any reason why football players are so beautiful compared to other sports?
Any reason why football players are so beautiful compared to other sports?
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they get manwhored so only the cute ones get to play
at least in Argentina
Football it's a beautiful sport. It's magic. But players had become sissies in the last 15 years spending more time in Twitter, Instagram and taking care of how they look in commercials.
On the other hand...., rugby players..., stamina and looking good.
No homo.
99% of them are homosex
I've been thinking about this for sports in general. The Patriots are probably the best looking American Football team, and they win the most often.
A team with more money will have more success. That's a given.
A team with better looking players will have more popularity.
A team with more popularity will have more money.
Therefore a team with better looking players will have more success.
Dios mio
Football (soccer) in the international field are fucking pansys asses
that guy looks like your normal above average dude that looks attractive to normies.
>attractive to normies
So attractive to non-autists, also known as "attractive."
hes on the upper mid tier of the normie attractiveness scale.
meanwhile this dude is high up
That guy looks more modelesque, but I wouldn't consider him more attractive. I think is the best looking ITT.
Homos know how to take care of their own appearance, and what other homos (like you) like.
That being said, rugby has the best beefcakes.
No homo.
Cause it's mostly Mediterranean men
They're very lean and tan because they spend a lot of time doing cardio.
That bloody rugby dude looks more attractive than the undercut blonde dude.
But I would say the rugby dude has more striking features and thus looks more modelesque than the blonde dude. Reminds me of a white jeremy meeks in a way.
And they all have nice hair and good beards. hair makes a difference on a man
Cardio and sunshine. Both help retaining a good hairline and good looking skin so at least if your bone structure is ugly there is a better chance you'll keep your hair.
Pretty much they lead perfect lifestyles.
Good healthy diets, good exercises and cardio, and good no stress life. They're getting paid weekly 6 figures
They actually take care of their faces and hair.
theres a rumor i heard that real madrid doesnt like ugly players
it was one of the reasons dimaria left
Ah no one remembers when he was playing with braces on.. I do.. and I'm an oldfag.
OK so I think we can finally accept that cardio > lifting
No because Rugby players do both and absolutely destroy Soccer players in terms of masculinity and aesthetics. Sure being a twink with good hair/skin is good enough for a lot of modern women but they'll still fantasize about the buff Rugby player mogging you if you go for the Soccer look.
Ok what changed
>haircut + facial hair
>botox (crow's feet disappeared)
what else, I know there's more
Well yeah you need both and I do agree the rugby players look best. But in terms of looks, Rugby > Soccer >>>>> Powerlifters. Cardio is the more important aspect.
Enjoy your brain damage
Jaw exercises.
the cope of onions boys everywhere
What cope? Rugby objectively causes brain damage and lowers your IQ.
Watch his games during the Barcelona years and you'll want to marry him.
you're so wrong it hurts, I bet you're from brazil or somewhere gay af
Luka Modric still plays for them, he one ugly ass phucka
Take this shit back. He is a legend
Botox. Look at the wrinkles when he smiles
Being a soccer player is better career wise. Both NFL and rugby players aren't as famous and injury rate it alot higher. "Oh but it's more pyschical" good luck with long term injuries
Who said you have to play Rugby to have their looks. I said Rugby players do both cardio and lifting which gives them this look, so do the same.
Nose job and tan
I didn't know Zlatan was a fag