As a average man shouldn't your lifts be stronger than the strongest female (even the drugged one) or at least say...

as a average man shouldn't your lifts be stronger than the strongest female (even the drugged one) or at least say within a 100lbs or so?

controlling for genetic freaks. If the strongest drugged up chick in the world benches 350, squats and deads 600+

as a man you should AT MINIMUM bench 2 plate, squat 4-5 plate and pull 5 to 6?

Attached: @c.c_holcomb 280kg 617lbs.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"""raw""" w/ wraps
>bendaroo bar

Also she unironically has more male hormones than the average male

powerlifting and weightlifting are a skill more than actually being strong

wonder if she bends over that white boi husband of hers and gives him the clit

Attached: 31897613_246063672622807_351717934181122048_n.jpg?se=7&ig_cache_key=MTc3Nzk5OTAyOTQ0NDQ3NTIyOA%3 (1080x1080, 107K)

Attached: blaa.png (1440x1557, 738K)

> """"white""""
> that long philtrum
you must be american to not notice what an obvious quadroon that is

i laff


This is like competing with a female gorilla. No thanks.

Sorry I dont want to fuck up my knees. Also my leg genetics are godly. I don't have to lift heavy to have godly legs. Get the fuck out of here with that strength bullshit

>gives him the clit
My fucking sides

Attached: 1526270777724.gif (350x193, 3.01M)

is that thing in your webm supposed to be female?

>>bendaroo bar
>implying it makes a squat easier

that was actually a good squat tho

No, there basically men training full-time when on roids.

I feel like you don't know what average means.

I don't know, do you think you should be able to beat Gabi Garcia in a fight just because she's female?

Do you honestly think a deadlift bar is used for any lift other than a deadlift? Also that meet had squat bars, but I will say I don't know if women are given squat bars in the USPA.


They are not

>all that cope

Attached: 1526288370714.jpg (900x600, 391K)

give it a shot then make sure ur m8 films it so we can have a laugh

Any male (masculine male, athletic, +160lbs) could beat Ronda Rousey in a fight if they train MMA consistently for a year

She has the male hormone levels that exceed that of any natural man at least 10 fold. So she is not female. She is not even male. She will exceed the muscular potential of any natural male without fail. She also has the most optimal genetics.

So should the AVERAGE man's lifts be stronger? Probably not. That said, the average lifter should absolutely aspire to at least bench 2 plate, squat 3.5, and pull 4.

you have serious mental illness

As an avg man i can bench 4 plate and squat/dl over 6 plate at 200 pounds after 7 years lifting.

No routine no macros no sleep, super stressed.

If i can do it you guys can do it.