"Particularly in Sparta, men and women alike would engage in intense exercise regardless of their prospective or future occupational pursuit. It was required of all young men to undergo physical training in a school know as the Agoge from age 7, in aid of cultivating physical virtues in connection with their believed sportive ancestry. The Spartans also advocated a eugenics program to weed out the lazy and unfit in honour of their “tolerance” towards the morbidly obese."
But user,nobody likes fat people. Ancient people had drawings of fat women,and sculptures simply because the retarded masses thought it was a sign of power. No one directly likes fat people unless they have a fetish. Its always about something else. Also Sparta was nothing impressive,women bossed the men around.
If eugenics were implemented in modern Greece 98% of the population would go extinct. The EU must implement this in the next austerity.
Sebastian Adams
fat people are mental illness
Jaxson Scott
Why? I am from Bulgaria and whenever I talk to someone from Greece on his. They tell me they are just as greek as their ancestors. Why would you genocide the greeks? Aren't they one of the best europeans ever?
the only time it's alright to be fat is when your 75+, at that point I'm alright with you being a bit tubby, you've earned it if you've made it to that age whilst being relatively fit
Grayson Richardson
“Ποσοστόν δια το σωμάτιον τω λίπω παρά τας γυναιkας ξεπεράσειν ται ειkοσιν τε πεντε δι τα εkατό, παρά μόνον δια kατανομής λίπους τούτου περι των μαστών kι τω οπισθιω μέρος, βρααααπ”
This an excerpt from Aristotle’s natural law explaining that women are allowed to be over 25% bf if they are thicc
your meme parentheses do not make his statement untrue...
Logan Clark
“Opimae feminae pertinet ad patricii” - Julius Caesar
Sorry, lowborn pleb
Michael Ortiz
How are the women I posted fat? What the fuck. And besides the blonde one is better than ,the jungle nigger you posted. I like women like these and the blonde one the most. How about you learn to read. Is this woman fat to you too?
>Ποσοστόν δια το σωμάτιον τω λίπω παρά τας γυναιkας ξεπεράσειν ται ειkοσιν τε πεντε δι τα εkατό, παρά μόνον δια kατανομής λίπους τούτου περι των μαστών kι τω οπισθιω μέρος, βρααααπ 10/10, γάμησες For foreign speakers "The body fat percentage of a woman may only be above 25% (lit. twenty five per cent) if it is concentrated around the mammaries and backside, braaaaaaap"
Categorically false, stupid meme too since all studies show otherwise
Joseph Davis
They are already 100% turked? I didn't expect it to be that bad tbqh.
Owen Cox
>modern japanese girl More like modern Japanese male.
Jaxon Howard
What happened to the spartans? Why did they vanish?
Adrian Gonzalez
Nolan Wilson
racist bigot nazi child molester detected
Xavier Edwards
Cameron Parker
Lost against Thebes in the battle of Leuctra and never really recovered, then slowly declined and essentially faded away.
Brody Brooks
assimilated by rome
Owen Myers
>They tell me they are just as greek as their ancestors.
noone is as their ancestors, americans are getting more african than white in their genepool, germans and brits are becoming turks and pakis, swedes turn darker by the year (alicia vikander), french are essentially niggers.
Austin Lewis
Well,they kept on calling me a turkish rape baby. When I tried to defend myself with "Well you were under turkish rule for 400,you are too" They told me they are the closest people to the Greeks of the past. Doubt any one is 100% slav,germanic,tharcian etc.
we still subconsciously are repulsed by fat people
Brayden Miller
Jesus Christ why are Greek posters so sensitive to banter, fight back lads
Michael Bailey
I had a video of a women, with big tits ,she was a braap. Proper one,flat stomach but thick. She had a simple night dress,a white one,and was dancing near a bed. Fuck if only I didn't delete my HDD.
Modern turks are more "nordic" than they've ever been, if that's what you're getting at. Iron age greeks are closer to modern day western turks than they are to modern northern europeans.
Fat women were desired because they were rich. They had foot so spare. That's it. Don't tell me a Roman or Greek from the past would pic a fat cow over this.
>It was required of all young men to undergo physical training in a school know as the Agoge from age 7
No it fucking wasn't. Periekoi and hilotes didn't do that, agoge training was only reserved for sparciates, whom were the upper nobility and less than 10% of the population.
Kevin Bailey
You're forgetting the middle class. Περίοιkοι and είλωτες didn't undergo training because they weren't Spartans, not because they weren't nobles. Περίοιkοι were immigrants and είλωτες were slaves The Spartan middle class trained hard too
Samuel Smith
what's that thing on OP head called and where can I get one?
Robert Parker
Kek'd very good
Benjamin Hughes
spartans let the women run the day to day affairs of sparta because women were unfit for the military and politics was a waste of a man's time. as far as cuckolds and pedophiles, source or gtfo history re-writing weeb. not just a stoey of that one time, proof it was systemic.
Jackson Sanders
10/10. scary perfect ass who is she??
Luis Smith
It's called hair, and you get it by not taking creatine.
Oliver Williams
>tfw having exact greek Ab-insertions >lower Abs will never be visible because adonis belt Its not fine, lads, not fine.
im training obliques and abs 4x week and seems to help oblique work + hanging leg raises + stomach vacuums seem to help, also ab wheel, and im not sure if the decline weighted sit ups hit it
Christopher Martin
Post abs+belt
Lincoln Murphy
No camera but stomach vacuums helps keeping the abs from sticking out too much.
Lincoln Barnes
Inherently unstable form of government and they were so up their own ass from their past achievements that they refused to modernize, especially militarily
Adrian Cruz
>from stickig out too much Did you realized my problem? Even with low bf they dont stick out at all because they are tiny as shit, like 1cm in width, while the others are too large and the tiny ones are covered by a genetic belt and the last rest of my belly fat. I suppose its not really mich belly fat left, but see yourself. First bottom pic is inhaled, second enhaled.
Thanks for advice, but vacuums will probably wont fix my problem at all.
Parker Thompson
Forgot pic. And its twisted, first bottom in exhaled, second inhaled.
>mindset In what way, do you always think in dominance? And that's a nice looking bitch you just posted. For some reason I've always loved that hair type.