made it bros, finally my calves are decent
Made it bros, finally my calves are decent
lmao that t rex mode
you unironically look like shit, my dude
So this is the power of Starting Strength...
Your proportion are weird as fuck. Not even T. rex mode because your calves are wider than your thighs.
ayy lmao
a new species arises
Looking good dude. Keep working on upper body and you'll be aesthetic as fuark. But clean up your room bro COME ON
crabs in a bucket
what the fuck
You look like a drunk Anime artist drew you!
what training, please man I need to know
crabs in a bucket? That's ironic as shit
you/he looks like absolute shit, you fell for the memes waaaay too hard
fuken nice
rate mine
>back workouts have yet to be discovered by the primitive lifter. Contact with other tribes may alter his behavior to a more suitable diet of barbell rows and lat pull downs
>legs make upper body look small
hug me, op
Lookin awesome bro
What's the word for... putting other people down even when they're actually successful to make it seem like you're even more successful, even though you're really not?
You look good in general, but what the others guy are saying is right. Your legs are too big for your upper body. It looks weird.
I would kill anyone or anything for those calfs.
>putting other people down even when they're actually successful
In 6 months I will no longer be obese.. just you wait ... lifetime of bulkin has made my calves HUGE!
interesting how 2 people who post in a reddit thread post here as well.
this mother fucker is pyramid mode
You look peetty good, honestly, but you're arrogant for thinking you made it
post body
You look weird m8.
but he did, calves of gods
Have you tried training your upper body at all?
Nah. Decent calves. Above average calves. But not made it calves
You look good Opie, but you haven't quite yet made it with those delts not being as big as they should be.
>Above average calves
his calves are bigger than his thighs ffs
Looking great OP. But work on them lats
Weighted pull-ups got you covered
That's more of a comment on his thighs...
Are you OP?
post body
nice OP, what did you do for em
post body
>legs longer than torso
fuck, you need to get wide fast.
huge big disproportional calves are extremely unaesthetic samoan/filipino tier
proportional, well-developed calves are aesthetic and complementary with the rest of the lower body/physique
There's nothing wrong with big calves. You just have to have the rest of the body to match. Little calves look downright womanly
post body
Dont see what you're talking about, dude in OP looks good.
That's not OP though.
I mean it's not that you don't look good, it's just that you also look like an SS victim
look like a cyberpunk character disappointed that his new prosthetic legs are XXXL when you ordered M
I finally got it... you look like a character from ark survival evolved
Noice. Height/weight/lifts?
post body
post body
Reminds me when Wile E. Coyote took roids
Purely from sports. Gonna start doing calf raises and see how disgusting I can make em.
ooooh lawwwwd
My physique is worse than OP's, but isn't this bottom heavy?