Why does my right bicep have a indentation on the front while my left looks fine? (besides being tiny)
Anyone else as fucked up as me?
Why does my right bicep have a indentation on the front while my left looks fine? (besides being tiny)
Anyone else as fucked up as me?
It's alright op. Everyone tends to be a little asymmetrical it's only natural
Be gentle guys
Good on you for losing weight buddy, you're halfway there!
probably because your origin, insertion, and muscle shape/development aren't symmetrical. aside from ensuring equal strength in both arms (i.e. use dumbbells for curls and stop as soon as your weaker arm fatigues) there's not much you can do. i have the same problem fwiw.
I used to have this as well, where my left bicep would peak and my right one less so, I no longer have it, the explanation is a bit chunky so bear with me.
This is because of a tightness in the musclocutaneous nerve which innervates the bicep, this tightness affects contraction quality and extent. This is probably because you're right arm dominant, which means you probably exert more force from your right arm in your pressing movements, which leads to your right shoulder to remain in an internally rotated postural position more so than your left shoulder in every day life. To fix this stretch the nerve, you can do this by stretching your arm in external rotation, stretching your pecs along with it is good as well, doing facepulls will help with the internal rotation caused by pressing which is the origin of the issue.
Op here. You're right, surprisingly my right side is stronger even tho I'm left handed. Appreciate it
Don't mention it, I know it used to frustrate me to no end, my right bicep was just as strong as the left one if not more, but just wouldn't look as good, almost drove me crazy. Your right side is probably stronger because you focus on engaging it more mentally since you assume it is your "weak" side.