Are you swole where it actually matters, Jow Forums?
Are you swole where it actually matters, Jow Forums?
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The wallet?
Why are so many people on Jow Forums obsessed with other mens dicks? Are you a worn out roastie OP or do you have the big gay?
why are you so oppressed with your dick?
dont you have any other value?
Its 16 cm if I measure it on top bone pressed and 18 if I measure next to it
I'm a fucking dicklet pls kill me
I've fucked enough men to know that ain't true
>always wonder who actually takes the time to make gay dick memes
>of course it's cock-obsessed faggots like OP
6'' and gives 0 fucks cuz atleast im facially aesthetic, great height and strong DYEL close to ottermode
dicksize is one of the most overrated shit ever
It's Jow Forums, of course they're gay you retard
Kill me already
7", life is good
There is no hope for me
we are dick brothers
there is hope
lots of hope
how many women have you made love to?
my gf cums nearly everytime with this excellent size of member
work on angles, strength of boner (towel lifts), consistent rhythm, physical engagement and powerful presence (yoga and meditation)
the orgasms don't lie
Oh I don't know maybe because it's the most important thing
Yeah, for you, faggot
>Oh I don't know maybe because it's the most important thing
unless you have a micropenis or you're only attracted to stacies then that is incorrect, dumbass
>tfw 5"
I do that dick exercise that I can't remember the name of (where you lift a towel or whatever) and it doesn't do shit for size but it makes me shoot cum really far which girls find pretty funny so that's cool I guess.
more like kill those girls with your PVC tube
>T. 17 year old
>do you have the big gay?
Big gay 4 u
tfw big pebis but have SPH fetish
7x7 feels breddy good man.
how does that work, is it too big?
Unironically 10.5"
I have too loosen girls up with fingering first but then I can fit it in. When they cum their vagina contracts again and I can't fit in though which sucks you have to keep repeating the process and try and cum really fast before they do.
Seriously though why do you have to be like this
Always denying reality? How can anyone with a 12cm pencil dick could pleasure a woman then? By acting all submissive? Prolonging the foreplay? Believe me, I tried. How do you fight and mentally live wirh the one split second slight look of disappointment you catch when you remove your pants?
Just fuck off with your coping bullshit. Every woman I've gotten laid with must think that I spent several years at the gym to compensate for my pencil dick, and they're fucking right. I don't think I had one genuine sexual intercourse without the woman simulating pleasure. But yeah, you don't have to be faggot or caring about it. Yeah, why bother if your gf is sexually frustrated with you? Just let her see another man for a change. You can still have her affection and compassion! I hate my life. At least I'm not ugly and I have a body I worked hard to obtain. But of course my main objective - having a long-term relationship with a somewhat decent looking woman (at least 6/10) who'd love me physically, for what I am personality-wise, AND SEXUALLY, - will never come true unless I settle with old hags or hambeasts.
its ok
am perfectly average, 6 inches and symmetrical, and last weekend my newest fwb asked me to stop jackhammering her because I hit the bottom of her hole or whatever its called. mixed feels. Does it mean shes not a slut? She slept with me on the first night we met as well
It's a meme dude.
tfw 5.1" nbp 5.9" bone pressed
No all girls have a limited vagina depth, most guys can reach it depending on the position and it hurts them when you do it.
Girth is what matters most.
Same here man, 6 inches with 6 in girth and wife went to the obgyn before we got married and she was asked if she had a kid already. You don't need the biggest dick in the world to bottom out and more often than not I get complaints about "too deep" or hitting the cervix so we have to change positions. Easiest one is like reverse cow girl but she posts up a little higher and her hands back behind her on my chest. Upside is you usually can hit the front wall of her puss and the g-spot downside is it sucks when you can't put the whole thing in. I guess having a bigger dick would be an ego boosting thing but you'd have to stick to size queens, girls whose vaginas are made of teflon or just fucking girls in the ass so you can go balls deep.
it varies though, at least thats what she told me. Some days I cant reach it and other days easily. She also asked me to be gentle the first time I took her from behind because apparently it can be more painful that way or whatever? Idk, Ive slept with 25 girls now and have never been asked to take it more slow or gently coming in from behind
yeah I cum pretty easily going balls deep, which is good for days when my body is spent already from the gym. It sucks to be considering to just give up after having given her some orgasms just because your muscles are cramping up.
Newest girls sucks at riding as well, not really going up and down, just grinding in a somewhat painful way. Considering giving her more instructions but I feel we both enjoy it more when I just take control of her and do what I want.
Same but I have a wicked left curve
these threads are cancer
That's a really big cock. How often do you fap?
Come to fapmaxxing. Our theory is that fapping a lot makes your dick big.
is somebody paying you to cultivate insecurities in young men on Jow Forums? or is this a case of extreme self-hated and you want to make others feel as shitty about themselves as you do?
7.25" x 5.125"
I've had a lot of girls comment directly on how big I am or tell me that I'm hurting them.
Not just the usual "Oh, you're so big," but more along the lines of "Your dick is really big, you smashed by cervix and now I have a stomachache."
we disinformation now. you fucking goofs! just jerk off like how u brush your teeth/shower (either 2x per day OR once every second day) and you will be 100% normal
>everything in moderation
>when Jow Forums meets Jow Forums
>2 days ago
>haven't had sex in over a year, wasn't actively looking for it had better things to do like lift metal up and down
>occasionally use tinder and swipe right on randos for ego boost
>match with this goth highschool lookin pakistani girl that said she just wanted a hookup with anyone
>blunder around and skrew up when talking to her thinking she's latino and saying jokes she didn't get
>get her number
>send her my 8" dick pic
>even all blunders aside she is in awe and says she's free to fuck tonight
>thank god it's my rest day
>not even far away, like 5 miles
>we send nudes back and forth throughout the day
>her bits were worse than i imagined but nothing too bad
>she gets pretty slutty in the messages and it goes from her to wanting to be my sex slave to hate fuck foreplay to rape foreplay
>I'm on no fap so i have this raging boner throughout the day
>the plan was for her to let me into her apartment without talking to each other, her go in her room, me get ready (i.e. condom) go in her room and for her to scream, i gag her choke her pull her hair beat her rape her and leave
>that was the plan
>I show up at 8, take pre workout before hand for maximum blood flow
>pretty nervous never raped anyone, but definatly have that fetish so i had a raging boner waiting outside
>this 4'x" 200+lb whale opens the door and boner dies on way to the room
>her tinder pics have got to be half a decade old at least
>she breaks rules and starts talking to me
>in her appt and it smells like a pot store on fire
>she goes to her room
>I out condom on my dick that is right now smaller than it is under ice
>jack off in corner but it's not getting up
>decide beating her uo might make it hard
>go in her bedroom and the smell changes from weed to freshly moistened shit
>it was awful
>start beating her actually hitting her really hard, partially because was salt she lied about her pics on tinder
>chocking, hair pulling...
>boner no go on
Do not fall for the size meme - only dimension that is important is your looks, girth and how you please/turbofuck her into ecstasy.
To get a more realistic picture of what big is, visit a place like "thunder's", or any penis enhancment forum, and read a Lot. These dudes put a good deal of work into growing their shlongs and even there a 8 x 6 dick is HUGE. I remember a dude who's doing "size-training" for like 10 years, has arrived at a 9 x 6.something an he literally crushed his wang in a systemic manner only to have it super-compensate with new tissue... pretty interesting.
>she said she wasn't having fun
>i said same
>start packing up
>she offers to let me smoke weed with her while watching south park
>no thanks nope get me out of here
>can't find phone
>spend 5 mins searching this tiny ass smelly apartment looking for it
>find it
>bail and scream and moan on my way home
>I can't express through text how bad it smelled, or how much trauma i was in after
>the next day I still had phantom smells, the sweat, shit and weed
>I'm not even too hygienic of a person and it was even too much for me and my dick
Was posting the whole day in the last nofap thread where you can see me change from scared she'll false accuse me of rape to dying from the scent of shit
>These dudes put a good deal of work into growing their shlongs and even there a 8 x 6 dick is HUGE
what if you start at 8" tho
>all these people pretending like 6' is small or average
stop making dicklets insecure
actually never good a good blowjob because it eitehr doesnt fit - or teeth scraping along it
and usually need quite a lot of foreplay before i can put it in - but then its pretty good. My ex however was really tight and virgin when I met her - and it took several weeks of "just the tip" before i could really go deep into her - that wasnt ideal.
However I dont feel like i'm big - since i only know my own dick and it's just whats normal to me.
It's very close to average, and it is small. Girls want bigger than average, just like height, just like money, just like muscles. Don't kid yourself that cocks are magically the only things that are good enough when they are average.
>pretty nervous never raped anyone
>decide beating her uo might make it hard
Average is less than 5.5 though, and most dicks that you see in porn are smaller than 6 inches or are really close to it.
Think whatever you want. It's a cope.
Technically 5.5 is the global average. 6 is only half an inch more at that so in consideration it's a damn sight close. And the huge dick meme is pretty much that, a meme. I wouldn't put a lot of stock into it to be honest as any girl so long as you get her cumming at least once every time you fuck is going to do whatever she can to hold onto you. That being the case for a lot of women who have problems having them in the first place, if she can get over her initial problems and gets off it's like a flood gate opens up and your dick is the key to continue unlocking that feeling. Don't stress it man it's fine.
>It's a cope.
It's not, its a meme that makes many men insecure.
>Technically 5.5 is the global average.
Pretty sure that the global average is even lower at around 5.2-5.3 because of the asian dicklets.
Fuck you I'm 5x4.5, I would give anything to atleast be average
Even if that's the case point still stands is that it's just for ego after a certain point. No need to get all worked up man. Half an inch on your dick isn't like it's going to unlock some kind of magical world where it suddenly becomes super easy to get women off.
I guess. I'm 7.1x5.5 but I'm also a manlet (5'9 on the dot)
Cope more markets lol
>That pic
Obvious honeypot is obvious
Sounds like you have experience
are you uncircumcised too? cause then we would literally be dick brothers.
Who doesn't
Holy shit m8 you’re as thick as my wrist or a liar kys either way
> Half an inch on your dick isn't like it's going to unlock some kind of magical world where it suddenly becomes super easy to get women off.
It literally does. It's called the cul de sac.
9.25 length
Only 5.5, 6.25 at the base..but...not many will ever know how I feel at the base.
Girthlet as fuck.