Rate my workout

Rate my workout.

It's 20 sec on 20 sec rest.

Attached: byebyefat.png (928x3157, 927K)


Pretty autistic

Maybe in your opinion Fatboy

It's perfect if you want to look like a DYEL twink faggot.

There's no chance of that senpai. I'm 250lb and 6'2

That's not a workout it's a dance routine

If that's all you're doing, then it's retarded. But if you are doing that at a high intensity and also lifting heavy weights, then it's actually fine. Most of these faggots don't do any cardio and wouldn't even be able to finish that at high intensity.

4/10 at least youre doing something

Ok then its dumb. Fat loss is 90% diet. IF you do want to do exercise to speed up your metabolism afterwards to aid in fat loss, you dont need to do all this specific stuff, just do high intensity running or rowing or swimming.

This is just what every woman does in the weight area--which is why we need segregated gyms

>20 second cross country run

Attached: goldenkek.jpg (640x640, 39K)

>250lb untrained doing jumps

Vatican City cross-country run?

This reminds me of my navy “pt”. All it did was make me nauseous while I was hungover.

you could set a WR trying not to be molested as you pass through


Make sure to do this inside of the cable crossover machine, its the only way you'll get any gains, because you're in a place of power. Do your movements as worship to the muscle gods, and they will grant you recompense.

>puppet spin

>hamplanet doing the cancan
My sides

Attached: 419DC024-4262-4CB6-92F6-5F5A4C460D71.jpg (450x450, 42K)


>puppet spin

Holy shit why did this make me laugh so hard, here's your (you)

I was actually 275lb a few months ago,before I started all this. Quite well trained to be honest now

Lol, glad it entertains a simpleton like you. In all fairness though, I only put it in to be an active rest essentially, and because it's fun to do