Have you taken the /primal/pill?

So have you? Or are you some weak faggot who lost at the REAL genetic lottery just like every single of your pathetic ancestors and that's why you look like some modern human beta faggot?

>not being above 6'3"
>not weighting above 240lbs at 15% body fat
>not being stocky mean god of fridge mode
>not having Supraorbital ridge
>not being able to effortlessly lift 2/3/4/5 for reps in the first 3 months of lifting
>not outmogging all those weak "chads" that are in reality insecure nannies whose sole life depends on peer approval
>not drowning in pussy even with some shitty 5/10 at best wide neanderthal face
>not having huge cock that is thicker than the red bull can
>not fucking Stacies just to mog chads even further in the primal dicking game destroying their fragile ego forever
>not hearing "I have never felt so secure in someones arms" over and over
>not taking the neanderthal /prime/ pill

Good thing you fags aren't going to pass your weak Homo Sapiens Sapiens genes....

Attached: you.jpg (824x737, 131K)

>not hearing "I have never felt so secure in someones arms" over and over
i've heard this every girl i've been with and i'm 6'0 190ish. and my dick isn't redbull can size, but it is AXE can size

A guy like that wouldn't have a beta gym membership, he'd be doing a manual labor job.

>neanderthal skull
>neanderthal brain
>1800 cm3 brain volume
>working manual job
>not being a successful CEO with 8 figures a month
>not mogging gym regulars and dominating just by your sheer pressence
>not getting the kick out of how natural it feels to be on the top

>beta homo sapiens skull
>beta homo sapiens brain
>1300 cm3 brain volume
>not killing yourself

Attached: 1470169718802.jpg (540x400, 60K)

Show me a single CEO that looks like this and I'll concede.

Do you know what neanderthals were like? They were shorter than humans, and very autistic. They were much stronger than us but they couldn't run as well, and were probably unable to throw things efficiently. They literally died out because they couldn't breed well. And were possibly riddled with autoimmune diseases. Having neanderthal genes is always negatively correlated with overall rate of survival and fertility. They were smarter than us, however.

>be 1300 cm3 brain volume homo sapiens fag
>ask for handouts because he is so incompetent, just like his ancestors
How typical....


Oh and most of our neanderthal ancestry comes from those of neanderthal females, which means that neanderthals were probably killed and raped into extinction by humans.

this meme sucks

>They were shorter than humans
>very autistic
>couldn't run as well
>unable to throw things efficiently
>died out because they couldn't breed wel
>riddled with autoimmune diseases
They were smarter than us, however.
>it isn't part of the greater plan for all to think that we have died out.

Attached: CEO.jpg (2456x3680, 522K)

>that 19-year-old boomer trying to force his meme on "the chonz"

Neanderthals were short though.

CEOs tend to be tall bud.

so hot. tell me more

Attached: 200_s.gif (159x200, 20K)

>jealous Homo Fagus Sapiens
>not knowing that word TALL comes from NeanderTHAL

Neanderthal reporting in. I head your business is going well.

Attached: GodAmongstTheHomoSapiens.jpg (641x1080, 536K)


You look like a gears of war character

Attached: Bogandoff.jpg (1140x640, 109K)

height and weight?