Post inspirations

post inspirations

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My guy

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Using fictional characters as inspiration is a recipe for disaster. Why not get inspiration from real people, like Jordan Peterson?

Yujiro hanma
Vincent from gattaca

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Doesn't he always talk about gaining inspiration and learning from archetypes aka fictional characters?

This is good bait. Well done

Ippo inspires me daily

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How do I hamon breathe

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Patrician taste
Lol go clean your room you fag

Yoga. Like actually yoga though not that shit for soccer moms

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/Goku/ mode is my life goal

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back to plebbit

Endeavor > All Might

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Full Baki mode. Like past this. More like when he's so shredded (with bulk) that you can see literally every muscle fiber. I know the body doesn't work like that and shit but I'll get as close as possible, damnit.

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It seems we’re at an impasse user

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Fuck training legs

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hell yeah man

wipe your ass

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