What kind of diet did you do for losing weight? Thinking of going keto because I don't want to starve... Fatbot here

What kind of diet did you do for losing weight? Thinking of going keto because I don't want to starve... Fatbot here

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how does keto work? You still have to count calories right?

Keto or Keto + intermittend fasting/periodic fasting. Make sure you still eat 500cals less than TDEE regardless of the type of diet. No I am not going to explain what all of this means.

>What kind of diet did you do for losing weight?
I ate less, and exercised more. This is how I lost 50 lbs. It sounds crazy and outrageous, I know. But it's true. I know you fat retards can't wrap your mind around it being that fucking simple and feel like the only thing that will work is doing extreme meme diet shit, but trust me, it is.

Calculate TDEE and subtract 500.

That's what you need to lose weight. And there's no reason to be too lazy to calculate calories. Especially with MFP. You can just beep that shit in with a barcode. They also have a lot of restaurants' stuff in their database. You shouldn't spend more than 5 minutes everyday calculating everything.

keto is great, the only drawback is it limits social eating but social eating is fucking gay anyway

TDEE - 500
Also keto
Also intermittent fasting
Make sure to get plenty of water and maintain your electrolytes

This is what I do when I need to lose weight, it works insanely well. Best of luck brah



just stop eating.. you dont deserve the food.

start eating again when you're skinny. Fucking simple.

If you aren’t doing the Snake diet or water fasting until you’re shredded you are dumb and/or weak.

I lost 25kgs in 2 months doing 3 days diet 1 day off diet.

One tomato a day and 2 cheat meals a week and a side of workout

fasting for 2 months
ill tell you if i die :^)

I was fat and lost around 60-70lbs in not even a year I think. the key is to be comfortable with being hungry, the best thing is to train hard so at times I wasnt able to tell if my abs are sore or I was hungry. I didnt starve myself but I had times where I was lying in bed hungry and didnt eat regardless because it didnt align with my goals.

eventually you are comfortable being hungry, it even feels like an achievement to just be hungry for a bit instead of instantly stuffing your face. if I ever was close to failing I would watch people like JoeysWorldTour stuff their face with fast food and it motivated me to not be like that. In the end it just matters if you truly want it that's really the only thing that matters, if you want it you will achieve it.

Just count your calories and eat .8g/ib protein you stupid fat fuck

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You lazy mother fucker.

Get on that fucking elliptical pot belly. Give me 30 mins level 10, shut the fuck up, build it up to 1 hour over the next few weeks. Thats not all bitch, you're gonna give me 100 reps on those biceps, but not before you've given me 100 bench press, i dont give a fuck if you just use the bar you little sissy faggot. Then after those 2, you're hitting delts, then tri's, and some forearms. Guess what faggot the pains not over yet. Tomorrow is leg day, until every day is leg day.

Oh yeah, shit's gonna burn you little faggot.

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Just count calories.
No processed food.
If a food has more than one ingredient you're not allowed to buy it.

Fuck the calories, he just needs to cut the fat out and stop being such a little bitch. Carbs are your friend here, no fucking protein till the evening else its just bulk when he's working out, he can get away with scramble egg in the morning, oates, just no chicken and meat till post workout. He needs that shit to repair the damage, a keto diet is fucking retarded and all the cunts that follow it will burn in the end and return back to the only way after they realise how fucking stupid their attention seeking was. Don't be a lazy piece of shit, eat your carbs and kill it in the gym for 7 hours+.

I eat at BMR, work out 5 days a week and do cardio 5-6 times a week.

I'm pretty much melting without starving myself

Just don't eat food you fat fuck loool

0.6g/lb of protein

dont just count calories, do IF + keto. I guarantee you that you can consume an amount of calories which would make you fat on any other diet but if you do a strict 16-8 fast every day and eat less than 20g carb a day (can depend on your body weight) you WILL lose weight unless you eat a ridiculous amount of calories.

Enough with the snake diet.

Every fad that comes out. Faggots like you do free advertisements

Pescetarian. Fish with veggie for dinner every night. I do eat meat for breakfast or lunch sometimes but salmon or some fish you like every night.

>it limits social eating

Not really, you just got a be a little more careful about what you order when you go out to eat with friends.

I have a herbalife shake in the morning
I have either a chicken salad for lunch
and after I do cardio I have a whey protein shake for dinner. I have lost a bunch of weight In the past months. and I have atleast one cheat meal a week or every two weeks, depends how I'm feeling. it's ok to Fuck up once or twice, just keep eating salads and have willpower. No snacks in between meals either and drink plenty of water, you need to grow some balls if you want to do this. you'll lose about 20 pounds in a few months if you can stick to it