Is it possible to actually gain lean muscle mass when you eat only once a day? Or is OMAD only good for a cut?
OMAD + Gains?
Imagine kicking her right in the poon lol
hehehehehe lol
Large pizza + tub of ice cream counts as OMAD, you know.
based poon kicking poster
I'm legit curious now. Is this a meme or are you just that one user who types really fast?
lmaooo how is Jow Forums free with this kinda content
>Foot slapping her giggle box
Heh fuck you got me.
dinner is served, some HQ pussy
OMAD is possible on a bulk, but have fun eating 4000 cal in one sitting, that's some Matt Stonie level shit. Stick to IF 16/8
You can gain eating one meal every other day if you're not fucking stupid.
haha bro based
haha..., his is the first time I read this.
OMAD is a meme, OP. Seriously, you're gonna be weak as fuck.
She needs to get raped.
haha KAPOW right in the kisser!
I am 90% sure that is my ex girlfriend from almost a decade ago. Knowing the type of young lady she grew up to be, seeing an image of her doing that on the internet wouldn't surprise me. Do you have an ID on her, OP?
it's jennifer aniston
Absolutely based