Hey guys if I wanted to make somebody a good trap would it be a benefit to inject certain parts of their muscles with cortisol shots? Like their arms and biceps to break down their muscle that would probably not go away on its own even on estrogen and progesterone.
Just a question from a straight guy no homo btw steroids seriously messed with my fetishes even though I've been off for nearly a year.
Christopher Hernandez
I have no experience with traps but spot injecting to break down muscles is, I'm fairly sure, not how that works.
starting to believe that trenbolone+free time was a bad idea .t gained 40 pounds in 12 weeks
Michael Nelson
What kind of dumb question is that. Of course, on paper I am still junior since i only work for here for 1,5 years now just after school. But I am doing medior work, since i am also managing projects and doing functional analyst work etc. I don't want to be manager here.
I don't think mediocre will be accepted in Japan. Aren't people extremely dedicated over there?
I have some had some crazy veins but never like those on my arms. Looks sick
Jonathan Murphy
>I don't think mediocre will be accepted in Japan. Aren't people extremely dedicated over there? they are smol gooks, full sized humans can do more work
Nicholas Carter
genuinely good question, the answer as always is that it depends
Sometimes, they can. Often they don't.
Adam Foster
Told you Alb looked fukin juicy.
Angel Watson
Got my GMAT (med school entry exam) results back today. Before, as a low test low motivation sadboy, I scraped passes. About eighteen months ago I self prescribed trt. The mark today came back above the 98th percentile and it's easily enough for the best med school in the state.
I'm really just blogging and maybe bragging a bit, but this general was really the first place to really introduce me to testosterone on the whole, and I just wanted to say thanks.
I've been lucky with vascularity, always had a good amount without being horrific. I washed out on stage a bit, so being naturally vascular still helped me look fuller.
Brandon Wright
So what do you want to do for the rest of your life?
>Aren't people extremely dedicated over there? Most people there are perfectionists. It's part of why Japan's economy ironically sucks fucking dicks because their actual productivity levels are incredibly low because they're overly pedantic about stuff that doesn't actually matter.
It's also true that people are very dedicated or want to look very loyal to their companies. So it's expected that you always must leave AFTER your boss has left and if that goes into overtime you will be unpaid because it of course was your own choice because you love working at the company so much.
However, there is the growing trend of hikikomori which is the nip version of shut-in because people are opting out of such a perfectionist and unrewarding corporate culture. Also people in Japan are more commonly turning down promotions because they value their free time more than any extra pay.
Optimally, given the Japanese declining population meaning there will be a consolidation of parental wealth to one child when they die and possible the wealth of childless aunts and uncles. There's a chance I can find a rich Japanese girl who is a gaijin hunter and can fund my mediocrity whist giving me jap citizenship.
As far as people I've actually interacted with go, you have always been my aesthetic inspiration bb
Always pray for the Alb revival
Dominic Parker
thanks senpai :3 ily2
I think I would've been around 90kg then, I didn't go much heavier even when I was competing in classic. I found it hard to stay lean getting any bigger than that, I'd need to really dial in a lean growth stack over a long period of time to pack on sizeable mass without spilling over.
I think this pic was at least somewhere close to my biggest, can't say I remember how heavy I was here tho.
Serious shit here guys. Got all my gear for a first test cycle with pct. But I've been thinking that since I plan on doing another cycle next year, should I just cruise at 200mg and then blast again next year. I'm 27 and have natty lifted for years.
One of the reasons I don't want to come off is how people say they feel great on gear and since I suffer horribly in University because of stress, I'm hoping it will help the depression and anxiety. Will I be fucked for life if I b&c for a year?
Elijah Reyes
Cruise lower 125-150mg, you wont need 200mg brah,not yet. Test makes me less anxious and depressed. Unlikely but its always a possiblity.
Chase Brooks
>I think I would've been around 90kg then >90kg lean Jesus fucking christ. You weren't even that tall like these Bimbo's were you.
What did you do for bi's? Mirin their peak. How did you somehow manage them to outgrow tri's. Seems like those and shoulders were your strong spots whilst being a chestlet.
One day I'll make you proud. I swear on me mum.
Easton Morales
New manager told me i get promoted wtf i hope it's true!!
Good to know that there are other people look like they roid over here beside bimbo
Getting more money, more shredded and bigger. You?
So when you're going?
Looking great m8. How to get those fucking weird veins. GH? Looks like those mcgrath and calum veins
Andrew Price
My wife got pregnant this year so, you know, either they don't always always make you sterile or she's a cheating whore. I don't know what you can make of that. I don't believe she's a cheating whore.
Hunter Carter
I could go right now if I wanted to. $350 one way plane ticket.
Whenever I finish my degree. I want to some semblance of fluent so I don't feel too alone.
Robert Rivera
I think it's just the angle there, I have long biceps so they look more dominating, they're actually probably dominated by my tris more
Mast + Epi + Tren brings them out, I don't think GH or peps did much as far as that went
Ryan Gray
fuckin mirin
Brayden Lopez
Looking sick man. Mind me asking your time lifting and favorite compounds?
Kayden Peterson
How much money do you have? What are your plans over there?
I think your situation won't change since you're still the same. You're just running away from your problems .
Any current pictures?
Matthew Martinez
Lifting since 2008 or so, enhanced in 2013. Actually likely due to this forum, thanks to a trip here named Quad who helped me program for my rugby career and eventually turned me into BBing.
Favourite compound is Masteron, by far. Epistane is a close second, then Superdrol.
Nah, I look rubbish now after focusing on my career and not working out since I had a car accident a while ago. I'm getting keener and keener to get back into it, however.
Nicholas Phillips
I have a bit. Not nearly enough to live obviously.
Plans differ. If the world is perfect, I go to Japan, work as a English teacher for a bit, gain total fluency possibly meet a girl. Move back to Australia, do a degree in physiotherapy. Move back to Japan and work a physiotherapist treating the massive elderly Japanese patients and english only speaking patients like rich businessmen who need treatment immediately.
But who knows. At least roids are legal over there and everyone will leave me alone.
I said in the last thread I was considering going back to the ol' faithful combo for a run. Likely something along:
700mg Tren Ace 700mg Mast Prop 250mg Test Enan 60mg Var ED
That'll pull be back into shape pretty quick :3
Ryder Cooper
We're able to get both waaaay to easily so I can't really judge in that regard.
Thats a pretty big stack. Why the mast so high? I've never been above 400mg.
Whats your stance on wetter compounds? I'm still very undecided.
Grayson Rivera
>y-you look better than my early pics b-but I was Natty! No one cares about your """Natty""" pics retard this is a steroid thread that cope does NOT work here
Currently on LGD and the results are fucking awesome desu desu. Lats, delts, traps and biceps are exploding and my shoulder to waist ratio is out of this world.
Nathaniel Walker
Take some steroids to fix that ugly face then
Vriend jij bent de kanker. We have anime conventions.
Jacob Smith
More androgens, better look, easier Estro control. In general just more gear for a more drastic mutation.
I’m not a huge fan, but it’s because I enjoy growing lean and slow. I’ve blasted dbol and NPP before and found them useful, but I’d rather use the above stack and throw in something like Adrol/Sdrol/Methylstenbolone instead. I’m just not personally inclined to them, they definitely have their uses and I’d recommend them if someone’s goal suited their usage.
Landon Foster
>Le 5'5" 150lbs. Zelda man LMAO my face is 10/10 bone structure, objectively speaking so try again bucko
Christian Foster
aren't you guys afraid of putting that stuff in your body? I don't even mean the stuff itself, but who knows what the manufacturers in the underground lab put in your steroids? how can you inject something in your body that was sold to you by some meathead at the gym and made in some bathtub in china?
Can tren fix my brow ridge that's shallower than the Kardashians?
Carson Butler
Anyone have experience with ostarine, or point me to a decent resource on it? Is it good for injury recovery as people say? Will pct likely be required?
Adrian Long
What happened to vampire girl
Asher Harris
I keep shrinking it seems. 10/10 bone structure lmao. 10/10 deformation in the brain.
Also >hating on zelda
I doubt he'll mind.
Samuel Rivera
Beat her to death for biting me too hard.
At the moment cruising on test with cardarine in the mix, looking to just slowly lean down.
I don't think it would take me long to blow back into shape.
Eli Wright
Was she flat chested and cute? Is she up for tying me to a chair and punching me in the face?
Great article for those who are interested, there are 4 parts.
She smashed a door into my face once which gave me a black eye.
Justin Wilson
I have something else you can hold with those tiny hands of yours
Dream on m8
Muscle memory is crazy with gear. Look how fast Levrone came back. His genetics are superior to ours, but still crazy fast
Those are the wildest in bed
Henry Foster
>Muscle memory is crazy with gear. Look how fast Levrone came back. His genetics are superior to ours, but still crazy fast
That's what I figure, if you've created muscle fibres it takes a lot to have them disappear. I've maintained a fantastic diet even since stopping training so I have no issue with the idea that I may have lost mass.
The only thing that worries me is my joints and whatnot if I don't take care of them immediately after getting back into a hectic routine, but I won't stress about that if I train correctly.
Ayden Barnes
Why would you go for a hectic routine. If you don't go super heavy you will be fine. Beside that you can take some supplements for that.
I can't squat heavy anymore because of that. My left knee hurt like crazy sometimes. Not worth it imo.
Oliver Wood
h-hot...d-did she do it on umm purpose?
Is it a thick wad of Euros I can use to buy more distractions from my mental illness?
Is it ok if I only use my quads? Sure im hitting tons of my nerve/vein but im comfy with it
Carson Watson
No i will promise you will feel much better afterwards. Just make soms crazy wild movements with it until sometime comes out it. Works better if you're dressed up like a little girl
>sure im hitting tons of nerve/vein This just isn't healthy.
Logan Howard
you can, dont go below 27g
Grayson Ross
>look at gf's phone while she's sleeping >she googled "trenbolone enanthate" and looked at shit for 30 minutes I wonder what kind of crazy shit she believes now
Owen Kelly
Probably silly stuff like you're paranoid about her cheating and would look through her messages while she's sleeping to confirm it
Michael Long
How the hell do you know she looked at for 30 minutes?
Why did you go through her internet history?
How does she even know about it?
There's a lot more interesting things you could've talked about here.
Camden Fisher
Im actually using 25g, it just werks
Christian Murphy
>Roiding for 10 years >Just turned 22 Top kek is this your new attempt to cope? Not gonna work buddy I have only been lifting a year roiding for half that with picture proof >Shit eye area >have strong brow ridge, thick eyebrows, and positive canthal tilt Your copes don't work when they are objectvely proven false within seconds You really need some new material buddy girls love my golden eyebrows because they go with my blue eyes. Guess a brown eyed pajeet like yourself just wouldn't understand >I keep shrinking Try working out and eating, it worked for many in the past
Ryder Murphy
i think thats too much scar tissue for 2 muscle groups
Hudson Gomez
there's timestamps and I saw 30 minutes worth of tren related websites in the history after the initial Google search
for context
(and don't give me that shit you literally stalked your ex at a bar while she was out with friends)
Brandon Butler
Don't you get tired of being obnoxious? It's much nicer to be friendly and banter rather than be a cunt.
Don't you get tired of being a feeble minded fag who goes to bed every night wishing he were born a female?
Jeremiah Reed
Julian Harris
My logic is: why would someone go through all the trouble of becoming a verified roid source just so they can make people inject themselves with dangerous shit? Assuming you're ordering from the main source place, you usually have to get your shit tested in order to become verified. And even then, I'm pretty sure they'd be found out pretty quickly since a lot of roid source boards have forums and such, so all it would take is one or two posts saying "Hey guys I injected test from *Fake Roid Lab* and now I have aids." to get them kicked off. I know one source was kicked off the source board not too long ago for sending out underdosed test.
tl;dr I have placed a strange amount of trust in internet strangers selling me illegal things.
Asher Scott
Never, because at least I'm somewhat liked as a person.
>girls love my [insert anything] Objectively false. No woman would even consider mating with you.
And yet this feeble minded fag will be more likeable and desired then your beta fucked face will ever be.
Just suck his dick already you seem to be on the same page.
Michael Wood
Septicanon VS god VS Crusader Who do you folks like most? Cast your vote now, we'll tally up and post the results next thread. No cheating by posting multiple times on user. Looking at you, god.
Crusader is entertaining, both in thread and in the snap group. He may not be the best at lifting advice but he's a solid guy to talk to about stuff. Even if most of it is anime and cosplay and motorcycles.
I don't know enough about septic or god to make a fair judgement so I won't. Maybe they're completely different irl. But at this point I'm caring too much about internet strangers on a fish oil distribution thread hosted on a Taiwanese fish monger forum.
E can't be dropped as easily, the effects take longer to kick in, if your mood turns sour you can't just bail on the compound
Pro's are less pinning but really that shouldn't be an issue unless you're running huge amounts of oil.
Julian Russell
I wonder what tren no ester is like.
Kevin Rodriguez
Lmao was it you who did the art for Colourful Room Laboratories/ Mythological Reptile?
Noah Young
I thought I remembered reading that test no ester is a good preworkout, but I can't imagine what benefit tren no ester would have. I'm not really sure what that is. That Trogdor doodle is from StrongBad.
Angel Martin
Crusader no doubt. You could water down crusader and tenfold his weebness and I'd still pick him within a heartbeat.
Cheers. I mainly run E and keep hearing Ace is better for gains. Maybe I feel like it didnt bring what I want and I'm looking for excuses.
Jacob Rogers
Is nolvadex enough to control my estrogen during a test only cycle 500mg/week ?? I don't have the money to spend on arimidex or aromasin
I'd pick Crusader over anyone. We can talk about Anzu for the rest of our lives
Samuel Phillips
Nvm GWL on SST uses it as their avatar
Ian Rivera
Oh I see who you're talking about now, but all I see is their logo? Either way, it's one of those old internet maymays that people seem to like even though I personally don't find StrongBad as a whole that funny. But Trogdor is just silly enough for me to enjoy. Why didn't you get adex or asin? I was always told if you don't have enough money to get ai then you don't have money to roid. Because even if you don't need it, it's better to have it and not need it than not have it and really need it.
Elijah Torres
Wait a minute, aren't you always giving people shit for ordering from UGL sources? Are you fine with people brewing their own shit (since they only sell raws), or do you just browse the forum and remembered that source?
Thomas Morales
So since Ive been getting too fat on this bulk roidbro recommended I cut at -1000 of what Im eating on now but keep dosages (500mg test, 600mg EQ, 40 tbol) foe two weeks, then start adding +500 every week after that. Thoughts?
Jayden Jones
get letro and dissolve it in alcohol, one tab will last you the whole cycle
Jonathan Price
I mean I get not everyone has access to pharma. Their body their choices. What gets to me is people claiming its just as good/better than pharma (a rare cope, but I do see it).