Have I made it
Have I made it
>literally a tumblr tier female
get a footjob and do anal but come on you are setting the bar too low
But user, that's my type
>Call me at [your number here] if you want to get Kurt Cobain'd in my car
>The shotgun is my penis
>have I made it
>still browses Jow Forums
You haven't made it yet.
tell her your dick is a shot gun and you want to make her kurt for a day
>Reddit tier reaction
Hahaha, this fucking faggot. What are you gay or something?
>are you gay or something
Well it's obvious you don't like women. Asexual numale perhaps.
>if you've made it you'll stop browsing
Why does this faggot exist on every single board here?
>talking to a girl is making it
Setting the bar so low it's touching the floor I see.
cant argue with that then, nice digits
i can always spot the basedboys because you pussy faggots need some literal 10/10 model who is gonna be wife material to even consider fuckin'
real niggas fuck holes, i dont give a FUCK. i fuck dudes, chicks, everyone can suck my dick. if i catch one of you pussies in the street i promise you gonna get on your knees for me. OP you made it, post her asshole when you get pics
Why couldn't he just get a handjob? Some whore's rough, calloused, feet would feel like shit.
the foot fetish invasion is real
>I have at least one photo of a woman saved on my computer and I didn't just download it, that means I am totally not gay.
Reminder to go to conversion camp when you're ready to face your homosexual demons, but I mean, who are you fooling?
Based marlon brando poster
For him leaving Jow Forums will be his greatest achievement.
She's ugly
Keep calling people rebbit, you'll eventually fit in.
The vast majority of women don't have much in terms of callouses because they still trying to take care of themselves in their youth. Coconut oil makes everything slide perfectly anyway. Works well for anal too.
Few women know how to give good handjobs anyway. Either too rough and dry or too much oil and the lack of friction makes it feel like nothing. Footjobs apply the right type of pressure so it doesn't matter if there's too much oil. It's something worth trying once.
>Someone calls you a redditor
>I know, will call him a redditor and act like I BTFOed him
It's cute that you don't have one Jow Forums filename with all your shitty reaction images. Wherever you are from, it's not here.
enjoy your crabs
When you treat women as casual sex partners you inadvertently do the same to yourself.
Retard. Done responding. Have fun, /r9fit/.
>Retard embarrasses himself so much that he has to quit responding.
You're not making a case for yourself, seeing as you have a photo of a literal faggot saved on your computer. You could have just said you had a crush on Moot.
keep my bush shaved and i stay strapped. stop coping and start living
underrated post
I will m8
yo unrelated but i'm on adderall high as fuck, trying to nofap but probably (definitely) going to give in after the next blunt
What is wrong with this combo?
It's like putting ice cream on nachos.
Nigga finne bone an art hoe
Who tf is moot?
absolutely nothing man
at night i feel like a self-aware zombie, its kind of neat to wander around
Do you never combine drugs?
Former owner of 9gag.
Congrats user.
What do I say to this cutie? Her profile says she has a preference for East Asian man, was going to ask why and diss asians but it'll probably make me look weak, so I'll pretend I didn't see that. I'll post her reply.
Only if they're synergistic or pair well together qualitatively.
>Alcohol+one codeine
mixing a hardline stim with a hallucinogenic pseudo-depressant is counterproductive imo.
>Preference for East Asian man
Either it's a fake profile or she's crazy. Pick your poison.
>alcohol + codeine
>gaba + opiods
You know that 80% of all polydrug overdose accidental deaths are from this combo right? It is /never/ advisable to combined gaba with opiods due to their synergism towards respiratory depression.
Call her a slut and ask if she wants to choke on your dick.
Yeah, I'm aware. I drink 1.5 servings of alcohol and a 30 mg codeine; I'm counting on that synergism so I can drink a fraction of what I usually do.
>thinking depressants can't give you delusions of sobriety
you're playing with fire m8. if you involuntarily fall asleep w/o a tripsitter you can count yourself dead.
You're right that they're impairing judgment; it's why I have the preset-doses of both ready and isolated ahead of time. I don't trust myself to take any of those kind of drugs while potentially intoxicated, or do it with anything above codeine.
I don't consider myself isolated from my drugs unless I physically have to purchase them.
She is too tall for you
>Oil for a hand job
You're one of God's chosen, ain't ya?
fite me cunts
I meant the doses are portioned out ahead of time without me going to grab more.
Maybe she's too tall for the asians she likes. I'm white and 6'2.
Dude, you know where the drugs are and are taking things that can make you black out. That's inherently unsafe.
You realize not everyone is intact right? I am, but most Americans are not. It can be rough regardless.
Should I assume you're stupid or just a virgin that has near zero experience with women? Very few women give good handjobs and almost none of them can do it better than your own self.
Yeah, the feminine bodies of women? Gross. Vagina and ass are too. I'm totally not gay, I swear.
I get what you're saying, and you're not wrong. Either of those drugs alone can cause that effect, and eventually death. It's the discrete dosage that determines whether that happens. It's no different with synergism.
I only did that combo 3x anyways before losing interest. Depressants are boring.
tell her youre cockasian
I thought you said come as you are and was gonna laugh.
>depressants are boring
>doesn't like combining weed with amp
I don't mix work/study drugs with my degeneracy drugs. Plus, the headaches are annoying enough already without weed comedown.
Where is this gif from?
Hold up, you get a comedown from weed? I've only ever gotten afterglows.
lisdex/dex/methylphen don't give me headaches, but isopropylphen does.
Fug that’s hilarious
Yep. Mild temple headaches and gradually easing chest tightness (even if I didn't smoke/vape).
This x1000
Hm. That's really strange. Of all the literature I've read about it it decreases the neuroplasticity of the neurons in your brain via something similar to encasing them in a lubricant.
Why would lube brain be hurt brain? Too much decrease in white/grey matter? Mebbe increased difficulty in sending signals does something weird to blood flow (migraines etc)..
I mean if fucking 3/10 skanks that don't make you work at all for sex is your definition of making it then yes. But truly the chase of a 9/10 girl that you eventually get naked and fuck, then watch as the script flips and she becomes the pursuer is much better than the actual act of sex
This isn't a shitty badly written TV show or romantic comedy.
This is reality
And most men would rather pull easy 5s then work for 9s. Because the 9s have proven that they are not worth it most of the time.
Beyond 7's, the maintenance and personality problems of girls just aren't worth it to me. The plainer looking girls put in more effort too.
One of my fuckbuddies right now is on the university swim team, is hot as fuck, and was bitchy all the way up until I fucked her. Now she is a sweet little girl that heeds my every word.
Enjoy your 5s. I'll enjoy them when I can't find anything better
Totally believable my friend.
>until I fucked her
>sweet little girl that heeds my every word
stop you're embarassing yourself and us
Tell her you're a mongol
>kids still listen to nirvana
>kids will always listen to nirvana
lmfao. wow
>going after ugly roasties
No, you haven’t made it.
>fucking tinder sluts with completely shot oxytocin receptors on account of their triple digits lover count
Since this is the designated tinder thread tell me what I did wrong here? My only guess is she didn't see the distance (80 miles) at first. I've gotten laid with tinder before so I'm not completely clueless, but this one confuses me.
What do you mean?
She didn't respond.
1. she took "not heavy enough" as an insult.
2. she has zero clue about the context of reps.
I would have said;
"well im going to have to pick you up then"
it was just a shitty opener she didn’t want to have a full blown conversation about it. should’ve complimented her and changed the subject.
why the fuck would she give a shit about reps lmao
Yeah, I thought about the heavy enough part being risky, but I figured an English teacher would get my meaning. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.
>not wanting to banter using euphemisms
Have I made it bros?
>“i guess we’ll just have to focus on lots of reps”
10/10 banter mate. wonder why she didn’t respond
“open bobs and vagene”
Alright, dazzle me with your wit. What would you have said?
Why do women hate me Jow Forums. Why won't these women be my stronk gf.
god, i bet shes hard fucking work.