Be Jow Forums

>be Jow Forums
>meet cool girl online
>we start chatting
>hitting it off, conversation is going well
>feel we are actually connecting
>eventually she wants to see more pictures of me (profile was body pic)
>send her face pics
>she blocks me without saying a word
Why was I even born

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If you want me to reply to your thread you have to post your face

Seconding this OP. Show us your dogshit face so we can laugh at and/or sympathize with your

your fault for not using facepics as your avatar

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>posting your face on Jow Forums EVER
sorry but you'll just have to believe me. I'm not even THAT ugly, a solid 6. My hair is shit and I'm balding so that takes off 1-2 points.

no you can post your face on Jow Forums

but it depends on how you act

right now your acting like a cunt so people would tear you apart anyways

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>be fat working towards Jow Forums
>meet cool girl online
>we're chatting
>hitting it off, conversation is going really well
>feel we are actually connecting
>eventually she wants to skype
>she thinks i'm really cute, notices i'm not showing my body
>asks to see
>tell her about my fitness goals and shit
>show her body
>says im well built (i dont think i am)
>demands that we meet up
>set date for tomorrow

Fuck you OP

what's the point anyway. If a girl literally blocks you because of your face, do I need any more validation than that to know I'm ugly?
I wanna cry. It's raining outside so I might just go for a run. nobody will notice.

How can you even compare. You can go from fat to fit, but you can't go from ugly to cute. No matter how much I life I will always be that creepy ugly fuck who compensates with lifting.

Because we can help you improve