>skipping leg day
Skipping leg day
disgusting, like any women would get close to him irl.
>posting semi pornographic images
i put my penis in vagina yesterday anons
Only men care about quadriceps, it's calves that that people are looking when they are making jokes about legs
honestly stop lifting legs, its most useless timewasting shit ever
we all want that ottermode, legs means nothing there, and only faggots actually gives your legs attention
Honestly if you dont need your legs for an sport like wrestling, rugby or football doing squats with more then 1 to 1 1/2 plate is a waste of time and nothing more than an Investment in back/knee problems and ripped jeans.
Girls dont care about legs
If you ask them they would like the trained legs more but normally they dont care.
Also if you train your legs and dont habe good calve genes you will look absolute ridicolous.
its not very good desu
The Virgin Cope
The Chad Reality
i possess two x chromosomes and i mastrubated to a pic of a guys veiny quads and glutes yesterday this one specifically
its overrated isnt it?
yep. back to reading books and lifting weights
Who cares about you, filthy roastie
"leg days" are for gymcel faggots. You wanna work your legs then just do some cardio, faggy fatty. Go run 13 miles right now.
Training legs for the sake of legs is the unchaddest ever
imagine being this complacent with a shitty body
As a guy in porn, I've never seen a girl who commented on my small legs - only other guys.
jokes on you klinefelter
teach me master
I'm getting a nice and toned quads and ass but anything by calf and shins isn't getting thick, looks like chicken legs still, what to do?
>Girls dont care about legs
Have you ever had a girl on top?
They might not care about legs, but youll be glad you didnt skep leg day when you can use your thighs to push her ass up and down on your dick
I never skip leg day, even though I'm 1,68m and my thighs are already thick (former rugby player).
>delete that image, please...
fucking lol
Yet, he gets laid and you tyranosaur don't.
I'd like to say it's overrated the moment after you get your rocks off
>skips legs,
>Has a babe literally on him
Fuck legs
You think that's a real couple? They just got a ghost to take the photo?
notice how he's' also getting laid
Sadkunt who lifts for women
Isolate your calves
Beat me to it
Me on the left
grills don't care about legs
>training the things you use every day more than any other part of your body is the unChaddest thing ever
Don't you have a wheelchair basketball game to get ready for?
I stopped working out legs when I realized that muscular quads and glutes ruin your ability to fit into decent looking pants. It's not worth the detriment to my professional life.
Too all you faggots saying girls dont care about legs, i put on a rugby game at my job and all the whores were salivating asking "how do they get such big legs and asses" and "damn they look like i wouldnt be able to walk for a week after lol"
Rugby is the ultimate chad sport
Fucking hot senpai
fuck, I wish someone had told me sooner
This passes only if "look" is literally a single thing you care about and you don't wear shorts.
Leg strength is foundation almost to any sport you might do. Besides it is the biggest muscle which means you release the most growth hormone which essentially aids your upper body gains.
you can get tailored pants you idiot
Bet you fucked them all right there didn't you user
Someone tell me proper leg width for a 5'7" male right now. I can't judge them myself and I don't feel like asking in CBT right now. I know they need to be bigger so I want a goal
twinks in nongay porn need to be shot
why is that allowed
I only dryhumped, she told me she isn't ready yet.
And yet he is about to fuck some pussy while you virgins sit on Jow Forums coping.
Your big legs aren't going to get you laid.
Why would I?
I showered with my friend Gary instead, much more fun.
>He will never have a women compliment his butt
That'll be boxing
>Brain damage is alpha
don't be stupid, that only happens in my hentai movies
I have a nice butt but (double butt hahaha) my upper body is weak af. Being on Stronglifts is increasing the strength gap even more since it's so squat-intensive. Can I get away with squatting once a week?
looks like he skipped everything day
You can try for a day with heavy squats and a day with lighter squats, each one once a week.
>Besides it is the biggest muscle which means you release the most growth hormone which essentially aids your upper body gains.
I never skip legs, but that broscience. the hormonal release is negligible and doesn't last long enough to make any difference for gains. actually the opposite is true - training legs can have a negative effect on upper body gains past a certain level, because there's only so much lean mass that your body can support without roiding. the reality is that no girl cares how big your legs are unless they are comically small, but I would never skip the leg day anyway, because I don't want to be faggot who lifts and can't even squat 3 plates
>Honestly if you dont need your legs for an sport like wrestling, rugby or football doing squats with more then 1 to 1 1/2 plate is a waste of time and nothing more than an Investment in back/knee problems and ripped jeans.
1 to 1 1/2 plate is what most people can squat before lifting, so it's nowhere near the ripped jeans level
How do you lift 3 plates? Don't you mean 6? Where do you put the 3rd one?
lurk more
*takes you to the ground and fucks your shit up*
You balance it between the bar and your head. Alternately, you can dangle it between your legs with a belt
>Someone tell me proper leg width for a 5'7" male right now
dunno, but I'm the same hight and mine used to be 26'' at 32'' waist and I literally couldn't buy fitting jeans, so it should be less than that
The physical feeling of sex in itself isn't that great. in initial penetration and busting a nut is fun, but the actual sex part is okay. It's more of mentally pleasing to just share an experience with someone and knowing that you can successful please a woman (or man if that's what you're into).
New lifter here, I'm scared to do a leg day because I was sore for 3 days after my first arm day. I hiked a lot before joining the gym so will the soreness be less? I remember the jello legs from high school football but it's been like 15 years and I didn't hike then.
Should I just man up and do it? I have to walk nonstop at work so I can't just tell em I'm too sore
You use your erect penis as a mini-bar to hold the third plate
I'm gay and legs+butt is literally the first thing I look at, because if he's got great legs and butt I know this is a guy who lifts.
I'm lifting so I want to sleep with a guy who lifts, too. Simple as that.
Post legs or butt
I-I'm working on it
Cute. [spoiler] Now post dick. [/spoiler]
Nice I'll fap