Rate me, Jow Forums. 6'0" 180 lbs.
Rate me, Jow Forums. 6'0" 180 lbs
Not actually 6'0"/10
would breed/10
but wasted a thread on attentionwhoring so 0/10
5'10"/10 daddymode
Roided manlet/10
> shit wall color
> shit shower curtains
> shit phone case
> mold on that middle finger
> too hairy
> 3/10 navel
overall a solid 6/10 i guess. would be higher if less bf%
'Mirin the beard tbqh.
I know this guy. Pretty sure he goes go the same gym I do. He's definitely not 6 feet lmao.
You still roiding bro?
>taller and builter than me
Breddy gudd
Comb your beard thou
post it on instagram or facejew and leave us alone with your avarage physique
whats your trap routine?
Hi daddy
250mg test E e3.5d
You look better compared to the last pics you posted. Finally lay off the roids a little bit?
Did this guy really roid just to get to 180 lbs @6ft 11% body fat? That's achievable by most people that height in a year, two if starting as a skeleton.
He's not even 6 feet, more like 5'8" at best
I am 6 foot 180 and not nearly as wide as you. A person who is actually 6 foot and that wide would weigh 200 lbs.
>that perfectly trimmed chest hair
I'm 6'0" 80 kg too and i'm barely half your size, and i'm not even that fit
>tfw 6,0" 132lbs
>start lifting
>after 2 years still under 180lbs
Why the fuck its eating so hard
How can someone be fat Jesus Christ
500enrrgy units over a month for decades
you look gay/10
Did you lose part of an arm or leg?
That's the only way you weigh 180 at 6'.
This is actually my ideal body. But unlike OP, Iām actually 6ā1ā
Gone from 346 to 250
Possible someday?
>Possible someday?
wrong attitude
>Definitely someday!
I'm calling 5'9''