Has browsing /fit affected your mental health at all?
Be honest
>Has browsing Jow Forums affected your mental health at all?
yes, but I don't want to quit
I have no friends and the only social interaction I get is through this website
Yes, I lost weight and found more confidence to look more elegant and bold with people
Still fat, but not a social inept
In all honesty, i had a mental breakdown because im a manlet. Shit sucked, but i learned not to take bullshit serious anymore
Prince was a manlet. Eroll Garner, one of the greatest improvisational piano players of all time was nicknamed "the imp". Of course they were black so the pressure was even greater.
I mean Jow Forums's advice had helped me lose weight and got me to improve my hygiene. As for actually enjoying life and being happy, that definitely hasn't happened yet.
Seriously though. Making a big deal out of being a manlet makes no sense. I've never seen anyone get upset over being short until I started going on Jow Forums. You really shouldn't take memes from here seriously.
Yup, some things need to be learned the hard way tho.
The memes and ironic misinformation campaigns don't get to me. It's the barrage of negativity and crab-bucket mentality that'll wear me down after a while. The 5% of posters who are genuinely helpful and decent are what keeps me around.