Why don’t you guys just water fast? It gets easy after 3-4 days
Luke Garcia
Pasting from last thread;
I was 151 down from 162 (5'7 F, goal weight is 130), but I've been cheating way too hard on the weekends these past couple weeks and my work friends keep on pressuring me into drinking with them.
I'm back up to 154 now. I'm a little discouraged, and REALLY disappointed in myself because I'm recognizing that I'm starting to fall off the wagon again.
I'm not going to give up though, I just need to learn how to say no when I have ample opportunity to cheat. I can't let myself gain all the weight back.
Brayden Long
I am ready to accept that I am addicted to carbs and start my new life as a keto person, I am enjoying my last carbs right now. Goodbye friends
Robert Edwards
Because I'm not a fucking retard.
Daniel Martinez
? is some part of water fasting that you only see the placebo results after spreading your meme bullshit in 200 other threads?
Every weight-loss diet should start with CICO, but after that find something that works for you. For me it was keto, but you can lose weight doing anything. Go paleo, go vegan, fuck, eat 30 potatoes a day if that works for you, but do some of you guys seriously not understand that for a majority of the population, literally starving yourself isnt a viable option to lose weight?
Gavin Scott
because most of them want to do everything at once and get muscles early otherwise theyll look like subhumans
Henry Sullivan
>you guys seriously not understand that for a majority of the population, literally starving yourself isnt a viable option to lose weight? no because it is
Joseph Ross
You'll be back faggot
Bentley Clark
Tell me your >height >sex >starting weight >current weight >goal weight >current strategy >how it is working out so far
>179cm or 5ft10 >male >108kg or 238lbs >102kg or 225lbs >~75kg or 165lbs - lets see how my body pans out with all the fat gone
Current strat: >900kcal deficit eating deficit >100kcal of cardio (usually a bit more) for a total of 1000kcal deficit >usually end up eating less than my 1500kcal I'm allowed anyway >exact feeding times, 9:00, 13:30, 18:00 - zero snacking in between
Hows it working out: >been going at it for 6 weeks with no problems >feel a lot healthier and better >losing 1kg/2.2lbs a week extremely consistently