>you should trust your doctor! he went to medical school!
You should trust your doctor! he went to medical school!
>Drs. Gordon Freedman, Jeffrey Goldstein, Todd Schlifstein, Dialecti Voudouris and Alexandru Burducea
>Gordon Freedman
half loife 3 confoimed
did you make those up because it cannot be them every fucking time
Pulled from the article, brosef. I'm actually surprised. I figured they'd be muslims and african nigger docs
>(((Freedman, Goldstein, Schlifstein)))
nothing to see here goy!
Muh sides
>bribed NYC doctors with cash, lap dances
If you're an MD in NYC and you can't get attention from women without pharma reps buying it for you, you should probably just end it.
Yet some faggot is still going to tell him
>trusting jews and greek doctors
probably not a meme outside greece yet, but greek doctors are the scum of the earth
google "fakelaki"
Wow. By this logic we shouldn't trust white people with guns since they're the leading perps in mass shootings
I mean it's Manhattan, probably 2/3 docs and lawyers there are one of God's chosen people
>taking drugs
Good thing only double digit IQ subhumans fall for this
>local retard literally too retarded to understand how per capita works
yeah but the gun industry isn't funding them to do it you utter mug
I'm curious, what do you americans think of the Opiod crisis ?
Does your government even ever talks about it or is this kind of lobbying so rampant that there is nothing that can be done ?
I mean, this is some serious shit right there.
There's a jew family behind the entire crisis. Check out the Sacklers. They wet their feet pushing Valium. Then they moved on to Oxycontin.
>Does your government even ever talks about it or is this kind of lobbying so rampant that there is nothing that can be done ?
All our government does is arrest the buyers.
As for the Chinese producing it and smuggling it to South America? As for the Mexicans hopping the border with enough of it to addict one city with every suitcase load? As for the doctors and dealers who are pushing this shit to as many people as they can?
Nothing. Not a fucking thing.
Most of the doctors doing this in middle america are pajeets tho.
From the outside america looks like a country that is cannibalizing itself, it's kind of crazy.
Jesus Christ Jow Forums is always right.
Everyone’s pointing out the heebs, but the participation of ethnics in this is not surprising at all.
America just keeps getting slapped in the face with reasons why medicine shouldn't be a business but I guess they're too numb at this point to even notice.
Could be a nigger.
More and more people are becoming woke about the whole situation as they see close family members or friends completely destroy the lives because of the pills. At this point almost everyone has a family member who has ODd on the shit
It's fucked here I remember when u got my wisdom teeth pulled I was like 13 or so and they gave me a bottle of 60 hydrocodone... Luckily my mom took it and probably got high lmao