I really fucking hate eggs

I really fucking hate eggs.

I want to eat them for my health, but they are so gross.

I can't even put them in my mouth without gagging on the shitty flavor.

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Lots of salt, lots of pepper, lots of hot sauce, don't be a pussy.

salt + pepper
hot sauce/salsa

fuck u nigger

Same for me, but only with boiled. Try to add salt, pepper, spices

I feel like it would have to be 50% egg 50% flavoring at this point.

Maybe I'm tasting something in them other people are not.

>eating eggs for health

They aren't as bad as the vegan defense force will tell you but they're not really "healthy"

user, I'm literally you, & it's not something I just dislike, my body had a genuine aversion to eggs- the smell, taste, etc would make me hurl within the hour

I'm an adult now & I start everyday with eggs now, I just never eat them alone

Scrambled eggs ? throw in american cheese slices to deceive your shitty body like I do

what is it about them that is so gross?

I feel like a fatty trying to eat broccoli every time I cook them.

thats the whole point lol

>I strongly dislike this food

Goddamn masculinity sure is fragile these days. Insecure teenagers get off my board

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Don't cook them. Broccoli is best either raw or blanched

scrambling eggs help a lot. also, paprika is the secret spice that makes egg taste godlike.

they're not as healthy as like eating a salad but they're a healthy source of protein and they pack a LOT of vitamins and minerals in and are great bang for your buck.

probably they're slimy and sulfury. i used to live eggs but as i get older i kind of avoid them if i can and eat oats and stuff for breakfast

They are one of the few foods I'm not allergic to, and they are high protein.

>stops you swallowing it
what do

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>slimy and sulfury

That's it!

it tastes chemical to me.

It's hard to swallow egg, my throat wants to push it back up.

>people who care about being moral and NOT being a complete fucking asshole murdering and enslaving animals are "the vegan defense force"

Fuck off you immoral prick. Kill yourself.

>wahhhhh but I don't believe in moralit

Ok rick! Moral nihilists are fucking retards. Morality is a fact. Fuck you if you don't believe it


prove science is real fuckface

>eating animals isn't immoral!!

Ok let me eat you then you fucking psychopath. Ohh but you're a human? What gives your life any more value than a cow you speciest carnist asshole

unironically dont cook them. put an egg or two in a protein shake with milk, maybe the chocolate powder will mask the egg enough for you. ive done it before and it was okay, but the shake got thick so i had to put more milk in than I normally do

Back to plebbit with you. Like, literally.

Poach them for 3 minutes. Mix them in with hashbrowns.

>What gives your life any more value than a cow you speciest carnist asshole
A lot of things lmao

Yeah, eggs fuckin suck so make a big pile of corned beef hash and let two eggs over easy just kinda soak into it

Cook them a bunch of different ways. Personally I find it hard to eat more than two eggs when scrambled, but sunny side up its no problem.


Kill yourself crybaby carnist

this swiss spice makes eggs endurable

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>being this autistic over something chickens literally shit out for free
the absolute state of veganism