Why does the white man have to be the best at the ultimate strength sports?
Why are Non-whites so weak?
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wtf, wrong mountain won?
and biggy-z only got 10th place?
whatz the
because white people are the only ones who were born into "white money"
that means they can stuff their faces all day, and do OHP's at the gym, without needing to work, like normal races
Because whites live in rich countries
Other races struggle to get a gym membership
>nonwhites dominate in every actual athletic endeavor
>except the ones that require a shit load of money
>therefore whites are superior
Z permanently fucked his shit up last year, it's probably over for him.
Without Eddie Hall, the competition was all between Shaw and Thor
If your theory is correct then where are all the jew strongmen champions???
Pudzianowski and Savickas are slavshit, not really the richest ilk on earth
Jews lift with money not muscles
God I fucking hate nu-Jow Forums
Then go back to plebbit you fucking fag.
Lmao, this is how cumskins cope. The average white is a weak feminine faggot. Being a strongman requires free time, no job and money to eat all the time. Normal whites are scrawny weak faggots.
well that dude with the silver trophy has something to say
Where's all the Jap and Korean Strongmen?
back to r/fitness with you, where they banned BroScience for being sexist. That seems like the place for you, Shlomo.
>Eddie Hall worked a 10 hour work day as a maintenance worker on Big-Rig trucks while also training everyday for WSM.
Money or not, It takes a white man's work ethic to get this strong, Nigger.
>nonwhites dominate in every actual athletic endeavor
>what is golf
>what is soccer
>what is hockey
>what is weightlifting
>what is rowing
You get the point. Dominating in Baseball, Football and apehoop don't mean shit.
>dominating Baseball
Baseball in the U.S is a cross between Dominicans, Whites and Hispanics dominating.
Whites aren't even the hardest working race, cracker.
The best soccer players are non white.
t. non-white or redditor
>what is germany
Most white men are Chads, well at least a century ago they were before 2 giant wars and the dysgenics that followed ww2. How do you think they conquered the world? Us non whites cannot compete
>nonwhites dominate in every actual athletic endeavor
Not true in the slightest.
>Champions league final
>Liverpool best player Mohammed Salah
>Real Madrid best player Ronaldo
Keep coping.
Better question, why are white so delusional?
Brown people literally disgust me to look at. Their hands and feet especially. Why are they so gross Jow Forums?
>liverpool best play
But in actual combat sports whites get fucked up
maybe because nonwhites compete in different sports?
strongman isn’t a mainstream sport to the vast majority of the world, most of the white champions come from countries that have few nonwhites bc the sport is more popular there
in diverse countries like the US nonwhites (and everyone else) gravitate to more popular sports like football, basketball, baseball, etc.
it’s not rocket appliances dude, if strongman were more popular it’d have more niggers, esp if it was more popular in the US
>literally builds the society you live in and everything you own
chinks dominate weightlifting and US would be fucked if there wasn't hundreds of (((swimming))) events in the olympics. slav cell tech™ >>> any anglo/germanic blooded tardnugget juiced or not juiced
Meanwhile the HW UFC champion is White, the best wrestlers are White, many White champions in boxing, etc. Stay mad dude.
Chinese dominate the lower weightclasses, while Euros/Russians/Iranians compete in the higher weightclasses.
>created probably around 90% of everything which makes your daily life easier
Back to the mud huts with you, Jamal.
maybe built* past tense
Except the one that matters LMAO
you dont watch soccer then
the only decent non white player now is neymar and maybe marcelo and they are both probably 50% white
Who is pele
Stop coping, cracker.
>Who is Salah
Also, are Argentineans considered white now?
Are you trying to prove me right? I skimmed a few weightclasses and I saw Whites in all of them. Now, look at Wrestlers, Kickboxers, or UFC:
Is Floyd Mayweather White? I know a lot of your kind tried to beat him but fell short
Iranians are literally the srongest race. Look at their Olympic weightlifting and wrestling presence despite their (compared to whites and chinks) tiny population and lower economic status.
I thought these were fake until I saw one for real yesterday. Ricer vapelord, imagine my shock
>Who is Salah
some literal who from the shitty english league that has one decent season
>Also, are Argentineans considered white now?
yes messi is black you got me
I'm sure you thought you had a point to make with that post.
>FlW champ is black
>FW champ is polynesian
>LW champ is a mudslime
>WW champ is black
>LHW champ is black
DC is going to beat Stipe too, so I'll add him to the list as well
*triggers the Jow Forums cucks*
Watch me rack up all the (You)s
No and they never will be
Muslim is a religion and not a race, user. And please, DC is going to lose. He should have atleast had a warm-up fight before going at Stipe because as is the best he has done in HW is reaching decision wins over Nelson and Mir.
You must live in Australia with that image
Well he spars with Cain. He'll be ready
>Blacks have long limbs
>Run fast
>Asians have short limbs
>lift a lot
>Whites are in the middle but have biggest frames
WTF this random nobody beat Brian Shaw kek
even in football. the most important position is dominated by whitey
Cain hasn't been relevant, or healthy, in a long while. DC hasn't. fought at HW in 5 years, he is not ready and that is why a warm-up fight would have been good for him
Why do whites feel the need to cope so much on the internet?
cope with what? we achieved more than any other people, we made the modern world as great as it is today.
Because they have nothing else to identify themselves outside of their race
You didn't do shit buddy. You just roleplay on Jow Forums while greater men before you helped society
we are the supreme rulers of the world. The only reason other races are alive is because we choose not to kill them. With the exception of the Asians, everything any other race has ever accomplished has been on the backs of the White man. If we didn't allow you to live in our countries and send you aid, you'd seek to exist. Evolution would have done away with the lesser races if whites didn't interfere.
because the black only do cool sports that actually pay money $$$$$$$$$$$
gotta get that ice
Nice meme. Whites only jumped ahead a few hundred years ago when they by luck of being in Europe discovered Americas. Before 1400s Northern Europe was a barren wasteland.
Holy shit there are way too many subhumans on fit
Gonna go to an inspo thread to laugh at all the depressed pakis with gyno
Iranians are the strongest race and if you say otherwise you're just coping.
is this what they teach at liberal arts universities these days?
Somehow intelligent foreigners need to come to the West to gain the success they aren't able to achieve in their home countries. Western people create places where you aren't dragged down by corruption, nepotism, etc.
More likely it's being a trusting people with high average IQ and good work ethic.
They are it's true. But they are also Iranian. You really have to weigh the positive with the negative
Remember, all you have to say is that you're dating a white woman and they will start to cry
>when they by luck of being in Europe discovered Americas.
This makes zero sense
imagine a world without blacks
You know it's true you wh*toid faggot. All non med wh*tes lived as filthy subhuman savages until meds brought them civilization.
Ok but now you have USA imposed sanctions so you're fucked
Id still have my old wallet
when you have nothing else "muh dik" becomes your first and last line of offense. i sometimes read weebs with yellowfever making that kind of comments and it's just cringy because we whites should be better than that.
Thanks for proving my point
Unironically this, it would have been no problem to just destroy every member of every other rave if morality did not come along. Think about it, we had other races enslaved and destroyed, and only the morally upright among the whites stopped it from spiralling into complete destruction and subjugation.
that red mountain Bike my Aunt gave me for my 10th birthday would still be there, I'd probably be able to pass it down to my baby brother.
Spotted the Jew. Iranians have achieved the 22nd highest scientific output and highest sci output growth rate in the world despite decades of crippling sanctions.
Genetically, white people have stronger muscles for endurance and power. Black people have fast "snap" muscles which is why they jump higher and sprint faster.
At least, that's the layman's understanding without Jow Forums-shitposting
White people were crossing seas before there was a single multi floored building constructed in all of Africa. But sure keep pretending William the Conqueror and Chief Ubububu of the Mud Tribe were intellectual and technological equals
Are you retarded? Iran has had sanctions for decades.
The Renaissance started 70 years before Columbus came to America.
The secular government of the Ottomans would have been more threatening if it wasn’t for the additional power from colonization, but they probably would have collapsed anyway.
forgetting greece, rome, soviet union, weimar republic, yugoslavia, the british, portugese, spanish empires... western people are not immune to corruption. intelligent foreigners come to the US because the US want to collaborate with them, NOT the other way around. scientific publication count has been stagnant in the US and EU where in China it has been an absolutely enormous influx; almost every patent and nature journal entry has at least one chink's name on the authors section. if you seriously think the west is superior to the east right now, your hubris is exactly its downfall. keep sucking the jew's tit amerimutt.
Yeah but they are brown and ugly
That's dumb.
I've read about that, but Iranian doesn mean Persian anymore AFAIK. Who are the scientists in Iran?
sucky sucky 5 dorra
American education everyone. William the conquerer existed after meds brought cumskins civilization. Also I didn't say nogs had civilization you illiterate fuck.
i'm a white woman, sweetie.
Why? Ever looked at a map? Europe is the closet continent to Americas. The Asians weren't going to sail the Pacific first.
Cold weather also helps with building and construction techniques
>The Asians weren't going to sail the Pacific first.
native americans came from asia my dude
I'm not saying there is no corruption in the West, but there is a clear trend, pic related. Source:
And yes I agree that Asia is doing well right now and might overtake the West eventually(not yet though).
me too
Renaissance started in Italy. I'm not denying Roman and Greek achievement. This is about whites, aka Northern Europe/Germanics.