I just started benching for the first time today with my trainer. I benched 40kg 'til failure

I just started benching for the first time today with my trainer. I benched 40kg 'til failure.

How decent is 40kg for a complete beginner at bench press? I'm prepared for you guys to say I'm pathetically weak, because I'm working hard to get stronger and I care more about the end result than the start, but I'm just curious.

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Depends on your height and weight. Assuming youre no freak of nature i'd say thats ok, there have been worse but also better. Keep at it.

40 kg is pretty much what anyone can lift at the start


Speaking as a trainer I’ve found many people cannot even bench the bar without some time spent benching dumbells
But also fat people can start on heavier weights

Pretty low for a beginner but I've heard worse. Just look at it is more room to grow.

Did you count the bar?

weight and height?

For a first time its alright, but you are not very strong for sure. How many reps did you do? Are you short or tall? Are you skinny, skinnyfat, obese? All these factor in. But actually it doesnt matter at all. Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself from 3 months ago. Stick to it, improve yourself. What matters is can you keep your shit together to get to 1 plate (60kg) working weight in a few weeks? Then 2 plate (100kg) in a year, or maybe just a few months if you are really good? Thats what matters, not where you start.
Actually starting out weak and skinny might be even better - you will have a much more satisfying transformation ahead of you. Take some before pictures now, with good lithing and try to flex hard, from all angles. Then store them somewhere and don't look at them until 1 year later - you will be surprised if you can keep it up.

We're all gonna make it brah

I've only been at lifting for a week and I've put up a couple sets of 52kg(115lbs) but not my full routine. Your weight is probably just fine and you have so much room to grow user keep it up

I could only do about 30kg when I started, and I'm not a small guy, so it's not bad.

As a starting point that's pretty normal. I would only get worried if you don't make progress.

>not lifting 150kg right on start

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20kg bar?

Some girls at my gym bench 40kg for reps.

How many reps you did? I failed after 8 on my first day.

40 is normal, relax

i did that with 1/8 rep from the start and steadily got gains tho

That was my starting weight, you're fine. Just remember to add incremental (2.5/5lbs recommended) to each subsequent workout.

Totally ok
In the first weeks it's all about mind muscle control. You do have the capability to bench way more, but first you need to get used to it. In the first months it's more a mind thing.
Dont listen to the larping spergie fags here

It completely depends how much you weigh.

For an average height, average weight, non lifter.. it's kinda weak but not exactly terrible.

It also depends how many "til failure" is. Is it 4? Is it 15? If you can push out 10 reps of 40 your first time, you'll be OK. Don't worry about it.

If you're like 5'5 or something then 40kg is pretty strong for your first time though. If you're 6'2 then it's not so great.

But if you feel demotivated by the low weight. Just think of it this way. The weaker you start, the more room for improvement you have... You'd be bang out of luck aesthetic wise if you turned out to be naturally strong as fuck while looking terrible. You'd have less room for noob gains and aesthetics improvement within the first 6 months.. The worse you look and weaker you are, the more you'll get out of noob gains :)

I personally started off with 60kg, probably pushing out 7 or 8 reps. At 5'6 and weighing the same as I started benching, it was kinda sucky. gains came slow.

That was almost 10 years ago but I didn't experience the noob gains all my friends did. But then again that's what I get for being a fucking manlet.

I was a skelefag who couldn't even lift the bar when I started, 2 months in I'm finally at 40 kgs lmao

Head to /tg/ for /40kg/

Nice advice. What are your lifts now?

Also man tell me good advice to build my shoulders and back pls I'm lagging so hard

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It doesn't matter. It's all CNS at this point, not body composition and muscle insertion. You'll see how quickly you'll develop and if you platitude soon enough.

I was terrible the one time I tried benching in high school, weak as anything. Had trouble with the bar and a smaller plates. A few year later, I ran SS for three months, mostly lifted around the 130 pound range once I got started. Quit soon after. A few years after that, I picked up lifting again. Hit 170 the first time, four full months after that, hit 270. I'm probably going to get called a liar, but it's true.

CNS ability without strength training may improve with age or just playing sports. Where you start doesn't seem to impact where you end up. Just keep lifting and find out.

As long as you can bench the bar its fine. first few weeks are about finding form and getting an idea about where that form breaks down. so once you're comfortable with the movements put some weights on and see how far you can go. not advisable for bench without a spotter though.

I started lifting around 3 months ago after spending my entire teenage life playing mmos 12 hours a day and had to work up to the bar, then 40kg over the first 2 months. I can do 50kg now but only for 3 or 4 reps. Losing fat while slowly getting stronger but it sucks dicks struggling with such a light weight. Gonna make it. You're already strong as I am OP.

How many reps? It's a good start btw, even for 1 rep

Basically the decent normal starting point for a set though you don't say how many you did till failure

Why te fuck do you care what anyone thinks of what you lifted on your first day? Just work hard and lift more.

On his stomach, rolls it down to lap, and then stands up to put it on the ground

I barely benched the bar when I started for few reps and now I can bench 60 kg 3x5. So Id say ur start is good OP

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I meant plateau* Fug.

It's probably an underweight bar with training plates. Very common for photoshoots. That said doing a roll of shame with 60kg is nothing.

same but now I do 85 kg 3x6

you didn't say how many reps you did fucktard

>not just throwing the bar away when you’re done benching

Never gonna make it

5x5 went from 40kg to 65 in one month, its fine

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I mean who cares ? It's your starting point, which could be anything, you need to keep working at it until you get the results you want.

Also how easy it is for you to bench has a lot to do with how long your arms are, the longer the arms the harder it's going to be because of how much farther the bar travers until reaching your chest.

Yes I've got a shitty bunch but I've got miles long arms and if your goal is aesthetics, how much you lift basically doesn't matter in itself, it's just a means to an end.