Why aren't you listening to chads advice Jow Forums?
How to enhance jawline
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>posting screenshot
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You have to go back.
Holy shit I thought I was the only one with those lines at the sides of my mouth.
...are you fucking retarded or what?
>or what
mfw reddit and runescape
Do you have a bigger version? Cant read the text
Dude jaw looks so much better in the right pic, but his eyes look weird
Sorry I'm phoneposting
You don't understand what I'm saying, dumb cunt.
Holy fucking shit I need to start doing this. That transformation is unreal.
I shattered my jaw in a car wreck 7 years ago. My jaw is held together with wires and pins and I had my jaw wired shut for 6 weeks.
All of the exercises in this video are legit. I had ridiculous jaw pain for years so a physical therapist showed me exercises to fix it, and they’re pretty much all in this video.
I had a turkey gobbler double chin after jaw surgery and the exercise that got rid of it and really reshaped my face was opening my mouth against resistance. Chewing and mewing is all good but putting resistance against your chin and opening against it will change your face fast, and you don’t have to chew on a fucking racquetball for 3000 bites per day.
my mind is blown at people who can't distinguish the difference between jawlines becoming more visible due to low bodyfat and jawline development.
you can't change your fucking jaw. its bone. bone is genetic. all you guys are fucking retarded
you could grow it like how it would during puberty with hormones but you cant change the shape
Hows mine look bros
It works, I did it for 4 years in my late teens and now I'm in my mid 20s and look totally different.
Stop fishing for validation on Jow Forums, are you a girl? Your gonial angle is shit btw, too high.
mewcucks btfo
and you look dyel as hell. i feel like you give creepy vibes irl
stop wearing those numale/virgin glasses
pic pls
just the lower third of your face is fine
Wolf's law my man.
I'm obese, not sure you'll be able to see the difference. Gonna water fast asap to lose the blubber and see my true face.
then how do YOU see the difference?
I don't, I'm larping.
does anyone have the image of that same guy but with different types of jaw, nose, eye etc?
steve jobs ur dead
>left 20.5
holy fuck I'm gonna stick a leather belt in my mouth and keep chewing untibmy jaw muscles split in half
>tfw I already jawmaxxed but jaw is still feminine
>still chew gum almost everyday
I live in asia though and they have different beauty standards. My jaw is round but I'm apparently considered "very good-looking". I literally look like Rain with a less slanty eyes.
lol you're azn, you weren't expecting to look like a caucasian chad were you? Lucky for you all the azn girls like tall skinny kpopmaxxed guys so do that.
Don't swallow the gum, spit it out, how can it be bad for your belly then
You are not supposed to swallow them you mouthbreather.
thats called puberty ya fuckin retard
I know a girl who has had this problem.
The price must be paid.
Brad Pitt chewed a ton of gum in his youth when he was a small timer, over time he left that habit. Look at his diamond jawline in his 20s.
I'm not sure puberty alone transformed me from one extremely ugly bastard in my late teens to a hansum, universally attractive Chad.
>Born with good genetics
>"Ha, I bet if I make a Youtube video teaching dumb fucking exercises betas will listen to me because I'm a chad"
>166k subscribers
>700k views on one vid
>Ad revenue further fueling his chad lifestyle of fucking roasties daily
>Meanwhile beta incels are opening and closing their mouth trying to undo their genetics
get some glasses that don't look like the virgin meme
This chinlet seems triggered
Is normal store bought gum okay or do I need mastic gum
My chin is on par with Jon Hamm's, gtfo.
This desu
I chewed gum, mewed, worked out, minimized facial bloat and stayed at 10-12% BF for around 2 years and my jaw looks completely different. It's fucking bizarre and insane desu
U cunts wanna see transformation pics?
no, thanks.
Where do I get mastic, good quality/price ratio? They don't sell it here.
Drop sodium intake, you will have death face in literally a week
Sure m8. I already mew and neckpill and train zygomaticus, a few months difference is unreal, i went from ftm mode to chad, but my shit wasnt super bad to begin with. Zygomaticus training was the biggest difference
What probably happened you lowered inflammiton due to better oral health :) Jewin gum does not really change your facia features at all. But lowered inflammition and water bload definitely does
My jaw is already as wide as my upper skull...I need help building a big neck to compliment it though...
kill yourself faggot
Why are people so angry :P
haha idk
What zygomaticus exercise did you do?
Bro you're a Jow Forumsizen act like it
>look up zygomaticus online
>look in a mirror, activate it with full ROM
>use fingers as resistence
Rounded jaws are superior for primitive high fighting success males. It is by far the most punch resistant.
Also JFL at that skullcel getting mogged by the jewish kid
Post em
where to get mastiha gum in europe though?
jaw is good, chin could use some work (not sure if that's possible). Haircut adds to the squareness of the whole face so that's good. Glasses are ok.
half of that dude's face is jaw alone. He looks like a shark.
what haircuts extenuate the jaw line, if that's even a thing?
i think mine's good, but im lazy and dont get my haircut as often as i should. it gets really thick, makes my head look tiny in comparison.
>what haircuts extenuate the jaw line, if that's even a thing?
short haircuts, I buzzcut 2 sides(been using a non-negro fade which works as fine) and some size on top to style back or to the sides, basically an undercut.
or just shave it all, I've done it before some times
both make my jaw pop
Like literally chewing? just opening and closing my teeth with my mouth shut? or pressing my teeth together hard? like clenching?
Someone explain please
no you homo. Nobody cares about your dicksucking gains
this lmao