with earbuds on. Block her number ect.
>She'll give up and probably go after some other dudebro and the staff will catch on, leaving her banned

OP you're a smelly fuckin larper

>frogposter attracts a girl irl
Not even close to believable

hey whats wrong with frogs

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I'm a frogposting virgin and attract plenty of qts.
Being the strongest dude at a gym with whippy bars and huge bumper plates helps.

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>at least half of the front desk staff are guys that went to my high school
>be actual friends now
>been to parties with them
>mfw this would absolutely never happen at my gym

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>OP is a regular at gym
>People at gym know to avoid autist gymcel
>New person shows up
>OP creeps on girl passively
>She doesn't know better, tries ignore him for a week
>Finally she's had enough, confronts OP
>Tries to be polite in telling him to fuck off
>OP interprets forced politeness as being flirty
>OP is visibly uncomfortable, sweats profusely, writhes around and looks on floor
>"H-heh, roastie get t-toasty, I b-bet your pussy flaps are disgusting"
>He is screaming at her at this point
>She runs away in terror

>Receptionist stares in disbelief at OP, having the nerve to show his face again after that fiasco
>Slowly pushes panic button, shaky voice asking OP to leave
>She tells him there are cameras in the gym to dissuade him from sexually assaulting her
>OP goes home and makes this thread

Hire some escorts with company money.


How new are you?

They would trust your word over hers, you were there for years. I call bullshit on this one.

>t. newfag who probably replied earlier thinking it was legit


>not just saying that you're gay
>not pressing charges for discrimination against gays

Since this is all made up, why don't you just make up a new gym to go to?

Have to take girl tactics of always having room for plausible deniability and just ignoring or being oblivious to unwanted advances that arent explicit

fuck off whore. keep talking and i'll slap the taste out your mouth bitch