Can Jow Forums even bench 2PL8s?
>Touch chest
>No spotter interference
>No smith machine
Can Jow Forums even bench 2PL8s?
>Touch chest
>No spotter interference
>No smith machine
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Could when I was 16. Not anymore.
I hit my goal of 225x10 a couple months ago but haven't really progressed from there cause on a cut.
Probably 20+ idk I've never tried but I can bench 330 paused lol
yes but I weigh like 215, if I couldn't bench my own weight plus 10 lbs it'd be pathetic
90lbs isn't that much, not sure why you're bragging.
45 pounds 4x10 ,, just started going to the gym and im in my third week , i go 3 times a week and have belly fat need to burn with cardio tho
0. i can flat bench 155 4x8. i can inline bench 160 2x10.
Gl bra
Hopefully u read the sticky and doing SS or gslp
You're doing ok, already half way there.
>literally benching the bar
>half way there
nope, working on it. can bench 1.5pl8 for reps though, nearing my 9th month. do I have shit tier genetics guys ?
Last time I tried I think I got 16.
>100 lb ohp
>140 lb bench
2 month SS
Do I have good shoulders or what.
>No smith machine
fuck you op, planet fitness is a fine place to work out
never ever forget:
these are the people giving you advice on Jow Forums
Honestly the gym i go to have only basic equipments and nothing fancy but im always alone and the only other person there is an Ex bodybuilder in his 60's so he help me out with my routines
i just do 4x10 of whatever part of my body im doing today + inclined bench and normal bench
im noticing that im getting stronger tho , if i fail on a 7th rep or 8th this week next week i usually go the full 10 and if i did the next time i add 5 pounds more to the weight
That was me, i stalled for ages on that. Then i really started to eat and follow a decent routine and my bench increased pretty good
16 lbs lmao what a benchlet
im sorry because pounds conversing are confusing to me ,, what i mean to say that i do 10kg on each sides plus the bar
average, I'm at the same fucking numbers.
9 weeks 100 x 5 ohp, 145 x 5 bench @ 165lbs
8lbs dumbells not even a real bench
literally my one rep max
225 incline bench
How can people bench heavy weights on the smith machine? There were no benches once so I used it to do 110kg and unracking it was the hardest wrist workout I have ever done.
Same weight too. My man.
the smith machine is the most useless equipment in the gym
the only reason it exist is to pat people who lie to themselves on the back
Same here at 160bw wbu
The ones that move horizontally and vertically with the vertical glide bars aren't bad for squats other than maybe underworking stabilizers a little. You still have to push that shit back up to the top with your quads, glutes and hamstrings and no help.
seems like people aren't lying which is cool. 225 bench was the easiest out of the big 4 for me to hit as a tall dude
Good boys
I'm at 210 for 3 reps no spot. But I barely flat bench, just inclines and dips.
tfw you rep out 20 with one arm.
1RM 3.5pl8 checking in
I hit 185 after two months in the gym. When i started, I could only bench 115. I should be up to 2pl8 in the next month or so.
> No left wrist flexion
> No left fingers
>Replace left hand with metal and plastic. Literally stronger than skin
His lifts are bullshit
think you cold deadlift 4 pl8ts 20 times with robo-leg?
I've done 209 x5 and x6 several times, but never felt strong enough to attempt 225. I voted for 1 rep tho.
Easy there OP I just got to 1 plate after many months.
>Tfw got sick last week
>Lost 2 kgs and am back to 65kg bw
Rip gains
It's completely irrelevant unless you post your bw and sex also.
started with 45 lbs (bar) at the age of 18. now (with 25) I'm at 310 (140kg). bodyweight grow from 150 lbs to 240 lbs (6'3)
t. highland games competitor, so I don't really need the bench press, and I don't give a shit if you call me fatfuck.
Fucking eat, mate. 240 at that height ain't a great place to be in highland games. Can't cut to lightweight, can't match bellies with the bigger guys.
Yes, last month, was my final part of 1/2/3/4, Gymbro spotter congratulated me, knew I failed it 2 weeks earlier. I think I said 'I still feel empty'.
75kg/100kg/162kg/195kg were my 1rm at the time @215lb , took 10 months starting at 192lb.
t. jealous little faggot who can't bench press 225 at all
>when you are a benchlet but i the top 15% of Jow Forums
Good thing i don't take Jow Forums seriously anymore
I did 275lbs bench @160lbs
I can't ;p
100kg x6
I just realized how much height, weight and size affect how much you bench, I'm 10 months into lifting and I still can't bench 225 (5'7 considering suicide manlet here) while a buddy at the gym can bench 225 for 5 at 6 months of training (6 feet+)
>as a tall dude
Being a shorty I manage 4pl8s diddlys for 6 reps in 7 months of training
I didn't take part in the poll because I didn't see it. But yes, i'm at 235 right now 5x5.
Holy shit, why are there so few advanced lifters on Jow Forums? I've been lifting for less than 2 years and I bench more than 56% of Jow Forums.
90% of Jow Forums gives shit advice and is incapable of taking good advice if it disagrees with their memes.
If you really knew what you were doing, you'd have to be a masochist to hang around this place.
Because they didn't do Starting Strength
then just call ik 40kg like it is. no need to make it lbs if you're going to fuck up this bad
I can bench press 225x100.
2nd week here. Managed 35lbs on day two of my bench but it was a struggle. Hopefully by next week I'm up to 1pl8 but only time will tell
Because everyone who knew anything of value moved on years ago. Now, this board's main population is:
>Incels from r9k and Reddit
>Jow Forumsacks and Redditors from TheDonald preparing for their "race war"
>SS cultists trying to spread their religion
this desu
r/steroids and r/bodybuilding unironically offer far far better advice and knowledge that Jow Forums
into my 5th month lifting. Can do 1.5 pl8 for 5 reps or so, but have never tried two plates, so I put zero
Could do 2pl8x2 after 2 months lifting + 1 year calisthenics
55kg 3x5 OHP
70kg 3x5 Bench
5'10 82kg BW
Shouldn't my bench be higher?
just know that your diet is more important than lifting. do both, still. but diet is paramount
225x12 but I can only hit 270 for 1. Maxing feels terrible on my tendons, is that weird?
a bit
It's pretty convenient to put the bar on the highest setting and use it for pull-ups with bent knees if the pull-up bars are taken. Pretty much all it's good for.
>225x12 but I can only hit 270 for 1
You just need to work on strength. Do heavy sets of, say 245x3, and work your way up from there. Doing 225x12, you should be able to hit close to 315.
t. 225x10, 285 1rm
t. fraud shiller
How many sets?
Honestly not sure.
I do 180 lb total with dumbbells for 3x8 so I think I could do 225 for a few
I bench 2 plates. Then I kill the Earl with his own blade.
I saw one of you fucks "hit" two plates today. Your ass came off the bench and you just humped the bar
I don’t flat bench but can OHP 70kg for reps and incline around 90kg for reps without even inclining for months. 7 months of lifting
OHP 70kg for reps and can only do 200 for reps? Lift chest more faggot
The best I can do is 200lbs once, I hope I can bench 2pl8s by the end of the year
pisspoor technique/bar path
fucking idiot
I can
Got it for 4 last week
done 3x8 with slightly above 2pl8 recently so I reckon I could atleast do 10 reps for a single set with 2pl8.
These are the people giving lifting advice and telling you to run a beginner program fucking kek
I can't yet but don't give advice on Jow Forums lol just read the sticky and lurk for the bants
People leave Jow Forums after making it since it's just the same threads day in and day out
135 lbs x 8-10 reps with three months of lifting. Good, bad? [spoiler]First month and a half were machines and DB training to be able to lift without hurting myself like a little bitch.[/spoiler]
Jow Forumsbb is full of retards tho
>I just realized how much height, weight and size affect how much you bench
Its the most body weight dependent left yeah. Still though stop using that as a excuse munchkin, 10 months is plenty time to get to 2pl8s if you are 70kg or above.
yeah but for normal sized humans it's called a rack pull when it starts above the knee
No. My current best was 200 lbs/92 kg
are you so proud of yourself for hitting lmao 2pl8s you had to come here and announce it?
yah, 3 sets of five is part of my warmup
Iam shocked how weak most of the people here are. Judging by how most posters here act like they know what they are doing.
Iam 72kg btw and bench 100kg 8+, thats better than 70% of fit and I consider myself an absolute beginner.
I really should stick to memes on Jow Forums and not regular advice.
What are your stats nigger? Surely you wouldn't call someone a fucking idiot if you couldn't bench more than them and haven't been lifting longer
>t. 8 years of lifting, doing things right and wrong, learning as I went.
225 x 10 is my PR, but I could probably get more considering I got that on a 24 hr dry fast a couple weeks ago.
6'1" 175lbs, can bench it for reps.
I call bullshit on this poll. I honestly seriously doubt the majority of Jow Forumsizens can bench 225lbs.
Never got above 170 for 5 reps, despite trying. Feels bad man.
Planet fitness only has Smith macines. But Im able to do 1 plate of 5x5 today. Other people at the gym has been noticing my progress when I workout.
I bench 3 times a week and I've been stuck at 185-195 for a month.
215lbs but 6'4 so lanky ass arms. took a while desu
I can hit 24 reps of this if warmed up properly and with proper rest. Did it so I could compare myself to the guys at the NFL combine, I'm up there with some of them in strength but their pure speed is fucking ridiculous. Also I'm 6'4" 225 lbs so I'm fatass mode.
Tbh this
I benched 325x1 last week with a spotter (didn't touch the bar, only helped me re rack)