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>get Jow Forums
>get herpes (HSV-2)
shoulda listened to the HSV-1 poster

Attached: 1442157170264.png (1140x798, 45K)

>horizontal transmission
>expedited partner therapy

speak english

help me out lads, what do

Sorry OP, you're gonna have to suck your own dick from now on.

>gets a cold sore
>everyone realizes he tried to suck his own dick
>lulz ensue

solid advice thanks user

Had it for 2 years now, got it from some Argentinian girl. If you are symptomatic go grab some meds, otherwise don't sweat it too much. Use a condom all the time, unless you disclose. good luck

Only fuck niggers and gays from now on.

And that goes for you too.

Stop spreading shit to decent civilized people.

Attached: redcoatlook325.jpg (325x375, 13K)

Fitter people have fewer outbreaks. You're in the clear if you bag it. Just try not to scratch when they come around.