Is there a reliable long-term way to correct the leftward curve of my dick?

Is there a reliable long-term way to correct the leftward curve of my dick?

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tape your dick to your right thigh

First you need to realize there is no curve.

It’s an atrophy of the left chamber of your penis. It should be the same girth along the entire shaft as the right side, but through injury or weird masturbation habits you developed peryiones disease.

It is basically scar tissue called plaque on your dick that doesn’t let it fill up all the way, so it looks like it’s curving. Then the question you need to ask is how do I dissolve scar tissue; there isn’t much proven.

I recently bought DMSO, which pulls everything with it all the way into the body. I will mix it with vitamin E and try to dissolve the collagen and make my left side spongy again. This coupled with stretching might correct the curve and even give me some girth.

Note: chicks dig my curve especially sideways fucking.

Google peryiones cures. Good luck.

Why would you "correct" a blessing? Having a curved dick means you feel girthier. You can also hit spots pencil dicks cannot. The only downside with a curved dick is that anal becomes uncomfortable for the person receiving, but that's it.

Pacific geoduck. it sure does look like a giant cock though

Don't fix it, learn to work with it. My go-to is the pretzel dip, catches bitches off guard every time.

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My dick is bent inward to my chest. Is there any hope for me?

I began masturbating when I was 8 or 9 by grinding in my bed, which may have caused the initial curvature. I've always followed the curve when using my hand, so I'm sure that didn't help the situation. I'll try to switch hands and correct it rightwards and see if that has any impact, I guess.
You're suggesting vitamin E as a topical ointment? Are you hoping for a synergistic effect from the DMSO and E together, or will the E just not penetrate the skin without it?

I imagine that to be ideal, as it would just curve straight up into the G spot.

brah does it curl like a pigtail or what? Lmao

Slam it between two bibles.

upward curve is master race.

No, not like pigtail, but it's slightly curved to my chest. Like a C letter, but not that much curved.

unless its like a 90 degree bend its supposed to have a slight angle

more pleasure for both you and your boyf.. i mean your girlfriend

>G spot
I always thought this shit is some kind of an urban legend.

I have this BAD dood. Basically fucked for life afaik, not really sure what caused it but it was fine and then got fucked up all of a sudden. No real change in habits either.. Still works just fine but I have the gnarly penis of an 80 y/o and I am like 1/4 that age. Inb4 post pics, fuck off.

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It ain't. Stick a finger in a woman's vagina and you can find it somewhere in her cave. It's usually positioned on the roof.. usually.

I use vitamin c for scars. L-ascorbic acid is a good topical. You can also get supplements and stuff

seafood is fucking disgusting

I thought this was Mike Stoklasa from the thumbnail. I always love seeing RLM reaction images