Does any natural do splits? I’m curious to why, my friend tried my full body and couldn’t finish it...

Does any natural do splits? I’m curious to why, my friend tried my full body and couldn’t finish it. On the other hand I destroyed his split workout easily.

Splits = shit work capacity, why even do splits?

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Almost eveyrone on our shitty commercial gyms do splits.
If you want to know, just say hi to dudes you already know and ask 'so, what are you doing today?'
can guarantee the dude will name a bodypart
but this shit works, some dude in my gym look ok despite being on a split for 3years

Or he could look better than okay doing a high frequency full body or split routine. Bro splits are trash

not our problem if people dont put the effort to do their homeworks

It’s funny how the most inferior muscle building routine is the most popular? How does that even happen lol

Are you talking about like a push/pull split or that gay arms/legs/chest/back kind of thing?

populer equals good
Bet you listen to Nicki minaj, do a split, and eat soi my man

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Okay, but why? People say splits are bad constantly but never say why or what else to do.

low frequency are trash for natties


Push pull legs masterrace reporting in

A push/pull split is fine if you have the time to go 6-7 times a week. That's what I'm currently doing, but I plan on switching to a full-body routine and going every other day if ever my schedule doesn't allow me to go to the gym that often. Anyway, I'm well into intermediate lifts and I'm still seeing significant progress on my lifts while doing this split.
Frequency is definitely one of the most important things as a natty.

Is there any issue with brosplits if you hit most muscles twice a week and focus on compounds?

What does a good full body routine look like? How many days? How much rest? Could you do the same thing every other day or would you need a couple different routines to switch around? pls help


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BRAAAAPPP *sniffffff*
cutie cat heheh

No, but that’s not a brosplit.
all good but I just prefer being in the gym less often but for longer so I do 3x full body

It’s inferior for muscle/strength building. Muscle synthesis occurs between 48/72hours for naturals. Splits train a body once a week, full body you can work it 3 times a week (mom,wens,fri). Therefore training it 3 times a week produces 3x more muscle growth than 1x a week.

Splits are the most illogical routine train chest one day then wait 7 days until you hit it again??? 7 days lol? Your muscle doesn’t need 7 days to recover.

>Do a brosplit
>Don't do any lifting at all

Most people pick between these, because they don't know better. Any and all exercise, performed the correct way, is better than none.
Why do you guys shit on other peoples' routines? If you don't have a body like any of the noble hierarchs of Jow Forums you should just do your thing and stfu.

Internet lifters have a serious stick up their ass about splits, even tho In most gyms the biggest guys follow one.

Most of them start with a large compound movement they want to get very strong at for ego (like bench) and then a load of volume targeting secondary muscles.

It's actually a successful formula.

What if I do something similar to what said? My routines are split by muscle groups in general but I make sure to move things around and hit most groups 2-3 times a week without doing them too hard on consecutive days. I guess it's a mix between a split and full body. Am I a retard?

>all the good looking ripped people on gym are doing brosplits or something similar
>all the people who are strong but look like shit and fat are doing strength routines
Hmm, really makes you think...

you can't say that out loud man. we are surrounded by rippetards.

1) low work capacity
2) muscle protein synthesis is complete within 24-48 hours for most people
3) low frequency is not good for neural and CNS efficiency
4) strength gains for too slow if hitting compounds infrequently
5) maximal hormonal changes occur from hitting more muscle groups (especially legs)
6) more propensity for DOMS and overuse injuries from doing too much volume
7) you look dumb as fuck doing 15 variations of the same excercise

>people doing brosplits are roiding
would you look at that

Do 5x5 but add a few accessory lifts.

Or something like

Day Monday, Wensday and FRIDAY
3x10 squat
3x10 bench
3x10 rows
3x10 overheadpress
3x10 bicep curls
3x10 tricep pulls
3x10 abs

It’ll take 1-2hours depending if your rest in between sets.

On wensday I would swap arms for lateral raises (side, front, back) and abs for flute jam raises(lower back).

This example is far superior to doing 7 workouts for one body part.
Also if you cannot complete this workout reduce reps to 6 and reduce weight until your work capacity increases.

full body is a split too.

If you are doing splits PLUS full body you are prob overtraining and hindering your strength in the days you do full body.

Maybe explain exactly what your workout routine is because I can’t just guess what’s happening...

24 hours lol??????? That means you can train full body 5 days a week lol.

It’s 48-72 hours not 24-48 lol!

user, I...
Have you never heard of Bulgarian?

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another study, same result:

I remember out gaining/strengthening my friends at the gym purely due to me doing full body and then doing splits.

I speak from experience but by all means do splits ;)

Bulgarian is different. I am referring to gaining most muscle growth for overall body. Bulgarian is one muscle group the entire week and it also has the highest risk for injury due to the higher workload on joints/tendons.

Still, multiple studies have shown MPS returns to baseline withing 24-48 hours with trained athletes completing MPS as quickly as 10 hours.