Attached: marky.jpg (480x360, 30K)
ITT: manletspo
Jonathan Ward
Kevin Richardson
one day
Juan Hall
This is depressing. You just know this was drawn by a woman and this is what she thought was the epitome of hotness. And it's all about height.
James Fisher
i think the artist made it quite realistic regardless since height is one of the main factors when it comes to girls.
Hudson Morgan
Damn that bitch is an ugly he-woman but dude's a turbomanlet as well.
Hudson Wilson
>Implying I don't want peak height genetics for my children
Benjamin Peterson
Bruh, I don't even want kids but I have a fetish for tall girls and the opportunity to make alpha children would be too great to pass up.
Oliver Garcia
>mfw I'm 5'3 and always felt too short
>tfw no matter how tall my future husband will be, I will have manlet sons
Dominic Long
tits or gtfo
Asher Cook
I’m a guy
Evan Perez
THen why would you be worried about having sons with another man then?? I demand extreme tittleage
James Murphy
>he doesn’t want to get his husband pregnant
It’s 2018, guys.
Jack Baker
Daily reminder that 5 feet 11 is average heigth for white people.
Wyatt Ortiz
>strongest association expect for black and education
Charles Taylor
good thing America is Le 56% so the average is lower (like me, 5'9)
Charles Peterson
Julian Morris
Michael Perry
>Mfw 6' Mexican chad
I love bullying manlet mutts
Xavier King
There are basically 4 possible options to consider in this model:
1. Short genetics, adequate nutrition
2. Tall genetics, adequate nutrition
3. Short genetics, inadequate nutrition
4. Tall genetics, inadequate nutrition
The 2 possible outcomes for height are either tall or short.
1, 3 and 4 will end up being short. 2 will end up being tall.
The 2 possible outcomes for intelligence are either higher average IQ or lower average IQ
3 and 4 will end up having a lower average IQ. 1 and 2 will end up being having a higher average IQ.
This skews the results and makes it seem like being shorter means lower average IQ when in truth the main factor for lower average IQ is low nutrition during crucial periods in your body development, which also causes your body to not reach it's full genetic height potential.
Nathan Rivera
>t. low IQ manlet
Nah but for real man thanks for the breakdown. Very helpful, a lot of statistics can be easily misunderstood. I think teaching people how to think statistically should be mandatory at school, starting from a very young age to get peoples intuitions tuned well.
Isaac Cruz
When it comes to evolution though it doesn’t matter if it is correlation or causation. The fact is that taller people are more likely to be well nourished during crucial times and are more likely to be intelligent.
Meanwhile not every short person failed to meet their genetic potential for iq but at that point there are other people with similar height who did fail to meet their potential.
When women choose potential mates that still makes the taller man the safer bet