Live in an european suburbs

>Live in an european suburbs
>Hit the gym
>we're like 4 in the entire gym, it's always full of people the rest of the year

God bless ramadan, best workout in years

Attached: french pepe.png (487x498, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Huh, do you live in a Muslim-heavy suburb?

almost every suburb in europe is muslim-heavy now

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Yeah, believe it or not, but there are 400 millions muslims living in europe

Do you even Eastern Europe bro

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Ours workout just as much as before. I mean, why wouldn't they, it's nothing but IF anyway

Try working out at 5pm without water after having eaten nothing since the day before and report back

t'es français op?
tu viens d'ou?


>live in a french suburb
>it has a tang brothers import market
>it has a ton of rundown to abandonned clinics
>it's next to a mental asylum
>it's next to big pharma's plants
>it's next to a huge reserve of unstable guncotton
>it's next to the ruins of a petrochemical plant that went boom
>and of course it has a bunch of immigrants
/cyb/ as fuarrrk desu. At least the chink supermarket is good to buy food in bulk.

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Europe is 98% white what are you talking about

Roubaix ici, je compatis.
Ma salle était fermée parce que ces sales arabes de gérants ferment pendant le ramadan.


>tfw they bomb the gym across the street and kill someone elses loved ones

Phew, feels good man

They seem to do just fine.
Obviously it's hard, but it's not like they are doing it for the first time

Say what? Even if you include Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan as "Europe" that sounds implausible.

have you ever been to paris lol

Once. I can believe 40 million, but 400 million doesn't seem believable.

I think that was hyperbole, but the 2012 census showed that 12% of london was muslim and they breed like rats, so give it a decade and we'll see what the place looks like

J'habite sur Amiens et dois y avoir 3-4 bougnouls max dans ma salle, et ca reste des bougnouls soft, pas de la racaille parisienne
force et honneur mes freres

The economic capital of the world for centuries being only 12% muslim is far from a problem, europe is still 98% white, and plenty of the muslims are blonde haired, blue eyed eastern european

>sales arabes

Attached: black pepe.png (420x420, 7K)

I live in Scotland and there's a paki for every native Scot. Don't fall for the bullshit America, once they start coming they wont stop.

Je suis à Lille le ramadan c'est génial y'a pas de bougnoules la moitié de la salle qui disparait
sale histoire ça

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london is literally over 50% non white

on pense à vous aussi, les nègres puants.



Pas d'arabes tôt le matin non plus.

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I'm from europe, Romania, besides gypos here and there I met non white/christian/straight people at 18, while travelling trough europe, and even there they where only in the very big citites, and I doubt what you're saying because while visiting scotland I saw very few pakis/indians, especially in "rural" areas, there where none there

That's not even nearly true, you fucking idiot. Sure, there's quite a lot in Glasgow and a few in Edinburgh and Aberdeen. That's it. Compared to any other country in Western Europe Scotland is a lily-white utopia. Not to mention that pakis here do a better job at integrating than elsewhere.

The whole problem seems bigger than it is because they're massively concentrated in the big cities. If you live in Paris or Brussels it can seem like Europe has become unrecognisable, but in terms of overall numbers things aren't so bad. It's not too late to save the white race - the price is just a few inner city quarantine zones.

Il fut un temps où "se bougnouliser" signifiait prendre des mœurs sénégalaises.

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London is no longer majority "white British", so if you include Poles etc. it's still majority white (although barely).

>colonial nation
>owned half of the world
>literally cpital of earth till USA came into power
>their capital is still mostly white
Wow desu, look what I'm saying, they did it with their own hand, and the consequences are far from how bad they could be, I'm mad myself at their stupidity, but I've come to accept that I can't do shit about it.

Yeah at least we are not a shithole and if you really hate immigrants you can live in countryside (which is 1000× better than city)

Rural areas are pretty much all white. Big city's are rammed with them.

You seem upset.
I live in Glasgow and I'm telling you that you can't round a corner without hijabs and muslims in their mosque garb entering your field of vision.

>hate immigrants

Thats not it.

>spain isnt as bad
>portugal isnt as bad
>is pretty much the same as the USA even tho the USA brought in tons of slaves and is right next to mexico
brits are just stupid

Another Jow Forums thread, good job guys

Then you live in a shitty part of Glasgow. It ain't like that in Hillhead, or 90% of the rest of the country.

>ignore what they're saying and tell them to leave
Glad you're still doing this because it isn't working for you

Walk down buchanan street and count the pakis and indians, you'll hit double digits before you take 10 steps.

I get it, there are more of you than me, just dont expect me to shut up and ignore it.

No shit you'll see a lot in the city centre. That's where they congregate. Now try the same experiment in a city that's actually enriched, like anywhere in France or Belgium, and that'll put it in perspective for you.


Shouldnt have exploited those countries, now shut up and pay the price

Why does it always have to be Jow Forums?
I'll stop to complain about immigrants when they'll stop to be a nuisance at the gym (and elsewhere).

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Tu va a quelle salle a Lille?
J'hésite avec gymstreet parce que c'est toujours ouvert et c'est cher, donc moins d'arabes.


We're paying the price for being liberal wimps is all.


I love how much you guys love Australians, going there for Anzac Day this year was pretty nice

>being this american
Even in germany and france muslims are a minority.

lmao I live in France and its fucking sandnigger land

Je suis à gymstreet rue nationale en vrai elle pas mal et vu qu'il y'a basic fit à coté bah les normies sont partis là bas,y'a un lot d'arabe aussi à gymstreet mais ils sont pas trop chiants

I live in the suburbs in Northern Italy and there's not a single Muslim at my gym, I guess they can't afford the €60 monthly fee (it becomes about 45 if you pay for the entire year in advance). I see a nigger sometimes but he was probably adopted.

>American education
>plenty of the muslims are blonde haired, blue eyed eastern european
Fuck off, most Muslims are Arabs, and most Bosnians and Albanians are not blonde

The French are frog posters... it all makes sense now dam frogs

With the power of google I’ve brought this to you for consideration

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Hé sale fils de pute d'enfant d'inceste, à moins que tu sois un gros lard ou un bobo de merde, tu va dans les hlm de n'importe quelle ville et c'est kebab land , c'est pas dur à comprendre putain

Join a slightly more expensive gym. There's like one nigger in mine and no sandniggers

Ca dépend, je vais a gymstreet de villeneuve d'ascq, que des arabes et des congoïdes
Les poids sont jamais rangés, on parle de bordel pire qu'a baghdad 2014, les types réservent 4 machines simultanément, j'étais littérallement le seul blanc ( a part les 2 roiders habituels qui vivent la bas), ca met pas de serviette sur les bancs, et ils puent ces enfants de pute.

english version : gym is full of shitskins, weights are all over the place, making baghdad 2014 looking clean in comparison, they hog 4 machines each , theres not a single white except me and the two roiders, never put towels on benches so they leave so much sweat i could catch ebola just by looking at it, and they fucking stink.

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It's really sad to see how in Western Europe immigrants are the only ones that workout consistently. Gyms and especially mma gyms are packed with Turks and Arabs.

Now what does this tell us about our future?

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wh*tey masturbate to anime and spend his days shitposting on Jow Forums while Mehmet and Bilal get swole and learn to fight

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ouais les poids sont jamais rangés aussi après je me sert quasiment jamais des bancs mais y'a toujours des DYEL pour passer 20 minutes dessus ou des gnoules qui parlent même pas français pour tourner sur 4 trucs en même temps du coup je passe mon temps à me servir de pic related
D'où y'a autant de Jow Forumsanons redpilled sur Lille

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Nigga what do you think I am doing?

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>des blancs a wazemmes

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En alsace on a surtout des turcs. Ils se tiennent à peu près bien mais on ne peut pas leur faire confiance. Ce sont un peu les juifs des musulmans.

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Hahaha c'est celle de rue nationale même si c'est marqué wazemmes dans l'url,j'ose pas mettre un pied à celle de wazemmes même si elle est plus près

>tfw live in a muslim heavy area of England
>most of the gyms are filled with Jihadi looking teens

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>D'où y'a autant de Jow Forumsanons redpilled sur Lille
Je suppose que lorsque tu es à proximité du problème quotidiennement, tu finis par accepter la réalité. Tôt ou tard.

>it's not as shit as everywhere else right now so there's no problem

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4.9% too much.


that's some bullshit work ethic for someone who left their homeland to make a living abroad

I enjoyed reading the french posts here and vaguely understanding the racial slurs and shitposting. Sounds like you /french/ bros have the same problems as us.

>thanks western canadian shitty french classes growing up