>there are people on Jow Forums that still smoke cigarettes
There are people on Jow Forums that still smoke cigarettes
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i smoke and i look better than you
what are you going to do about it, pussy
live until I'm 90+ with healthy lungs
It makes me look cool.
I smoke when I go out to meet people or if I'm hanging with my Korean friends but that's it
>work in nursing facility in rehab
>coworker of mine is a guy whos like 29-30 year old tattooed guy and still smokes cigarettes and weed
youd think a guy surrounded by all these sick people in old age wouldnt do it
Im addicted
just quit smoking this week after a gnarly coughing attack. im actually getting better at cardio for the first time in years
Can't believe I'm gonna miss out on those dream years between 70 and 90 waiting for death
Yeah and your grandchildren growing up and the births of your great grandchildren
Don't worry, I'm sure it'll happen in your 40s.
Cant believe you’re gonna slowly descend into abject suffering, erectile dysfunction, breathing problems, cancer, and low functionality and that you will realize all of this by the time you are 40, not 70-90.
Keep (((smoking))) it’s all good
I smoke cigars occassionally
Starting champix tomorrow morning. Wish me luck lads
>being at the end of your life when you’re 100 would be way worse than when you’re 60!!
I don’t get
>greatgrandma smokes weed and cigs, dies at 104, due to old age
>grandpa smoked 3-4 packs a day, dies at 85, due to Alzheimers. His heart and lungs were unironically the last things to fail.
>grandma smoked 4-5 packs a day, died at 89, was the only one that died due to a cigarette-related disease
My other grandpa is very much alive and in perfect health, despite smoking while he was 13 till 60. He's 89 now, looks like he's 70 at most.
I don't know guys, maybe try to not have shitty genes?
>Yeah and your grandchildren growing up and the births of your great grandchildren
Meeting your great grandchildren might seem like a fun prospect, but it's literally waiting 20 years in a shriveling prison for a few hours of seeing newborns. Which all look exactly the same.
Are you chinese?
Greek, from the southern part.
its probably all the child fucking your people do that gave them strength
nah, it was probably the gay sex instead
The past two months i have a cigarette or two to end my day. That’s it.
I vape tho, in the privacy of my own home, so as not to inconvenience others
>be all these butthurt non-smokers
>"I'm gonna live to 100 without them!"
>get hit by a bus tomorrow
Because I'm addicted
enjoy 5 hits of a cigs at midnight.
never want one any other time.
Stopped 2 months ago, OP. Best decision of my life.
good goy, the decay to your gums and skin will obviously only appear at age 75+, not in your mid 40s.
I smoked in college because it was a way to talk to people at parties. I stopped smoking because I was annoyed of people following me outside for smoke breaks during work when I just wanted to relax.
be me
gonna live more than 100 years while you lanklet smokers will die at 50 with infarction feelsgoodman
>there's people on fit that still eat bread
explain your selfs
i'm summerbulking.
oral fixation
if they made a vape that actually duplicated the feeling of smoking id never turn back. been trying to cut back on how much i smoke with this juul thing, too bad they dont have a better menthol cigarette flavor because id literally never buy a pack of smokes again
>not taking that first drag of the day sitting in your balcony with a cup of strong black coffee to your side while the bite of the cool chilly morning hits your face
Nothing better than that bros
the bugers advocated that cigarettes are good for preworkout
Addiction I guess. They should really stop. Smoking in current year, kek.
>lost job
>moved back in with parents
>bread intake goes up 1000000%
Mediterranean masterrace diet ftw
>i smoke and i look better than you
Smoking is bad for your skin. Snapshot a proof, face covered with a timestamp note, from your folio and upload it.
I smoke cigarettes sometimes on the weekend, because they are awesome and I enjoy smoking. I never smoke during the week though because it is unprofessional with my job where I have to interact with clients.
>looks good
>feels good
>tastes good
>few minutes of pure contemplation that you wouldn't do otherwise
>conscious abdominal breathing exercise (good for just about everything)
>more control over bowel movements
>improves IQ and memory
>increases test if not abused
>improves self-control if not abused
>little risk or bad smells if not abused
>no effect on athleticism if not abused (some of the greatest athletes of the XX century smoked)
>good for bulking (quitting increases appetite)
>good for cutting (smoking suppresses appetite)
>pisses off authoritarian cucks and useful idiots who believe in propaganda
The list could go on. Smoking while being Jow Forums is one of life's greatest pleasures.
Hate this meme.
Being unhealthy doesn't just make you drop dead at 70, it means you start to fall apart at 50, then deteriorate and slowly die at, for example, 70.
The short of fatal accidents, the last couple year of your life will always suck, so might at well shift those til later in life.
A family friend I know is 70-something, but because she is constantly exercising she's healthier than many people half her age.
Does smoking affects skin or a person's looks?
+makes your voice more masculine
Yes. Not only does it make your teeth gross, it fucks up your skin too.
Putting stuff in your mouth other than food or pussy is gay
*if you're a degenerate chainsmoker
>eating pussy
>not gay
Do you also enjoy getting pegged and eating ass?
> Because ciggs boost T.
Because i like it, you faggot, i stopped once for 1,5 years but after realizing tjat i like it too much while drinking i started again.
Interesting stuff, makes me feel alright for smoking 0 to 3 cigs a day even though I wanted to quit. Better than half a pack.
Im curious, how much do you smoke?
survivor bias
I smoke exclusively and irregularly for social gains. You're a retard if you don't.
>Ketotard doesn't realize bread is the whitest food there is
pathetic, compromising your health because of other people.
Same, 0-3 (average closer to 1). A couple more if I meet with other smokers.
>improve self control
>with being addicted to something
>having so little self-control that you can't even imagine smoking a cigarette without turning into an addict
b.c u can do w.e u want.. & if u do it within moderation, the consequences r usually positive
>the amount of cope from cigarette jew shills
Social influence is the most useful thing a man can possess. Are you aware that if you exercise regularly you're shaving 10 years off your lifespan? Aging is oxidization.
Not living your life while you still have it is truly pathetic.
You won't. You'll just experience them from age 50-70.
A client of mine smoked a pack a day and died from it in her sixties last year
In Japan and China you see runners in marathons actually smoking while competing in the race.
smoking actually raises testosterone levels my boi
It's just a correlation, because people who smoke tend to be Alphas.