Ramadan General

Thread for all muslims attending the holy month.
In this thread we share motivation, advice and our love for our religious brotherhood as our relationship towards our one and only God grows stronger and stronger.

Nonmuslims not allowed.

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christian here, what will you do now?

lol fag

Why can't you accept that not every thread on here is about you? This is our month so do not disturb us in our religious practice, if you don't mind. Is your little belief so feeble you need to attack others constantly?

Muslim reformation when? Deus mother fuckers

shitskins out

Reformation from what? Islam is the fastest growing religion on Earth and has helping billions of people to achieve a better life.
You cannot say the same about Christianity. Even your leader acknowledged our superiority.

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>one and only God
>WERE peaceful plz dont disturb us
The fucking mental gymnastics are astonishing

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deus vult

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>fastest growing
>entire religion is designed to suck people in ie kids born into religion, wives being forced to convert, beheadings for apostates
It's also the most hated

More like ramadumb

Over 99% of all believing muslims are decent human beings trying to live their lives. You cannot prove the opposite.

You weren't able to get the city back after 500 years. Grow up and realize you have lost.

Iranian here. I always wonder what Iran would have looked like if Islam never came to Iran. I wish this shitty religion finally disappear.

you can smoke when you break fast stupid

It's sounds like you're jelly that we still uphold traditional family and religious values.

Yes we love children, that's why we get them instead of dogs and cats like you.

Yes we want everyone to experience the benefits of Islam, that's why we steer them to it.

Also you seem to forget that almost all converts CHOSE to become muslims. They were allowed to remain Christians, Jews, etc. but they converted because they saw the benefits of Islam.

>loves children
Oh we know all about your "love" of children.

lol user it was like your home base. we traveled far from home just cause it was fun.

Why won't you accept people just don't like muslims? Why is so hard for the world to admit this?

I have some MEGA lefty acquaintances - full on SJWs - and even they laugh when I make an underhanded anti-muslim joke.


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>Also you seem to forget that almost all converts CHOSE to become muslims. They were allowed to remain Christians, Jews, etc. but they converted because they saw the benefits of Islam.

Lmao dude, you actually believe this shit. Just accept you and your entire family was brainwashed at birth into a cult. Real men don't need false ideologies to deal with reality.

This is s troll tread by some faggot and in no way related to fit. Delet dis, pemaban op.

We don't care that you do not like us. We are many, we reproduce while you look at Japanese 3D movies. We marry your women while you follow incel movements like MGTOW. You will lose and the opinion of a loser does not matter.

Fuck off

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Trust me when I say Muslim girls crave white dick, they say we smell/fuck better

White lies. You know why BBC movies exist and why women are the biggest supporters of open borders.

This is just shitposting, r-right?

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Islam has won. Get used to it.

It's not like I wanted humanity to conquer the stars or anything.

The entire world fucking hate muslime
>W-we're the only right religion you heretics

Yeah sure, you can fuck off our Christian board now, you're hated by every sane human being on the planet. Time to ask yourself some questions

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How easy is it to take advantage of a Muslim during Ramadan?

Or they just really wanted to try blowing someone up

We are over White women love us, white liberals love us, all of Arabia and lots of countries in Africa, Asia and Europe love us. Even in the US are numbers are growing and growing with every year. Cry and scream as much as you want. You were defeated.

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>maybe if we give up some things for a month it'll make up for all the atrocities committed in the name of our religion!?

I'm taking a trip to Tunisia next week - will the fact that its Ramadan mean its less likely I will be killed / will be treated better by muslims?

Yeah, aren't you a bunch of sweeties

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>break the law
>get punished

It is too hard to get for you? I bet you would "punish" a murderer through tolerance sit-ins.

>illegal in Islam
>illegal in literally all muslims countries
>literally all believing muslims will agree that this is illegal in Islam
>some backwards culture practices this even though it is against Islam as they all know

and yet dumb Westerners think this has anything to do with Islam.

Butthurt muslims

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Muslims are the biggest hypocrites on this planet, go figure.

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>hostage taking

>genital mutilation
A great way to improve the hygiene.

>suicide bombings

>honor killing
just punishment for illegal behaviour

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This is a Christian only board.
No filthy mudslimes allowed.
Take your day of rasengan and remove yourself.

IS has absolutely nothing to do with it. The "I" stands for irreligious if you didn't know. Atheists aka Jews are using these puppets to ensure hate towards muslims. Read a book.

user stop baiting.
This is getting pathetic.

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there are less than 2 billion muslims in the world, and a significant portion of them are suffering as a result of their muslim heritage of war, oppression and dogma

europe started to graduate from christianity in the 1700s and have made great technological leaps since. islam has a few oil nations.

>fastest growing.
Because you reproduce like fucking rats. It's a common characteristic between 3rd world subhumans.


You do know that these women were also believing muslims in the 1960s, right?

Jesus is Based.
He wants us all to make it brah.

They were islamic on the left too.
That picture actually says that their region was taken over and destroyed by the world bank and western interests who put quaran thumping lunatics in charge.
They were pushed back to the fucking stone ages and all the potential of that region was irrevocably ruined.
Even if there is a civil war backed by interests that can actually stand up to the World Bank, they'll never be the same.

Islam is a sub-human, backwards religion that destroys societies.

also demonstrates the damage that Western capitalist invasions and sponsored coups have done

Having children is good. Not having children because women prefer minimum wage jobs aka a carrer, abortions and degenerate behaviour like having dozens of sexual partners per year is a disease. It's literally a cancer that slowly kills your countries. Even your beloved nationalistic nations like Poland or Hungary have dirt poor reproducion rates because you prefer cats and dogs over your own children.


>my country is a shithole
>blame everyone else

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the absolute state of mudslimes!

Yeah, shit out 12 children who will live in poverty and fight each other for the few recources just so you have somebody to take care of you when you are old, because your shitty government isn't able to

>trusting your government

good goy

True love for children right there lol

>nothing to do with islam
Are you retarded?

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But I thought you WEREN'T supposed to waste time on useless activities...

These children will not live in poverty. Europe will allow them in and they will be the conquerors of Europe. The muslim dream will finally come true because of the tolerance and liberalism of Western Europe.

Thank you, open border movement.

>break the law
>get punished
>regardless if you're a woman or a man

That's actually some real equality if you ask me.

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>implying europe will not turn into shit in your hands once all the people who made it great are gone
>having to base your hopes for the future on someone elses civilization and success
Your children will be cleaning the toilets of christians for generations


>wife should obey husband, aka have a fuctioning family

nothing wrong with that

>sharia should rule

>death for adultery
>defending cheating wives and cuckholding
>the absolute state of the West

>death for leaving Islam
You are not forced to join but if you do, you are receiving all benefits of Islam but you are also fully aware that you are not allowed to leave. If you know this contract, you cannot cry for unfairness when you break it.

>Treat women like shit
>If she leaves me I have the right to kill her

LOL, you know we are taking over. There will be no ethnic Swedish, French, German or British people left in a few decades. The capitals of these countries are already mostly muslims and Islam will further spread.

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Well, atleast it will be better than the jew shit of today.

Why do Muslims smell so bad?

>you are free to marry anyone you want
>a married wife has certain duties like getting children, raising them, treating your husband and his family well, etc.
>do not fulfill your duties -> get punished
>shame your husband by sleeping with another man -> you deserve death


Not a mudslime, but you know the christian version of this would also be pathetic. And it would involve a way larger percentage of 1st world countries that ought to know better (cough *America * cough)

Nah, if you get too many they will just reopen Auschwitz. The signs are already there

heathen scum
you worship satan
repent to the LORD Christ

>Is your little belief so feeble you need to attack others constantly?
coming from the religion that spawned ISIS and Al-qaeda okay senpai

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>muslim response to anyone doing anything they don't like is killing them

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>The "I" stands for irreligious if you didn't know.
>the I in 'islamic state'


You know that this will never happen. Your women are already marrying muslims as fast as they can because they want real men. Your children are growing up taught to never say anything negative about muslims. Your liberals will defend us with their mighty medial power. Your politicians are trying everything they can to get as many of us as possible.

Or I'll ask you a simple question to better illustrate you how much you have lost:
Are you able to openly criticize the muslim migration in front of your family/friends/colleagues/class mates/social media/etc. without being called a racist and/or getting fired?
Yeah, thought so :)

Faggot sandnigger, there will be no Muslim take over cuz the moment it DOES happen,nukes WILL be flying and there's nothing to stop them :) I would rather die and destroy the earth than allow a single sandnigger to take power

How about adding "don't blow yourself up" and "don't get yourself shot by Israeli soldiers" to the list on the left?

Holy kek


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Europeans are pussies but tough shit sandnigger,Yankees are not. Over 1 million dead sandniggers vs less than 50,000 dead Yankees. Tough shit Mohammed, you wont live to see another day when nukes hit your sandnigger homes

Keep dreaming.

Let them dream.

>Many Jews were not married to germans
>Marriage will save you
>The media in europe isn't controlled by whoever is in power at anx given moment (except britain)
>the extreme right aren't gaining more voters every election
>your children will ever break through the glass ceiling to get any job above middle management
I can hear your train coming already

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>One third believe that suicide bombings are justified

knowing the muslims you will manage to find a reason to massacre between your people. Like if the true reencarnation of the nigger muhammad was the nigger Ali or not.