Jow Forums is shit

This board is fucking poison to your mind. It's all about making you feel insecure about every little thing imaginable. Get out of Jow Forums if you care about your mental health. Just hit the gym and forget about talking to the pathetic people here. It's the best thing you can do.

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Why in the first place would you care about what some user says?

sounds like OP got BTFO permanently lol


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Daily reminder

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Jow Forums is structured so that the worst of the worst stick around and anything or anyone worthwhile gets ignored or dismissed.

Nobody can hurt you online without your permission. YOU attach value to what these basketweavers say and lets it put you down.

Your mind is the poison because it has no fucking filter. Stay and develop one or gtfo and get buttmad over something else

what about not having everything fit wants to make you bad about?
try to be tall etc op

Thanks for reminding me of that. Sometimes my mind wanders aimslessly in here and forgets that what is worthwhile is in the outside.

an uncomfortable truth

Jow Forums wasn't always like this.
It used to have a lot of fun active experienced posters fun threads and everyone wanted to help everyone.
Then the JIDF and nsa/cia Psyops and pax europa, and tards from reddit incel and Jow Forums losers, and shills, and the chinese and russian cyberwarriors and LARPing legbeards posting constant tfwnogf threads, and gay agenda it just went down hill from there.

This place is mean and wants to keep people seperate sad sick and fighting against each other rather then helping each other up.

Maybe it's just me but I feel like there's been an influx of spiteful people last year and a half or so. Like said these reddit incel and Jow Forums losers are a bunch of negative cunts who feel like Jow Forums is the place where everybody is a negative loser like they are.

Yes, this place is literally figuratively cancer.

See you faggots tomorrow.

If you get insecure about what people post on a vaguely homosexual image board then you are the problem

Close; Jow Forums was never truly good or healthy. Once the Jow Forums shitheads migrated it got a lot worse, so nostalgia is natural.

Just remember: You are here forever.

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This, it was shit but at last we motivated each other

how to stop this shit

seriously, every time i quit 4shit for a few days i'm thinking like "lel whats Jow Forums up to" and suddenly 4 hours later i'm fapping and wasted another day

this is one of the realiest posts i've ever seen on this site, thank you user and I mean that sincerely.

This except for the misogyny bit. Reality will make you a misogynist or at least in the sense that it's usually used (someone who is anti feminist).

The problem with Jow Forums is that it's mostly irony, reverse psychology, gaslighting, etc. now. If you post seriously you're just the butt of a joke.

There needs to be a resurgence of sincerity or most will eventually get burnt out at the sheer negativity. The bottom line is that this place needs moderators capable of controlling the excesses without being political. I'm not optimistic about that though.

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Any other alternatives tho? I tried being a dirty r*dditor but only lasted like a week before coming back. Is bodybuilding forum any good?

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>I'm a piece of shit, that means you are too!
So fucking pathetic. Like literally every single thing in life, you get out of this place what you put in. Look for quality threads, and make quality posts replying to quality posts. Gee, was that so fucking hard? Use your goddamn brain and ignore the shidiots and filter the broscience. There are some great people and some great information here. Much like the rest of the entire world and all of civilization, these great things are buried under a big pile of utter garbage. Do some digging, faggots, or leave and stop shitting up the board further.

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>try to be tall
"grow, grow, grow"

the insecurity makes me try harder

Nah, you can't change the world, so don't try to. Jow Forums fullstop can be toxic (God help me for using that word) but only really if you let it bounce your brain.

Jow Forums can be fantastic. Useful advice, dark fucking comedy, sick and twisted shit that makes you spit your coffee over the screen. But yeah, if you post pics - expect to have everyone bombing every little imperfect part of your physique and if by some means you look nigh on perfect, you'll probably get people picking apart your fashion sense, height or some other dumb shit. It doesn't matter. Just remember there's a lot of angry, pissed off people in the world whose only way of making themselves feel on top is to knock others down. Others do it for lols because they're not taking it seriously. Be like them. After all, this board, hell, this world, it's just a gameshow. Don't take it too seriously.

Oh and don't go on Jow Forums if you find Jow Forums depressing. That's like suicide central on a good day full of angry white niggers.


Some faggots are like "hurr durr in the past this was better because...." no it wasn't it was always full with people who know shit about lifting and repeat the same memes.

Protip: learn to use the catalog, hide threads you don't want to see and stop talking shit.

>or most will eventually get burnt out at the sheer negativity.
that's where you're wrong, bucko
been here since 2008 and it was just as shitty back then (the Jow Forums board just moved slower)
nothing will change and this place will always hold it's users back

It's because everyone left Jow Forums as it went downhill. That's what happened for me, except I had already been lifting for over 5 years before I started coming here regularly so I fit in better
See you tomorrow

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>even insecure about using a word

xDD nice OP you are right

Don't pretend like that word isn't associated with SJWs these days and that people wouldn't berate or ignore that guy if he didn't add that comment

It is true and we want it to be so

yeah but this was on /v/
at least we're getting healthy and shit right

I browse fit and Jow Forums because I have the rare and legendary ability to separate my online experience from real life

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I'll admit that for some people it could be bad. It sounds pussy to admit it but I can't go on arcanine because it'll mess with my head pretty fast and who knows maybe even depress me. That said I have no trouble with ignoring most Jow Forums shit, and there are plenty of good people here that will give it to you straight at the same time, or brutal encouragement, whatever. I feel like there's less incentive for people to give you false words here and will shit on you when you deserve it. I hang around an improvement discord as well and there's a lot more compliments and positive encouragement but when there's too much of that you're not sure if you can believe it or trust it and it's not as meaningful. I find a lot of other places are sort of like that.

I've found Jow Forums in general a great place to receive both positive and negative reinforcement. I've come to believe that it's important for people to both make you feel like shit for making mistakes (or more appropriately and specifically, make you realize how shit making those mistakes are) and then also pick you back up and give you a shove to keep going and learn from it instead of beating yourself up

Pretty much what this guy said.
And yeah mayte, I'm insecure as fuck. Have to fluff my pillows up every night to remind myself that I'm a man. Roar. Take that you pillow cunts.

>note to self, stop raping pillows.

Jow Forums cured my addiction to vidya and fast food.
Instead of playing 24/7 vidya, I learn something almost everyday.

No, it used to be good. Now everyone rep trades and kisses mod/high repper ass 24/7, don't get me started on the extreme whiteknighting. Lots of the high reppers act like douchebags and play tough while WKing old hags who stir shit up every now and then. It's worse than Jow Forums, at least threads here on Jow Forums don't get derailed by rep-posting and WKing

>healthy and shit
>GOMAD, 12 eggs a day, onions, dry fasting, permabulks, nofap, obsession with putting weight on the bar, no cardio
yeah sure

If you're too retarded to sift through the obvious shitposting and bantz to find the worthwhile nuggets of knowledge, insight and motivation then that's your own damn fault. I have these homos to thank for not killing myself at the beginning of the year and deciding to get Jow Forums instead after my life fell apart. As shitty as this board gets at times, I'll always be thankful for that.

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>learn something almost everyday
yeah i wonder how much of it is actually true or even useful

>No cardio
Son do you know where you are?

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I'm leaving Jow Forums for good after 5 years

Bye guys

based Scoob poster

I won't brb, deleting Clover and blocking Jow Forums rn

I only browse Jow Forums rarely as i have other hobby boards that are better then this one
To be honest, i have improved because of Jow Forums, but you just have to dig through alot of the garbage this site has

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No alternatives, you need to realize that everything on the internet is just a worse version of real life. Go outside and hang out with friends. You'll feel better

The weird thing about Jow Forums is that yes, you're right, but if you skim everything you can still learn what you should be investigating. The mistake is to assume that anything written here is correct on its own.

See you in 4 days

>1 post by this ID

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OP is a smart man, not even me either

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I've been here for 11 years and completely normal. It comes down to whether you actually care and if you can distance yourself from the bullshit regularly posted here.

this, you have to be weakminded as fuck to get your feefees hurt by autists on the internet

Naw, it seems more like there is a concerted effort to make people more insecure about things that don't matter. Wristlet, dicklet, manlet, leglet, necklet, facelet, handlet, etc. And it seems like that it gets reinforced by this constant push for emasculation of the manly man in "Dadbod", "Age of the Twink" that we see in western society. If people are telling you that you don't make muster and pass some arbitrary standard that they set for you the response you have shouldn't be to buckle and fold like a house of cards, it should be that you double down and work harder to prove them wrong. A strong mentality is forged from adversity, discipline only becomes stronger when exercised in spite of and not because of temptation for an easier time. You don't suddenly become virtuous when you sit down and eat ice cream and do nothing. There is no potential for growth in that situation. Take this for what it is, a social crucible and forge a better you out of the shit that exists on this site trying to actively sabotage your efforts.

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Isn't that almost exactly what you're doing, right now?

Nothing wrong with GOMAD or eggs.

Underrated reply

It's Jow Forums losers invading this place.
Feelshit used to be shunned even two-three years ago.

Why did she have to kill herself bros?

>shitposting makes reddit tier faggots leave this board forever

and nothing of value was lost

I come here for the lols. There is some funny ass shit on this board. I fucking love the fph threads and reading about people's fails

You are right OP.

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Can any of you faggots even imagine how much pussy Stallone ran through in his prime?

It does have to offer something: Conversation for introverted people who don't want to feel the pressure of their personality and looks to weigh down on them. More importantly, specific conversation you could probably only discuss with very open minded close friends. I can't talk about different approaches to fasting or routines with anyone I know. I also can't shitpost about miatas or talk about my favorite anime IRL. This website fills a gap for people with thoughts that are not very common and lets them engage in conversation with like-minded people. It might be somewhat of an echo-chamber but there are still people who will challenge your views here and engage in conversation...or just try to troll you, pretty much the same thing.

And then you realize there are countless people like that because otherwise "cyperbullying" wouldn't be a thing.

If you get insecure by the shit you read here then you deserve it for being such an idiot.

Jow Forums's sticky and some random user's advice in a QTDDTOT to check out the 5x5 app made me start lifting.

I don't come here to get information. I come here to argue with other autistic people for fun

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Was Jow Forums always like this? I didn't start posting regularly until last year.
I just remember zyzz,scooby and memes about oats.

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I was gone for 3 years from feb 2015 (gave it up for lent to pay solidarity to my lord and savior and then decided to just keep on not lurking and posting on Jow Forums) to April 2018. Got a gf (thought I never would), didn’t really advance on lifts due to foreign missions and studying with no access to nearby gyms, developed more friendships, graduated, worked for a little.

The problem is day-to-day life isn’t some magical thing that you’re “missing out” on by being on Jow Forums. It’s still a fucking grind, and anything worth doing/achieving is hard fucking work. Believing that you’ll start never using the internet is non-sense, because in this day and age you *have to.* So your alternative entertainment on the internet is... what? Reddit? I’m on reddit, I’ve tried for it to be a form of entertainment but it’s so PC and boring compared to this place. Full of people who take themselves too seriously in the most dull manner possible.

You can hardly beat yourself up for being here. Jow Forums can be negative, but also uniquely funny in today’s world. What are you supposed to do, go live in a log cabin? I feel like incel losers on here shouldn’t leave here as step 1, but to develop real life communities as step 1 (volunteering, involvement at work, local sports leagues). This takes time and fucking effort though, and it’s a constant process. Jow Forums is a decent substitute while you figure out your young life. At SOME point you’ll leave for good, but it will have to be because you have so much going on in your life that you just forget about this place.

Lol, I don't feel that way at all

People are pretty supportive here

Good luck forgetting your BTFO, whatever it was


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For me Jow Forums is the perfect symbol of the internet. Or at least social media.

At the the end of the day, none of us really know each other, but we still come to fling shit at each other. And other times support each other.

I unironically thing Jow Forums is one of the more positive boards on Jow Forums, but that's not saying much.


Good post
Are you a Navy Seal?

This is retarded

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Jow Forums allows me to soak up information from fellow autists on our mutual hobbies. Lurking Jow Forums helps me stay motivated, Jow Forums keeps me politically active, Jow Forums kedps me up to date ect.
It's all about why you use the site

>Take this for what it is, a social crucible

You tell em OP

>Jow Forums keeps me politically active
Sure it does.

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this is some reddit shit
why would you want good arguments

>uuugghh, i'm going to need a source on your opinions there, bucko

fuck off

>people still don't understand Jow Forums is largely a self-help board
use it correctly and improve yourself

>everything on Jow Forums is bad!!!!!!! they're so mean!!!!!

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get the fuck outta here faggot. I enjoy being here and it makes my life more enjoyable because the faggots here make me laugh.

or nofap. Nofap doesn't prohibit sex, but you can be celibate if you prefer.

Yeah it's annoying how much nofap gets memed in each direction. I don't understand why people think it's a black and white thing, either it's fantastic or it's horrible. Everyone has to make their own choice. If it works for you, then do it. If not, don't.

If your autistic enough to let Jow Forums effect your life so badly then you probably were hopeless anyway. I dont use fakebook and Jow Forums is funny as shit, youve just got to learn how to avoid the underagelets and boomers. The people who complain about Jow Forums ruining their life never had one to begin with. Get some real issues, manlets.

There is no conspiracy, i call people manlets because its funny, not to undermine their self worth

is there any legitimate Jow Forums alternative? it seems like this place is really helpful in getting me to the gym and actually has a bit of helpful info on it. i like having an outlet to talk about my autistic interests without sperging out irl
Jow Forums is a fucking cancer and i can feel my life wasting away every minute i’m on here but i can’t seem to pull myself away from it. is there anywhere less cancerous to talk about fitness and shitpost a bit?

funny meme user

>Jow Forums is shit
>has a twitter account

and saved.
thanks user

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no, just moderate yourself

I come back because I relate to the bros sperging out

yeah no shit OP thats Jow Forums in a nutshell. if you come into Jow Forums and ask basic questions that you couldve googled.. AND THEN take everything seriously, u are a dumbass

Jow Forums was the first place i found as a kid that had a community that i could identify with. it actually has a lot of merit imo. i could finally talk with someone about my fucked up mental state or porn or my parents abusing me. the first place i felt i could speak truthfully