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Why don''t asian girls lift?
Thomas Rodriguez
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Camden James
They do, seem to be the only ones who mire me as well.
>tfw you want a white qt gf
Easton Martin
Powerlifting is completely overrun with tiny asian women, what are you on about?
Juan Thompson
Asians are musclets
Michael Stewart
>Tfw Asian gf who goes to the gym with me 4 times a week.
I didn't even ask her or push her to start going, she doesn't want to lag behind because I have a great body and hers currently is only average.
David Parker
I married an Asian before Jow Forums made me racist. She lifts 4x per week. She looks great.
Nathan Hernandez
More feminine and soft compared to other races.
Andrew Phillips
Daily reminder that Asian gfs are for so᠍yboys and betas.
John Sullivan
don't be mean
Caleb Cook
Julian Clark
>niggers steal muh white woman
>i steal a plastic whore from asian man
haha that will show them i can feel my testosterone rising
Kayden Gray
but white women are degenerates
Gabriel Martin
If you’re going to be a race traitor at least have the decency to not reproduce.
Bentley Rodriguez
John Robinson
Connor Richardson
Landon Fisher
Samuel Lee
women shouldn't lift
Easton Ortiz
Charles Russell
K-strategist master race, it's all good
Kevin Nelson
Levi Long
food for thought: which is better, a forever virgin poltard, or a white male that passes down his genes?
daily reminder that you are genetic waste if you don't pass on your genes
Jonathan Hernandez
>european admixture
>vs jungle mixture
Chase Martinez
nice cherrypicking nigger
Colton Gutierrez
Tyler Kelly
doesn't matter the before pic, because you fuck the after pic of the traps, no? than its not wrong to fuck an attractive woman, even if she was not at some point
Robert Richardson
Lmao try to stop me
Brayden Jenkins
Brayden Kelly
Owen Gutierrez
But what is described on the right is literally Jow Forums fucking kek
Benjamin Martinez
Aiden Mitchell
butterface as fuck. lifting is coping
Joshua Adams
2nd from right is a big guy
Tyler Edwards
Isaiah Adams
Every male in this photo watches anime
Justin Gonzalez
>biggest guy gets the best gookwife
manlets yet again btfo
Nathan Lee
Children don't inherit plastic surgery
Hudson Turner
I’m done.
Jackson King
This is shopped.
Literally an advertisement for plastic surgery or something
Carson Ward
Chris Heria is half chinese/half white
Stop projecting your betism on others Jow Forumsfag
Landon Lewis
It's literally only Asian girls that I see lifting at my university gym. The white girls are all on treadmill or doing yoga classes and the Latina ones don't work out, but I've only seen Asian chicks lifting.
Aiden Green
Aryan qts are GOAT
Christian Powell
So was Elliot Rodgers.
Adam Brooks
Jeremiah Hernandez
>Daily reminder
Christian James
>Don't reproduce goy, I mean guy.
Isaiah Lopez
>Daily reminder that Asian gfs are for so᠍yboys and betas
Dominic Foster
>yes, goy, race-mixing is good!
Brody Brown
Racist wh*tebois on pol love azn waifus
Austin Rodriguez has a girl. Hmm...
Gabriel Cook
Post body, Jow Forums.
Isaiah White
>anti-procreation, only targeting white men
I like the online, definitely not jewish genetics, persona you people always use.
Jonathan King
Do girls really go to the gym on those outfits?
Nolan Sanchez
I've never seen anything that haram but close. Maybe the same top + yoga pants
Isaiah Nguyen
>all these pathetic asian loving basedboys
Mason Campbell
I only want to date a blonde haired blue eyed white girl, or a dark haired dark eyed goth girl, or a cute east Asian girl, or a sexy Latina girl, or a cute south Asian girl, or a sexy black girl, or a hot Native American girl, or a sexy Pacific Islander, or a beautiful middle eastern girl.
Ethan Jackson
Ever seen a gook without makeup? Looking like they do when you thirsty betas lust after them on the internet takes hours of work just to put their face on. It's brutal man
Asher Garcia
Tyler Bailey
>best gookwife
First thing I thought as well. The others are just pretty well matched in terms of looks
Nicholas Bailey
How is she fucking complaining about that? If she had half a brain she could have realised that if you do plastic surgery advertising it's gonna be hard to shake any rumours about her actually having done plastic surgery. Even if it wasn't a meme.
This woman doesn't deserve to win legal matters against the companies.
Ethan Scott
>Tfw azn gf only wears some lipstick sometimes.
No other makeup unless it's a formal event or sth. She looks beautiful.
Jaxson Davis
Same situation but my gf is only half Asian, other half white Canadian. I like going to the gym with my gf because we don't work out as a couple, we split up and each do our own thing.
Matthew Morris
>sees interracial couples as a guy who "stole" a girl from another race
What a sad life you must have
Jaxson Ortiz
Leo Harris
brutally mogged
Liam Rivera
Parker Gray
>caring that much of where others put their dicks
What are you gay?
Gabriel Myers
Owen Moore
Hunter Perry
>dont reproduce with the smartest and most loyal ethnicity on the planet
>rather reproduce with the most entitled cunts possible
and you know what if you are a Jow Forums fag like it seems you probably hate blacks and muslims. guess what, there are tons more asian people around and if globalism is in full force blacks and muslims will eventually fade away just like white people and mixed asian people will be all that remains. so the earlier we assimilate the more of our genes will survive. thankfully blacks and muslims are too low IQ to see this and will be assimilated too late to survive.
Charles Lopez
t. fucking loves science
Connor Rivera
I don't think his mother was chinese and his father was a kike. Not the same at all, stay mad incel
Jace Nguyen
Mine is still kinda newbie (started 1 month ago) but very motivated. There are some exercises I don't do with her (like cable kickbacks etc) but right now I'm basically acting as her PT. It's really good to see her make steady progress though and she actually tries to go to her limits. Went to the gym with ex gf once and it was a disaster, she just complained and everything was 'too heavy'.
Andrew Rogers
Every muscular girl I've seen between my two gyms is Asian
Cameron Martinez
Look at thsoe crazy eyes man. I never want a relationship with a asian no offence
Chase Flores
>bottle of piss on the table
Lucas Bell
I use to have big yellow fever when I was younger and more submissive, but I grew out of it.
Josiah Taylor
It's because of all the onions they eat
Isaac Thompson
asian dad + white mom = normal
white dad + asian mom = sperg
Oliver Williams
Myth spread by asian males who think it'll make them more desirable (it doesn't)
Michael Brooks
>tfw have hot asian gf who lifts and does other active things
i'll NEVER date a white girl
Jaxon Carter
Maybe in America where the culture is fucked and race baited to shit. You're forgetting a whole specimen of warrior tier White-Asian mixed Turkics in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, and Chechnya.
Anthony Barnes
are we talking about actual asians or those american pigs you guys consider to be females?
if we're talking about actual asian girls, the primary reason is that they want to look as skinny as possible. while I was living in Shanghai, I talked to loads of girls about why girls always sought to be skinny as fuck. especially Chinese people are hardcore fat shamers to the point that even strangers will tell you that you're fat when you're shopping etc.. In addition to that, most girls think they will look like roid users if they start to workout because they have no clue at all about what lifting does. now you will see girls running/jogging all the time but that's only in order to look more slim. what amazed me was how many girls in China were flexible as shit. every second bitch that I saw was able to do a perfect split. working out outside at my university was the shit. the downside to all of that was obviously most girls not having tits nor ass so I was never really interested in any of the girls
Luke Kelly
These fuckos can't even build a fence
They are Grug-tier people, dagestanis are at least friendlier. Besides they are in european part. Osetians are better, because they are friendly and will not behead you for marrying Ossetia woman.
I will NOT buy their watermelons.
Christopher Jackson
So she’s like everyone else here
Levi Peterson
I mean, I didn't say they were civilized. Fuckers are living the Muslim warlord life post-Soviet collapse. Also don't forget those savages in former Yugoslav countries.
Jayden Bennett
>Dating Vietnamese girl
>She rock climbs several times per week
>She's coming to workout with me for posterior chain work
I've made it Jow Forums
Nathan Lopez
i hate how you try to shill this autistic cherry picking when the majority of school shooters were white
Lincoln Lee
>white chinese
he's spic dumb nut
Julian Bell
>jungle asians
You just have to be white with white money, doesn't matter if you're fat or ugly. Most of these men, if not all, are beta af too.
Levi Garcia
>Ever seen a gook without makeup? Looking like they do when you thirsty betas lust after them on the internet takes hours of work just to put their face on. It's brutal man
This man speaks the truth, don't be fooled, or else you'll be waking up to this horror.
Hudson Evans
People who post these are retarded.
You know BOTH sides have makeup on, right?
One side is to make them look pretty, the other to make them look as ugly as possible
Owen Parker
>tfw no qt central asian gf
Nathaniel Miller
i'm not sure if you just checked into reality but outside of the 2nd standard deviation of women all look like utter shite without makeup. no white woman, coony mcbaboon, and zipperhead looks like the instagram flicks, have you ever been with a real woman
Isaac Cook
I know plenty of beautiful women who look great without makeup. 3/4ths are my sisters though...
Makeup is a vicious cycle of retardation, it makes your skin worse so you need to wear more to mask it. There's nothing more attractive than a girl who never wears it in the first place.
Robert Turner
The best kind of girl is a thicc butterface one with big tits
Ian Gutierrez
>old white man with a filipina wife
Easton Perry
it's the same everywhere you stupid faggot, even in asian countries you'll find the most beta whites from the western world migrating over for some yellow pussy
Kayden Thomas
I just want a thicc golden skinned asian girl with an instathot booty with daddy issues.
Bonus points if she can handle bbc with ease and has a nice personality.
Bentley Richardson
desu, most Asian women don't wear makeup regularly, lot of skewing from social media thottery. makeup is a billion dollar industry designed to victimize those who have body dysmorphia and narcissistic attitudes.